It was indeed an enjoyable race. We entered it since XRR is my favourite of GTR cars, and this was nice opportunity to have a little endurance race, and also to try to win something useful by doing what we like.

A bit of a shame that more drivers didn't enter to make it more interesting but I'm sure it was nice experience for everybody, and it seems like this was first ever longer race for many people that drove on Sunday.
The prize was, of course, another motiv to race here, and we intend to use it for a new Serbian LFS community site and new league we are planning, so thank you very much to the organizers.
Btw, to be fair, Casper also used reset button on the very final lap, but I guess it wouldn't affect the standings since other team also used it, and if looking stricly by the rules we both finished with only one car at the line.