I'm willing to bet there is a BIG difference between me driving a Ford/GM vehicle and those who state they haven't had any problems with theirs. You guys who say they are quality vehicles with no problems, give it to me for a day, just 1 day. I will return it on a trailer that evening. All I will do with it is drive it in the same manor I KNOW and HAVE driven my Toyota 4x4 on the road

Do this test, when you surpass 100,000 miles, drain all the antifreeze/coolant out and never again do an oil change. Beat on the thing taking it to redline very very often. When you hit 200,000
miles (not km) tell me how it runs. I'll tell you, my 88 4Runner ran just fine. It never had antifreeze and I maybe changed the oil once or twice from 105k when I bought it to 190+ when I got rid of it. I only got rid of it because I wanted to go back to a pickup truck to haul stuff while I fix/remodel areas of the house. Oh yea, and that 88 4Runner was also totalled twice, once by telephone pole and once by a deer jumping out in front of me. I put it back together both times with junkyard parts as I didn't carry insurance on it. So, for the final year I owned it, it actually did have antifreeze in it. I had to dig the radiator out of the front of the motor and fan and replace it. It actually held antifreeze with the new one. And I did check the oil level in all those miles driven without changing. It never used or leaked a lick of oil. The only thing I did to that truck other than replacing tires and brakes was I changed the clutch at 150k. I of course had to test out the Centerforce II clutch system and lit the tires up in 3 gears, no problem. To prove a point to coworkers, I was the crazy guy who would say, "oh yea? Can you do this in your Chevy?" and put my foot flat down on the throttle. wwwWWHAAAAAABAABAABAABAA.... as it sat and bounced off the 7500 rpm rev limiter. Never do I fear that my Toyotas are going to leave me stranded out there on the road. Indestructible.
Over here in the states, we say, Toyotas, VWs, and Hondas aren't even broken in until 100,000 miles. Best running vehicle I ever had or driven, including brandnew off the lot vehicles, was my 89 Toyota pickup that I bought with 92000 miles. Unfortunately, I wrecked it at 136k. You couldn't even here the motor run it ran so smooth. And I did NOT baby that thing. It was thrashed in the woods, it was my ultimate camping vehicle, driven across the river, street raced, mud bogged, jumped, you name it. I even recieved $2500 over the value when it was totalled because of the shape it was in. You could have fried a steak on the manifold it was that clean at 136k.
Anything from Toyota with the 22RE motor in it is pretty much bulletproof, as in indestructible. I can't say that about the 2 Fords I've owned and destroyed with under 60k on each, or any GM I've driven with over 60k on it.
As for VW, my buddy in college, who is now my brother-in-law, had an 83 Scirocco. We raced all the time. He was worse than I was at beating on a car. The speedometer quit working when he had 190,000 miles on it. He drove it for another 3 years or so and he drove a lot of miles. The guy who bought it from him still to this day, drives it. I see him every day on my way to work. That was in 1992 when the speedometer broke with 190k on it, 14 years ago. Though for the sake of the arguement, it may now have a rebuild on the engine, I don't know yes or no.