Live For Stats and LFS-report
(67 posts, started )
#1 - Knarf
Live For Stats and LFS-report V1.0 released !
Hi all,

Today CLRS530 and I released a tool to generate stats about lfs-races.

CLRS530 created the 'Live for stats' part (the program that generates result files) while I created the 'LFS-report' part (a website that converts the result files into a webpage).

Live for stats can be found here :
LFS-Report can be found here

The advantage of our solution is that the stats are produced while you race (no need to play the replay after the race)

If you find any problems please let us know so we can fix those.

Today we made our Final stable release with version 1.0 of my program and also a bugfree version of LFS Report.

There is a Howto on the page

and here an example of how it looks now ... _race32.xml&cssstyle=

There are not many new feautres in this version but many bugs fixed, we tested much the last days/ weeks so we know there aren´t big bugs in now

There is one new feautre that you can save the stats to any time with /mso !save read more in the news on the page.

Knarf released the code of his script LFS Report so you can host it on your own server.
#4 - Knarf
Today we released V1.0 of 'Live for Stats'.

The php website lfs-report also had lot's of bugfixes and you can also download the source of lfs-report now.

We had debug sessions every almost every night since the initial release and we tested a lot so it should be stable.

We are very pleased with the 'ease of use' of our solution. Now you can have stats of a race within seconds after the race finishes
Hey guys,

I haven't tried using the tools yet, but I've been looking over the webpages and documentation and they look really good and easy to use. Nice work.

Just a quick question: I get the impression that the Live for Stats tool works in single player as well. Does it support both hotlapping and practice modes?
Hi, yes you can use it in Replays (max should be 4x), Single Player and Multiplayer.
Also you can use it in practice, there you can fly to pit and your driven laps won´t be resetted (like in qualify too).
I have to say, I never tried it with Hotlaps but I think it works as Practice does it. Will try it now :P

Hotlapping is also no problem. and you get practice in the name, if you used [MODE] or [MODE+] as a tag
Good job
Nice work guys.

A couple of questions though ...

I want to run the stats from my host and have them become automatically available from a webpage on the same host. So ...

Do the XML files have filenames that include the date/time created?

Can I create links to LFS-report (on my host) giving the filenames as opposed to URLs?


<a href="lfsreport/index.php?qfile=20061022213000q.xml&rfile=20061022221300r.xml&cssfile=">Sunday 22nd October 2006 10:13 pm</a>

Above shows a link to see the LFS Report for a qualifying session and subsequent race that ended at 10:13pm on 22nd Oct 2006.

Hope that makes sense.

First good news Knarf finally made Split by Split availible instead of Lap by Lap ... 2_race32.xml&cssstyle=

If you look at this page again the graph is now per Split


Yes you can use a filename you want, you can specify it in settings.
For that you have unique filenames you can use this Tags

[DATE] -> the date on your system in this format: yyMMdd for example 060928
[TIME] -> the system time in this format: hhmmss hh=0-24 for example 201501
[TRACK] -> short form of the track name (like in Output File) driven in the last Race for example KY1, BL1
[MODE] -> Shows if the last challenge was a "race" or "qualify"
[MODE+] -> Same as [MODE] but it adds the laps of a race or the time of a qualify behind it
for example qualify60 or race10 [PLAYER] -> Number of Players in this Output File

(from the documentation :P)

Thats the default one "filename-code" stats_[DATE]_[TIME]_[TRACK]_[MODE+].xml" and the filename will look like this for example stats_060928_201501_KY1_qualify60.xml

For your second question:
No, you have to write the local host before the xml files

I hope that helps
Thanks for the reply, CLRS530, and sincere apologies for not reading the documentation first :guilty:

I've now had a chance to play with both Live For Stats and LFS-report and I'm sure I can do what I want with them :thumb3d:

One small problem ...

I cannot start LFS on our server using Live For Stats. I get an error message say that the config should contain /dedicated=nogfx which it does.

Any idea why it's failing?
Hi OldBloke,

Yes you are right, this is a problem.
You added /dedicated=nogfx to a link-file to LFS? Cause if you start lfs from the program LFS will be run only with /insim=XXXXX
I will add an value to the ini file to run LFS with additional parameters.

But now you can run LFS without the program and set the insim port manually, use the same you typed in the program 35743 is the default one.
Then you can run Live for Stats and it will also work.

Known issues
- You cannot start LFS with additional parameters out of Live for Stats
- If there is White space in the path to LFS it won´t work
Fixed both problems, upon the next version you can change the value "parameters" in the ini file (I will add it to the settings screen now too) to maybe parameters = /dedicated=nogfx.

The issue with white space in the filename is fixed too.
Sry for triple post :/

I uploaded a new version 1.16. You can use a admin password if needed or start LFS with additional parameters also some bugs are fixed.

See the changelog, news entry and the documentation for details

At least here is the download link
Live for Stats 1.16

@OldBloke it should now work if you type /dedicated=nogfx [INSIM] for Lfs Parameter. If it doesn´t work try forst [INSIM]
I'm still unable to get this to work

If I try to start LFS from within Live for Stats then I get the '/dedicated' error message even though I have /dedicated=nogfx in my setup.cfg file.

If I add /dedicated=nogfx to Live for Stats parameters then LFS will start but it is offline with no error message.

If I start both programs separately then type /mso !deactivate I get 'InSim is not open' message.

I've tried adding /cfg=setup.cfg to Live for Stats but that fails with 'too many startup parameters'.

I've tried various insim ports but I just can't get Live for Stats to communicate with LFS.

if you add the cfg to live for stats and [INSIM] try to change the order (if you get too many parameters). I had the same, if you change it I think it should work.
I don´t know if it´s a bug from LFS, only not best implemented or if I did something wrong :/
Quote from CLRS530 :if you add the cfg to live for stats and [INSIM] try to change the order (if you get too many parameters). I had the same, if you change it I think it should work.
I don´t know if it´s a bug from LFS, only not best implemented or if I did something wrong :/

I'm sorry but I'm not clear what it is you're suggesting I try
Quote from OldBloke :I'm still unable to get this to work

Ok, I tried for myselv...

Quote from OldBloke :If I try to start LFS from within Live for Stats then I get the '/dedicated' error message even though I have /dedicated=nogfx in my setup.cfg file.

That cannot work, cause you don´t load you config file.

Quote from OldBloke :If I add /dedicated=nogfx to Live for Stats parameters then LFS will start but it is offline with no error message.

I think thats right, but here you don´t load your config too, where you describes what to do ?!?

Quote from OldBloke :If I start both programs separately then type /mso !deactivate I get 'InSim is not open' message.

Do you added /insim=<serverport> to your config? if you do this it should work

Quote from OldBloke :I've tried adding /cfg=setup.cfg to Live for Stats but that fails with 'too many startup parameters'.

You can add only /cfg=setup.cfg to the parameters and add /insim=XXXXX to your config then it should work.

I hope that helps now.
Quote from CLRS530 :

You can add only /cfg=setup.cfg to the parameters and add /insim=XXXXX to your config then it should work.

I hope that helps now.

Thanks for the help but it is still not working.

By doing the above I can get Live for Stats to start LFS successfully but no message appears in the server's console (should there be? ) and when I try any MSO commands it fails with 'InSim is not open'. I have /insim=35742 in my cfg file and have even entered manually into the console. Is there any simple way to see if the two are communication? Is the fact that the server is empty an issue?

I hope you can help as this stats package is absolutely ideal for the needs of my racing community.
Yes you are right, there should appear a message, I got no one too I think.
The problem is I don´t used a dedicated server for myselv yet, so it´s hard for me to help

I will ask someone who hosts the server for my league he got it working
Quote from CLRS530 :... I will ask someone who hosts the server for my league he got it working

Any joy?
Sorry, don´t saw him yet, but I didn´t forget it.
Maybe another serveradmin who use this tool or could use it, can say something to it?
Quote from CLRS530 :Sorry, don´t saw him yet, but I didn´t forget it.
Maybe another serveradmin who use this tool or could use it, can say something to it?

Could you not download and run the LFS dedicated server and test your app locally?
1. run LFS and typing /insim=35742
2. run live for stats
live for stats closing. in TCPView open port for LFS (attach 1)

1. run live for stats
2. run LFS and typing /insim=35742
LFS can't open port 35742. In TCPView no more LFS only live for stats (attach 2 and 3)

p.s. sorry for my ugly english
Attached images
Yes k, will try it

will try to understand
Knarf & CLRS530, thanks for your programs.

How do the program manage the remplacement of a pilot by another pilot in a team's race?
Can you display the stats for all drivers of the team and the time spendind in stands?
You mean the time on pit stops?

No, thats not possible, because LFS sends no message on a pit stop. It was possible to manage with the help of the chat, but thats not really a good idea because I could do that only in english

I don´t know whats on a driver change, never did that in LFS, it depends what LFS behaviour is, if the new driver drives with the old name (from the other one) there will be everything ok

@ OldBloke, I can confirm, I don´t get my program to work with the dedicated yet

Live For Stats and LFS-report
(67 posts, started )