Jak, you are soon going to overtake me in the Sadness Ratings. Personally, I can't wait, there is less stigma being 2nd. But you've only been here a year, I've at least had a couple on this forum
At last I can take the mickey out of someone else.
Edit: I shall ensure you beat me by editing this post rather than adding a new one below. Muhahahahahaha
Sssh. Has it really only been 14 months here? It seems like two or three years ago that we were blessed with the riddance of RaceSlowCentrals (admittedly useful) forum, and the speed/cleverness/privacy of this one.
I guess beer won.. so here it is: Sternburg Export, less than 30 Cents for half a litre , mediocre taste, brewed according to german purity requirements => good deal.
I forgot to take your age into consideration illepall
Cider is of course the choice of the younger generation to drink in bus stops and parks around the country, anyone who didn't had a mis-spent youth.
I recommend using a syphon tube, oh the memories.
Beer, beer, we want more beer,
All the lads are cheerin',
Get the f***in' beers in.