g25 help
(20 posts, started )
g25 help
I feel like a massive idiot asking but....

I had everything set up just fine. I clicked something (no idea what) and I cannot get it to go to 900 degrees. the logi profiler and LFS are both set to 900 but its acting like its still stuck at 200. Also, no matter what, the clutch is auto. I select the axis, the axis shows movement, but it does not affect the clutch pedal (yes i have it set to axis and shifter as tranny type)


any help?
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :Hmm. Sounds like it's broken and needs to be returned. PM me for Logitech's address in York, UK. They operate out of a flat above a print shop.


Any real ideas though? I got the clutch fixed, still having issues with teh full 900 though
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Uninstall the software completely, make sure all instances of the controller software or any drivers are removed. Unplug the G25, do a fresh install of the 5.0 software from the CD, and then when you come to the calibration/detection screen, plug in the G25 and WAIT until it has found everything (it will take a while and add lots of hardware), and then proceed in the detection process.

Doing this is necessary if you have a corrupt install, and having a bad install does give you these wierd 200 degree issues and stuff. This should fix it, if you do it correctly
have you tried unplugging it, or plugging it in another usb slot? Sometimes mine seems to screw up and wont let me change steering lock and i just re-plug it and it works.
Quote from thisnameistaken :Hmm. Sounds like it's broken and needs to be returned. PM me for Logitech's address in York, UK. They operate out of a flat above a print shop.

#6 - mcman
Quote from turbo4door :I feel like a massive idiot asking but....

I had everything set up just fine. I clicked something (no idea what) and I cannot get it to go to 900 degrees. the logi profiler and LFS are both set to 900 but its acting like its still stuck at 200. Also, no matter what, the clutch is auto. I select the axis, the axis shows movement, but it does not affect the clutch pedal (yes i have it set to axis and shifter as tranny type)


any help?

Please do not just "take it back". Please listen to Tweaker as he has a great deal of understanding about G25 and LFS. Also, I can tell you from my experience, setting up G25 in LFS was frustrating for me and required me to consult others, like Tweaker, to get it right. Once you understand the relationships between the various configurations it makes sense, until that happens it seems that something is broken!

Now, just an insight to users that have "wierd" problems with G25. If you have a PlayStation 2 and something like GT4, you can plug in G25 to check function. That is, there are no "graphic card confilcts", no "processor/OS" conflicts. The H shifter is not supported, but everything else works "out of the box". So, if it works with GT4 on PS2, you can look to your PC/game settings for possible setup/configuration issues without sending back a perfect unit only to get another that has the same "wierd" issues" that turn out to have nothing to do with G25. Good luck and I hope to enjoy your G25!

One Note though, G25 may boot up on PS2 with the wheel "off center" after the calibration cycle. This is normal and will not affect driving. Once you start racing you will see that the wheel is perfectly centered!

Another Note: The DFP button sequence to shift from 200 deg to 900 deg mode does not apply to G25. DFP has a mechanical sliding "stop" that the button sequence moves in and out. No such stop exists in G25.
A shame. Although it was pointless at 200 degrees, I tried a DFP like that and it was noticeably less than the Momo, I just didn't have the precision to drive right. Kinda pointless really. A 540 degree limit would be awesome though, better than FF stops (it still has those, right?)
Quote from Bob Smith :A shame. Although it was pointless at 200 degrees, I tried a DFP like that and it was noticeably less than the Momo, I just didn't have the precision to drive right. Kinda pointless really. A 540 degree limit would be awesome though, better than FF stops (it still has those, right?)

Yeah FF stops. They are really strong though, so it's not like it is a bad thing. Feels better to have FF stops anyways, since you aren't banging against something that could get weaker over time.
well I'm normally ok with this kind of stuff but for some reason this one is kicking my ass.

Dont worry about me taking it back, its not going anywhere. It was working just fine with the 900degree. I was messing with the Logitech profiler when it happened. Now the wheel will randomly shake with FF rather hard. The only way I could stop it was to exit the profiler completely. I'm sure its some sort of hardware profile issue but I can't find it. I've uninstalled and reinstalled a few times but it keeps the profile for some reason.

Also, is there a way to set the clutch so that its not auto (i.e. if i put it on shifter from the options) if i dont use the clutch pedal the car will stall? Right now if I take off even without the clutch it will auto operate the clutch. If I push it in, the clutch works like normal and I can coast but at a start I dont need it. Not very realistic. Any way to change that?
Currently LFS does not feature stalling
Where you pressing any buttons when trying to configure the G25? The controller comes with 'preset' FF tests for each button on the controller.... just so you can see how it works (like flat tire, car crash, etc). It will shake violently if you press a button in the controller configuration screen. Your screen should look like this if everything is properly installed.

And this is how my controller is setup. Set yours to 900 degrees and LFS's to 900 degrees and you should be fine in LFS. However LFS doesn't have a car that uses 900 degree of rotation, the highest is 720. Whenever you choose a car, goto the Steering section in the garage/setup screen, and see what the car's steering lock is. To have the best lock-to-lock feel and have the wheel stop at the right amount of rotation, you'd have to alt+tab out of LFS and change the rotation in these config screens I've attached. I do it this way, so my controller doesn't rotate an excess amount.
Attached images
g25_control screen.jpg
g25_control screen_tweak.jpg
Thats the strange thing, its set to 900 in both places, turns 900 when I go to the profiler settings (your first attached image) but in LFS its stuck on 200 it seems. I played around with the presets just admiring the FF in teh wheel (bridge, car crash etc) but the strange FF i'm getting in-game isn't like that. Its just a back and forth left/right of about 75 degrees of rotation.

Its really got to be the drivers for the logi profiler at this point I would think. It (the random FF in LFS) stops and I can get almost 900degrees of rotation in LFS w/o the profiler enabled.

Guess I'll do a clean reinstall of the software and drivers again when I get home from work. Tweak, can you post your in-game LFS controls screen so I can see some of those settings (i.e. wheel turn compensation, etc)?

I'll post up with any changes. Thanks for the help so far
The bad thing is I dont want to use the full 900, just that the wheel will do it so I want to know it actually CAN!
(need to feel i'm getting my moneys worth..lol)
Quote from turbo4door :Its really got to be the drivers for the logi profiler at this point I would think. It (the random FF in LFS) stops and I can get almost 900degrees of rotation in LFS w/o the profiler enabled.

Just to be clear, you are setting the game specific settings in the Profiler, not the global device settings, right?

In the Profiler, you create a profile for LFS and have it selected (so you see a "Play LFS" button on the top-left of the dialog, after the Select Device and Select Game buttons), then you click Edit menu and select the Specific Game Settings... option on the very bottom. This will bring up a dialog where you can set a specific amount of wheel rotation for LFS.
#14 - Davo
In stead of starting a new thread I'll just addtot his one.

I'm having trouble with the centering if the wheel. It will calibrate fine but then while playing it'll go off centre and need to be calibrated again unless i use the wheel to straighten out but hold it not centred and it's annoying.

Here's a screenie of my LFS settings, anything I've missed? I've come from a mouse so not sure on these things.

ok well I worked out I was calibrating the wheel wrong and moving it from left to right instead of just keeping it centred, now it's all good.

Anyway, how do the rest iof my settings look?

Exactly...the preset FF are awesome (flat tires, bridges, etc.) but when i play LFS with my G25, the FF when i hit a wall or curve or rumble pad, the FF is very weak...i have my FF in LFS set to 200 and still very weak... Anyone know how to get it stronger? Also, i feel like driving a manual steering car instead of a power steering car (GTI), is this right? (my first wheel).
Thank you!
#16 - Davo
Quote from kuomaster :Exactly...the preset FF are awesome (flat tires, bridges, etc.) but when i play LFS with my G25, the FF when i hit a wall or curve or rumble pad, the FF is very weak...i have my FF in LFS set to 200 and still very weak... Anyone know how to get it stronger? Also, i feel like driving a manual steering car instead of a power steering car (GTI), is this right? (my first wheel).
Thank you!

Maybe your FF isn't on in the logitech settings? Check out Tweakers screenshots above. I have mine set a bit higher because I like the harder steering especially on the fwd xfg/xfr it feels real and not some crappy honda with light steering.
Quote from Eric Tetz :Just to be clear, you are setting the game specific settings in the Profiler, not the global device settings, right?

In the Profiler, you create a profile for LFS and have it selected (so you see a "Play LFS" button on the top-left of the dialog, after the Select Device and Select Game buttons), then you click Edit menu and select the Specific Game Settings... option on the very bottom. This will bring up a dialog where you can set a specific amount of wheel rotation for LFS.

that may actually be the problem. I'll fire it up and have a look at that. THanks
It seems its a Problem with the profiler. I think its conflicting somehow with something else thats USB. Perhaps the keyboard. I use a logitech Dinovo keyboard (wireless with USB reciever).

ANy thoughts?
#19 - Davo
I was having all sorts of trouble with my MX518, the software kept bringing up errors and I had absolutely no idea what was going on. In the end simply plugging the mouse into another USB port fixed the problem and everything started working. Perhaps change your usb devices aroudn on the ports? I kmnow the G25 needs a USB2.0 port and it changes some settings to make it poll at 500Hz so its uber sensitivity works.
Quote from Davo :I was having all sorts of trouble with my MX518, the software kept bringing up errors and I had absolutely no idea what was going on. In the end simply plugging the mouse into another USB port fixed the problem and everything started working. Perhaps change your usb devices aroudn on the ports? I kmnow the G25 needs a USB2.0 port and it changes some settings to make it poll at 500Hz so its uber sensitivity works.

Hmm, i do have some USB issues (some ports work, some do not)

Think this may be a sign its time for an upgrade

g25 help
(20 posts, started )