We will participate in the race! Looking forward to a good fair race where everyone finishes!

Teamname: Revlimit Racing Team (RRT)
Driver 1: Der_Dude (lfs-Playername)
Driver 2: p.maishaupt (lfs-Playername)

cu on sunday
I'm having a lot of problems emailing some of you who sent me their details so that I can send out the password, unfortunately. It looks to be a problem on my end.

So I've added the server password to the original post; sorry, but if anyone joins who's not on the entrant list, they shall be kicked.

Also, we shall be running the alternative race format tomorrow, details of which are in the first post.

Happy racing!
I'm in... Maybe my team mate and I will drive separately... will see...
According to your post, the server should be online for practice. But i can't find a server with "WOT" in the name... Is something wrong?
Quote from Der_Dude :According to your post, the server should be online for practice. But i can't find a server with "WOT" in the name... Is something wrong?

There seems to be an issue with 500servers.com and servers not being displayed in the master list. If you just directly connect to WOT.Racing using the password you will find us
So that was it...
After nightmare connection in 2 qualis I've only managed to make one flaying lap in first session but I did better in the next sesion...
Still I started from behind thinking how my race will last for only half of the first lap. But... I managed to do whole hour of racing before disconnection (I was expecting that after those qualis...).
I rejoined, drove few more laps, just to have them on my account, 'cause this is enduro (all completed laps should be counted)... Then another disconnection, and than I said "ok no more...". Didnt want to ruin someones race if they maybe disconnect because of my reconnecting.
I was 7th or something, I think, when I disconnected (if we exclude those who used "space" or "shif+s").
I made new public PB (not the real PB) in the race. I raced for little more than an hour - the longest race I ever had on my own.
I should be happy considering how the things were standing before the start and how little I practiced for this and considering this is my first ever S2 official race...

Thanx for good organization, thanx to who ever participated...
(speedway) DELETED by speedway
Quote from speedway :was an interesting race for me.....spent about 80laps catching bean0....and every time i got him, i made some stupid mistake a few laps later......i felt like i passed him about 10times in this race

Yeah, you were obviously faster than me but it made for a good fight, shame about your puncture.

Thanks go to everyone who raced, we'll get some results online and let the winners know how to claim their prize over the next few days.
Was a fun race! Was awesomely outclassed, respect due to the guys from cyber racing. You scare me, but in a good way.

Sadly I managed the most pathetic bow out of a race, but losing the back end under the bridge, and sticking the back tyres in a gravel trap. Doh.

Still, was fun while it lasted and very clean racing from what I saw.
I agree with the people who posted before me. It was a fun (LONG) race with fair racing all around. But its easy to drive fair with only six people on track for most of the time.
We admit, that Maishaupt resettet his car after an incident in the first corner. We where not aware that this was against the rules and we are sorry for that. I roled over once at around lap 30 but i landet on the wheels and was able to continue.

For future races i would sugest to allow reset and/or Shift+S. If you even change the race format to have more people on track it doesn't make much sense to punish every mistake. As we saw, people will not drive more careful anyways. A lot of crashes happened in the first fifteen minutes. But thats just my opinion... :-) I hope to see you guys sometime in the future for another race!
I have ran LFSStats over the race replay, but it didn't seem to want to do the qually ones.
Something seems to be up with Metalheads data, as I'm sure he did more than 9 laps.

Race Stats

I have also PM'd Cyber Misko about how to claim the webhosting prize.
Quote from Bean0 :I have ran LFSStats over the race replay, but it didn't seem to want to do the qually ones.
Something seems to be up with Metalheads data, as I'm sure he did more than 9 laps.

Race Stats

LOL that strange... I did more than 1 hour....
BTW can someone upload replay because of my disconnection I dont have it
I want to see if there is something strange in that 9th lap... maybe way to big lag?

I know what was the problem...
When I had that disconnection after 1h I rejoined and did that 9 laps and than I had another disconnection...
It was indeed an enjoyable race. We entered it since XRR is my favourite of GTR cars, and this was nice opportunity to have a little endurance race, and also to try to win something useful by doing what we like. A bit of a shame that more drivers didn't enter to make it more interesting but I'm sure it was nice experience for everybody, and it seems like this was first ever longer race for many people that drove on Sunday.

The prize was, of course, another motiv to race here, and we intend to use it for a new Serbian LFS community site and new league we are planning, so thank you very much to the organizers.

Btw, to be fair, Casper also used reset button on the very final lap, but I guess it wouldn't affect the standings since other team also used it, and if looking stricly by the rules we both finished with only one car at the line.
Quote from Misko :

Btw, to be fair, Casper also used reset button on the very final lap, but I guess it wouldn't affect the standings since other team also used it, and if looking stricly by the rules we both finished with only one car at the line.

So i became second? Yeeeehaaaa! :-) Of course the prize still goes to your team, you earned it by totally kicking everybodys ass!