@ Tristancliffe,
I know what your at trying to get me to fill that "Wrong Post" thread with cheese tut tut
I'm wide to you
and yes I got rid of quite a lot last night lol, chees on crackers, cheese on well....just about everything you can imagine lmao and I kept on sneaking little chunks in with the bars and sweets
:doh: ffs not this bloody thread again although you may be onto something there, but my house already stinks of cheese lol!
I think I'll try melt and mould it and make a sculpture of me and sell it for one milion jaffa's
I found jaffa juice, had me laughing for a while, my gf was wondering what was going on. And in brand markets they don't sell jaffa over here, but in aldi's, the no brand stores, they do sell jaffa cakes. I was amazed