The online racing simulator
Quote from Jakg :not really - Momo is JUST as good as a DFP

Back from school are we? DFP has more rotation then Momo. And better FF.
Suits me just fine.
I've got a MOMO. I would like a G25 but mainly because it has a clutch pedal. The 900 degree rotation would be cool too. But I'm not spening £160 odd quid on one that's for sure. Reckon the price may come down in 6 months to a year.
more rotation? yes
Better FF? queestionable - it restricts motion, and i've never heard that it has "better" FF
And how's the DFP's paddles?

The G25 pwns both, but i dont see how the DFP is THAT much better than the Momo

And no, im not home, i'm still at School...
Hahahaha! I finnaly have S2! ^.^
And I just order the G25 too. Ahh... Soon life will be good... Oh so good... See you all on the track!
welcome m8
Hello everybody!

I'm new here and I thought I'd introduce myself to you all..

I bought a license yesterday after trying out the demo and
I'm loving it!

atm I'm doing the training and practising to get the hang of things
but I hope to see some of you soon out there on the tracks!

May we have many great races together in the near future..

Greetz, Fred
Just so you guys know, I just got S2 the other day! (Haven't had much time to try it but I will tonight. Loving the autocross too.)
Hello people! Been playing the LFS S2 demo for almost a week now (since last sunday) and I just wanted to comment on what an awesome game this is. I've had plenty of fun playing it online against others mostly on servers with BL gp track with an XFG. It's nice that there are these low-powered cars that aren't awfully difficult to drive, even at first, so the learning curve to have some serious fun is lower as well.

Had a blast tonight playing quite late and the last 5-lap race was simply the best one I've experienced so far. Made a couple of cool and controlled passes after making one small mistake at the end of the first lap, which in the end cost me the race, but the cool racing that took place after that more than compensated for it

I saved the replay and put it online in case someone wants to take a look: ... ast%20for%20a%20noob).zip

Any tips on improving my lap time are very welcome.

I think I will buy this game soon, so I'll see you on the race track!
Hi all

iv had lsf about 2 weeks and its very good i mostly drive the FZ50 GTR and had my first taste of racing on the aston national track last night ( hope i didnt hold too many ppl up ) i was kinda mid field so some setup work is needed

Quote from Veracious :Any tips on improving my lap time are very welcome.

You certainly do not drive like a first timer . There's not much to say about your driving, really. Though perhaps that you might be going into T3 (after the back-straight) a bit too hot. Brake a tad sooner and less so you enter and hold around 111 kph through the corner. Smoothness and stepping on the accelerator as soon as possible will get you fast laps.

Also, you may have found the pass on lap 4 easier had you eased up on the throttle a bit before you nudged the driver in front. When you are so close to someone's bumper at the beginning of the straight it could be better to drop back a metre or two to make most of the drag, and complete the pass before the next turn.

Quote from NotAnIllusion :You certainly do not drive like a first timer .

I have raced a couple of times in different games before, so I guess that might explain it. Namely the grand prix games, viper racing and nascar racing 4. In nascar I actually played in a league for a few races back in 2001, which did give me a lot of experience. I haven't played almost any racing games since, only a bit of gp4 each summer in a lan with a friend but I wasn't particularly good at it since I never took the time to actually practice it that much.

The games I've played have almost exclusively been fps games and they've been tons of fun playing competitively in a team. I haven't really done that for the past 2 years either however because it consumes so much time. I think it would be a nice change to see what the online racing community is like and get involved in a league where you can race other people and have some good and fun competition going on.

Quote from NotAnIllusion :There's not much to say about your driving, really. Though perhaps that you might be going into T3 (after the back-straight) a bit too hot. Brake a tad sooner and less so you enter and hold around 111 kph through the corner. Smoothness and stepping on the accelerator as soon as possible will get you fast laps.

Thanks for the tip. I'm still experimenting with different ways to enter the corners, so it's good to hear these.

Quote from NotAnIllusion :Also, you may have found the pass on lap 4 easier had you eased up on the throttle a bit before you nudged the driver in front. When you are so close to someone's bumper at the beginning of the straight it could be better to drop back a metre or two to make most of the drag, and complete the pass before the next turn.

Yeah, those were my thoughts too exactly when I was bumping the car infront in the back-straight. From previous experience though, I did not lift the gas because I was afraid that he might get away so I would only be left with less speed. That's why I didn't lift it too much. Next time I will try a different approach however.

Quote from NotAnIllusion : Welcome

Thank you
New To The Game.....
Whats up, my name is mike and i'm from youngstown, ohio in the usa, and i've been playing the demo for a while until i recently bought the whole game, and all i have to say is WoW!!! I'm an addict to this game, on of the most realistic racing simulation games out there Thanks
as new as as an egg
hi guys

Im a newbie to lfs and looking for any good tricks and tips which i cant find anywhere else

thx olip
are there any addon cars
hi again

I was searching the forum and I was wondering if there are any cars to add on.
there aren't

I'm lepad_ae86. I'm a new player of lfs. I really like the control in this game. I have a toyota ae86 for drifting in real life, so i like to drift in lfs too... I will practice a bit before joining the online race. If theres a drift team interressed in a new drifter, just ask.

See you guys on the track.
Thought I'd say Hi not sure weather to get a S2 License, when the game updates to S3 will we have to pay to upgrade our license and doe's anyone know when S3 is coming out? thanks
Quote from Adamboston :Thought I'd say Hi not sure weather to get a S2 License, when the game updates to S3 will we have to pay to upgrade our license and doe's anyone know when S3 is coming out? thanks


Go ahead and buy it. In the long run, it won't matter. Here is why.

Currently, pay £24 for S2.

When S3 comes out, those with S2 only pay an additional £12 to upgrade to S3. Those WITHOUT S2 or S1 will have to pay £36. Either way, S3 is going to cost the same in the long run. The diffrence is, if you buy S2 now, you have something to play while you wait, and you can give your opinion on how the game should develop!

And to the famous "when will S3 come out?" question, there is one answer.. Well, two. Short and Long...

No-one knows. Not even the Devs. Rather than set a release date, they work and work and work until they have it right. Would you rather a bugged, rushed product with a release date; or would you rather a slowly developing product you can play as it gets better, and when it finnally reaches it's pinnicle... no matter how far away that is, you'll be confident that the product is bug free because YOU helped get it that way!

When it is time... When it is ready.

EDIT: Annnnddd...
As I post that, I notice it says: "Adamboston; S2 licensed". Welcome to the club!
^^ What he said

Welcome to S2.. I see you already made the leap. It's a good decision that I'm sure you'll never regret!

You should kiss your social life goodbye for a bit, though.. before it disappears too far into your rear view LFS mirror
lol i had S2 licsense for 3 days already got pro on all of the training....but you online racers blow me away your so good, even team inferno setups dont keep me within striking distance of the guy thats second to last (im usually last lol)

im thinkin i play alot of F1 games, infact every F1 on PS2 since 2001, and i've always found out setting up yourself is a much better way of getting faster is this the case with LFS if so can somone help now im not expecting for somone to take me through it all but is there a file or somthin somwhere explaining what all the different clutch settings and stuff do i know the basics such as ride hight, toe, camber, antiroll, bump/rebound damping..... but most is a mystery

any help appreciated
I don't recommend downloading any and all setups that are "fast", "best" etc. They may be miles away from your driving style.
Quote from SamH :^^ What he said

Welcome to S2.. I see you already made the leap. It's a good decision that I'm sure you'll never regret!

You should kiss your social life goodbye for a bit, though.. before it disappears too far into your rear view LFS mirror

I've been playing for a few months on demo but resistance was futile when it came to wanting S2 A few clicks with paypal and I was in

Great Stuff too! Just need a decent skin now
Quote from SuperMassive :lol i had S2 licsense for 3 days already got pro on all of the training....but you online racers blow me away your so good, even team inferno setups dont keep me within striking distance of the guy thats second to last (im usually last lol)

im thinkin i play alot of F1 games, infact every F1 on PS2 since 2001, and i've always found out setting up yourself is a much better way of getting faster is this the case with LFS if so can somone help now im not expecting for somone to take me through it all but is there a file or somthin somwhere explaining what all the different clutch settings and stuff do i know the basics such as ride hight, toe, camber, antiroll, bump/rebound damping..... but most is a mystery

any help appreciated

Check that out. Bob Smith wrote a wonderful setup guide a while ago. Although LFS has changed on some points since then, he keeps it mostly up to date (including mentioning for several settings that it is no longer adjustable).

Setups are probably the most interesting blend of an art and science I know of. There are some things that you just have to 'feel' what is the right setting, while others can be roughly calculated and tweaked.

Also, the guide isn't a bible, so to say. If you feel better using a diffrent setting than he recommends, then do it. I know a lot of fast people who are quick with a Locked Differincial. I, however, like my tyres, so I don't use it. There are some people that like 100% parrell steer, 0% parrell steer... Some people like tight cars, some people like loose cars, while others like neutral. Its your driving style, build your setup to acommidate it.

I know this means that you'll usually be playing the roll of engineer, crew chief, driver, AND pit crew most of the time. If engineering isn't your thing, ask for setups online after/before a race (they can send them instantly). Experiment with diffrent people's setups, and find someone's style that suits yours.
Hello community, I'm currently racing 3 ai cars with the demo and I'm very impressed. The physics are making me lose 2 to 3 hour chunks of my life. This is the first pc racing sim that i've tried and it is VERY good. Not that I race, but I have pushed cars up and down some exit and entrance ramps @ quite a bit more than a spirited pace and I can say that for my meager experience lfs gets it pretty *!#$*@ close! I look forward to upgrading to s2 and "in time" challenging drivers online who i can only imagine are super quick!

New players say hi here
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