The online racing simulator
What are you (m/f)?
(133 posts, started )

Poll : What are you?

I never meaned boys are better or something like that....But there's a scince fact that hormones decide how you behave.Ofcourse the enviroment affects it widely but hormones do change your instincts.I know things that i wouldn't say here just beleive me...

And discovery channel does make difference.It is not a magazine channel it is not based on ratings.It keeps you updated about science and enlarges your horizon. And just about this, there was a programme about a girl deciding to become a man.She was being injected artificial steroids periodically.In the end they didn't announce all the effects but there was many things obvious she had better reflexes and stamina according to physical tests.

So small amount differences of hormones make you better competitor.Woman or man, sex doesn't matter.
So if I win a race my testosterone levels must be raised so I was effectively 'masculinised'? But if I was at the back of the field that's where a girl should be?

I think you are putting too much prevelence/importance on hormones. Hormones as much react to the body as the body does to hormones.

Hormones stimulate parts of the body which are 'receptive' to the hormone. There's no point me injecting testosterone before a race, if I dont have all the testosterone receptors for it to stimulate.

Typically I am very different behind the wheel to men too, the way I remember a track layout (landmarking, exclusively), the rational of race strategy, the radio chatter on corner or straight, all exhibit feminine traits when I am racing, yet apparently I must be a testosterone junkie because I do reasonably well?
#78 - SamH
Quote from Becky Rose :apparently I must be a testosterone junkie because I do reasonably well?

Umm... RAC? Ring any bells?

::runs away, arms flailing::
I'm male. I like cars.

But I also like what might be referred to as stereotypically girly things. I act (which occasionally involves singing and dancing, although I confess to hating and being rubbish at both), I used to horse ride, I quite like chick-flicks more than the average male admits to, I'm a soppy romantic at heart, I prefer clean things (unlike 'men').

But I can park, and my spatial awareness is very good (most of the time).

So maybe I'm a tom-boy trapped in a males body. Oh well, it works fine for me - I wouldn't change me for the world!
it is not the hormones that decide you are going to be a girl or a boy.
Girls sometimes have higher tes.


Sorry to type it in red.
Can a mod close the topic please.
#81 - Jakg
Quote from tristancliffe :But I also like what might be referred to as stereotypically girly things. I act (which occasionally involves singing and dancing, although I confess to hating and being rubbish at both), I used to horse ride, I quite like chick-flicks more than the average male admits to, I'm a soppy romantic at heart, I prefer clean things (unlike 'men').

...what, like driving your MX5, wind in your expensive hairstlye, with your life-partner, Derek...

Oh, and locking it with yours being the last post... illepall
You know, sibblery rivaly is one thing, but if you really want to motivate someone to do their hardest to beat someone/prove someone wrong. Have your teachers tell you you're too stupid to take GCSE I[C]T, and the best job you could get is a binman. You go out of your way to show them up. I know I did, I was aiming to be a sci (was my best subject), but after being called stupid by teachers, I've spent the rest of my education proving every teacher wrong I can, which means I spend a lot of time being kicked out of lectures and have a lot of members of staff in every educational level wanting me dead.

Life is good.

Quote from tristancliffe :I'm male. I like cars.

But I also like what might be referred to as stereotypically girly things. I act (which occasionally involves singing and dancing, although I confess to hating and being rubbish at both), I used to horse ride, I quite like chick-flicks more than the average male admits to, I'm a soppy romantic at heart, I prefer clean things (unlike 'men').

But I can park, and my spatial awareness is very good (most of the time).

So maybe I'm a tom-boy trapped in a males body. Oh well, it works fine for me - I wouldn't change me for the world!

Or you're a tom-girl... tony-girl... yar. But lets face it, any gentleman is like that. Maybe, sounds somewhat like me, though I have up horse riding on the basis that it started to hurt too much when I landed on myself.
Quote :Umm... RAC? Ring any bells?

::runs away, arms flailing::

Eh? No. What are you talking about?

Sorry to type it in red.
Can a mod close the topic please.

Are you perhaps thinking of adrenaline?

Testosterone does directly effect strength, but strength is not needed in every sport. In motor racing for example the only 'strength' you need is to cope with oversteer (hense I always drive with understeer) and at the top you need strong neck muscles.

EDIT: Also a testosterone 'boost' will not give you more strength suddenly, it is simply a case that muscles have androgen receptors or something which means people with higher testosterone get more physical strength 'over time'.

I'm a wimp, incidentally.
#85 - SamH
I'm male, and not dissimilar to Tristan in several ways.

I was a bit of a thespian in my youth (starting with Joseph when I was 10, in 1976 - a pretty early production of that musical, in the history of the thing). I stopped acting out of necessity when I moved out of the country, and the village I moved to had no "community theater" (AmDram). Since returning, I've been itching to get back into it.

I'm not opposed to a chick-flick, but I'm as much into action films. I'll watch anything, if it's good.. and I define what's good by its content, rather than surrounding peer-pressure.

My spatial awareness is exceptional, but tempered with a fear of consequence. I CAN ram a car down a really tight road, at really high speeds, and I can squeeze between two parked cars with blistering accuracy - I can plant my car perfectly with an inch or two either side, without dropping below 30mph. It's fear that stops me - fear of sheep/tractors, and fear of passenger doors opening. It's not that I can't do it.. it's that common sense prevails.

Am I missing something? Why close the topic?
Quote from Becky Rose :Are you perhaps thinking of adrenaline?

Testosterone does directly effect strength, but strength is not needed in every sport. In motor racing for example the only 'strength' you need is to cope with oversteer (hense I always drive with understeer) and at the top you need strong neck muscles.

A strong bladder doesn't hurt anyone though, which is an advantage of being male, we can hold it for longer.
#87 - Jakg
*cough* FE RallyX Green, STCC, Safety Car *cough*
#88 - SamH
Quote from Becky Rose :Eh? No. What are you talking about?

I just recall you chucking out some near-expletives while pootling around various STCC tracks in an RAC
I can drive the safety car slowly and not spin, hense no accidents yet in the STCC, I just tend to thrash it pre-event and crash a lot - that doesn't mean i've got lots of testosterone though? It just means i'm racing the RAC on rallyX.
#90 - SamH
Quote from Becky Rose :I just tend to thrash it pre-event and crash a lot - that doesn't mean i've got lots of testosterone though? It just means i'm racing the RAC on rallyX.

Nahh.. means yer a girl

When I run away, with my arms flailing, my fingers tingle. Do I have high blood pressure?
It depends how vigorously you flail. If you flail in a rotary motion at high speed, you turn your arms into centrifuges, force your blood into your hands, and it tingles. Then it hurts as you burst capillaries. Then it REALLY hurts when your arms fly off.

So stop when it tingles.
how old are you Becky?
"OMG, you have the Scout Ranger Joe???? And that is the new grade
camoflauge, luckyyy!!!!!!!!! That's hecka cooool!!!!!"

huh ?

( Just Joking dude )
Attached images
Say What - small.jpg
Quote :how old are you Becky?

31/female/fenlands/single and not interested.
OMG, lfs forum turns into MSN chatroom dating.
No no no no no. Don't do it to us, where's your sense of self respect?!

Still no "other" -option

And what's up with these self-analyzing comments?

If we look at the car choises and compare them with the gender, we see some obvious relations:
UF1 - Jesus (turn the other cheek, etc..)

FOX - girly
XFG - girly
FXO - girly
FZR - Uma Thurman

XRG - whatever
FZ50 - whatever

FXR - hermafrodite
RB4 - - hermafrodite
BF1 - hermafrodite

LX6 - Manly
XRT - Manly
XRR - Manly

FO8 - James Gandolfini

RAC - Flavio Briatore
Quote from Becky Rose :Testosterone does directly effect strength, but strength is not needed in every sport.

It can also:
- affect some motor skills (which are obviously muscle-related) and the reaction speed. But it won't help much for muscle memory, that'll only come with training.
- regulate fat storage.
- affect which parts of the brain are more active. Apparently women who've undergone testosterone treatment become less "emotional" in a way. (they just react differently to emotion-evoking situations - less prone to crying or such)

Quote :Also a testosterone 'boost' will not give you more strength suddenly, it is simply a case that muscles have androgen receptors or something which means people with higher testosterone get more physical strength 'over time'.

And again it doesn't even work as directly as that - it has alot to do with the secretion of somatotropin (the "growth hormone"), which can be influenced by excercise amongst other factors. And even then it's not necessarily a strength increase that will show up.
I think somebody above is confusing front wheel drive with femininity, but the last I checked most road cars where front wheel drive... I guess that means men should stop driving and leave it to us women, who we all know, have far less accidents.
Quote from Becky Rose :31/female/fenlands/single and not interested.


Fenlands reminded me off a few weeks back when I went to the campus club (yeah, who'd have funk it was possable), the girls I was with got totally hammered and at 2AM we decied it would be a good time to leave, buy a load of hoola-hoops and make a hoola-hoop tower.

Ss we were about to cross the road to goto the garage they noticed a bus that said "Finglands" so decied it was going from England to Finland and couldn't quite work out why they couldn't get a ticket to England. Good times.

Quote from Becky Rose :I think somebody above is confusing front wheel drive with femininity, but the last I checked most road cars where front wheel drive... I guess that means men should stop driving and leave it to us women, who we all know, have far less accidents.

Far from true, women have less car totalling accidents, but have more accidents in general, just usually cost 50p to get a dint popped out or a touch of paint slapped on here and there.

[edit: Every car I've driven has been RWD, either a four pop or a v6, girly cars really.]
Hyper you forgot few cars

What are you (m/f)?
(133 posts, started )