I was just wondering about one thing concerning the GTRs... it always occurred to me that their top speed seemed to be a little low, taking into account their absolute power of ~500 bhp.
On the longer straights, the GTRs seem to have only a minor advantage over the much heavier and less powerful FZ50. In the end of the Aston National start/finish straight, the difference is only 20-25 Km/h - of course with 0 downforce on the FZR.
Shouldn't it be possible for those monsters to hit the 300 Km/h-barrier quite easily or am I missing something? It seems they're completely lacking the "oomph" above 250 Km/h...
I didn't want to post this in the bug reports section because I was merely wondering and maybe there's something I didn't take into account.
See the attached screenshots for demonstration.

I was just wondering about one thing concerning the GTRs... it always occurred to me that their top speed seemed to be a little low, taking into account their absolute power of ~500 bhp.
On the longer straights, the GTRs seem to have only a minor advantage over the much heavier and less powerful FZ50. In the end of the Aston National start/finish straight, the difference is only 20-25 Km/h - of course with 0 downforce on the FZR.
Shouldn't it be possible for those monsters to hit the 300 Km/h-barrier quite easily or am I missing something? It seems they're completely lacking the "oomph" above 250 Km/h...
I didn't want to post this in the bug reports section because I was merely wondering and maybe there's something I didn't take into account.
See the attached screenshots for demonstration.