Non-Radioactive grass
(24 posts, started )
Non-Radioactive grass
How come the dust on the grass is green? Does LFS calculate the particle color based on the color of the texture?
I think it does - but just because it's green doesn't mean it's radioactive - in fact, most highly radioactive stuff is produced in such small quantities you wouldn't be able to see it anyway.
Yeah, we really need those individually modeled grass leaves which fly realisticly when you drive over them
just have 2 textures for such an instance; one for the ground and dirt, and the other for grass which wouldn't be smokey, but rather.. 'patchy' with little grass streaks, and then also lower the amount of smoke that comes out when your on the grass down to a lower amount
#5 - Gunn
Many circuits paint their grass and run-off areas anyway, so in those cases the dust really is green! :magnify:
I think if you actually see glowing radioactive material out in the open without any barrier between you and it, you're probably going to die real soon...
Kinda off-topic but all my smoke is green, even normal tyre smoke, how can I change it to look more realistic?
that can happen if you run in 16bit colour
Or if you have the colored tyre smoke mod...
Quote from duke_toaster :I think it does - but just because it's green doesn't mean it's radioactive - in fact, most highly radioactive stuff is produced in such small quantities you wouldn't be able to see it anyway.

Radioactive stuff doesn't glow green ya know..
That's just made up by hollywood.
Quote from KillerMonkey :Radioactive stuff doesn't glow green ya know..
That's just made up by hollywood.

Of course it is. Last time I checked plutonium was a grey colour like any other metal.
If people could actually see radioactivity with their eyes they'd probably be far less paranoid about it.
Getting a little off-topic here, but anyway...

My father once told me he (or a relative of his) had a periodic table with little pieces of all (or most) the elements actually on it. One of these was Uranium.
#15 - JTbo
Fork lift drivers bad monday, eh?
Quote from KillerMonkey :Radioactive stuff doesn't glow green ya know..

I know that, I am not a dumbass...

And BTW, a small little piece of uranium will not hurt you unless it enters your body. It cannot get through your skin. You'd be at risk of skin cancer depending how long you are exposed, and how much.
Quote from JTbo :Fork lift drivers bad monday, eh?

Whoops! Did anyone see? Nope. Carry on normally

It is just radioactive, not hyperactive
(deggis) DELETED by deggis
why isnt blackwood all BLACK ?
how is grass radioactive and also is this science class? do i need to do homework?
#20 - CSU1
Quote from kenyks324 :how is grass radioactive and also is this science class? do i need to do homework?

nope, u just need to stop trolling
wow this is an old thread

anyways while on the subject.. i can't wait to see more realistic grass pieces being shot out of the wheels rather than a dust
Quote from kenyks324 :how is grass radioactive and also is this science class? do i need to do homework?

WTF are you doing? How do you find a thread THIS OLD?
#23 - CSU1
Quote from wheel4hummer :WTF are you doing? How do you find a thread THIS OLD?

shuuuuuuush! he's using teh search feature IT MUST WORK ! YAY!
#24 - wark

Non-Radioactive grass
(24 posts, started )