I'm surprised someone from the states didn't say anything. Like you guys a few days ago in Canada, we have our Thanksgiving in November. So, what do you guys do for Thanksgiving? We eat a lot of turkey and pumpkin pie.
I don't know about the rest of the US, but here in Pennsylvania our absolute biggest holiday is in November. What could be bigger than Christmas? Thanksgiving? Easter? In November? First Day of Buck hunting! My brother brought his wife up from Texas to visit for the first time a while back. She asked "Ya'll (that's 'do you all') hunt a lotta deer up here?" Honey! Schools close, businesses close, probably 80% of the workforce that doesn't get the day off for the first day of buck is usually "sick". And Texas is suppose to be a redneck state?
Oh yea! MooseHead, Labatts, down from the south of me-Corona. Good beer all around us in the US. A shame US beer is so lousy.
Buck hunting you say? Well, I've never gone hunting in my life. Doubt i ever will. But if it rocks your kazbah go for it. Go ahead and buy a camo cape to. would work well.
For those against harming animals, try some Paintballing. (Woodsball, preferably). That's a (relatively) harmless afternoon of fun... and pain. Much pain. To the males, I suggest wearing a jock protector of some kind. Trust me.
Yea, I don't hunt myself. But in school I loved hunting season because out of 800 in my grade, there were probably only 50-100 there, LOL. Now-a-days, there isn't any school on the first day of buck and it is a paid holiday for a lot of employments.
Most definitely. My younger brother-in-law wanted to do some paintballing as he had a few extra guns. I said, sure. Of course we were at his house, where he came out in full camo gear. Yea right! What was I wearing? A bright yellow freakin sweatshirt, LOL. We headed into the woods anyways. I was ducked behind a tree trying to see where the heck he was. I poked out and BAM! Came about 2-3 mm away from hitting where I really don't want to be hit! I yelled "That's it! I'm done!" LOL. This was when my wife and I were still dating. I guess he didn't want to have any nieces or nephews after the wedding, hehe.
One note on the paintball fun instead of hunting. You DO NOT want to go out in the woods paintballing during hunting season. The hunters have an advantage of bright bright orange where you would want to blend in for paintball. Not a wise idea. When hunting season begins, I stop riding the 4wheelers, 4x4 truck, dirtbikes, mountain bikes.... I don't want to be anywhere near the woods. There are hunters everywhere. Especially this weekend as archery season has started and you are not required to wear orange for archery IIRC.
Well if I am to buy 3 more crates that would fill my desk with beer, which I'm starting to think it was made to house. Why else would 24 bottles fit so well.
Go Novembre!!! The LFS Moosehead drinking challenge "Over 18's only"!
Who's in???
We will have to drink as many bottles of Moosey in a given time period, and then race against each other on a PRIVATE track
The winner will get the LFS Moosehead trophy
It's Fawkes, btw, not Forks! LOL! My dad knew one of his descendents. Lived somewhere near where they used to film Emmerdale, IIRC. Tried to blow up Parliament (Guy, not me dad's friend). He failed, so we burned him alive.
You mean Esholt? Heh, I spent years here, my mum and dad went because they heard they filed Emmerdale there (this was when I was in school), then went back and back and back weekend after weekend, infact we spent so much time there we became locals. Me being one of the many children was dragged along too. One weekend my mum wanted to stay for the week, and to me staying for a week ment a week of no school, so I stayed too. That week I ended up singing with two of the Dingles. Good times.
CSU1, if we have that competition I'd need to order some more Moosie.
And a random did you know: Did you know the correct spelling of "font" is "fount"?
Actually, the farm they originally used was the other side of Otley, years ago. Esholt is where the Woolpack was. It's all been migrated to the grounds of Harewood House, north of Leeds these days. I haven't been to see, but I gather they built an entire village there. How much it's based on Esholt, I'm not sure
It's very far from it, if you look at old Emmerdale, and new the village is very different, the thing is last time they moved they had the plane crash, so they could change how the village looked, this time it happened over night.
But what is a fun fact, the vet practise in old Emmerdale faced into the same area as the Woolpack, the post office/shop and everyones house, but IRL it faces away from it (I was also friends with the people who owned the house and spent a lot of time playing in the "vet" part of the house). And the restraunt/cafe everyone gwent to was behind all the houses and across a small park, yet again on TV it was on the same street. TV magic is fun