Well i'm new at skinning, i've made a few skins but yesterday i was talking to some guys about my newer skin and how when you convert it to JPG for upload to lfs server it looses quality, the decals and logos looks crappy now:arge: so i was sad to see all my work turned to crap, and even more since lfs resizes the skin to 512 for others to upload.:doh:
I know this has been discussed before and maybe you skinners out there already know this (but i didn't and i just want to share it).
I use paint shop pro, and i work at 2048, when the skin is done i resize it to 1024 and then save it as JPG.
What i did was, go to "save as" choose JPG and then in "options" set compression factor to "1", by default this was on "20" so the final JPG size was 132k, now with this set to "1" the JPG size is 360k (still under 400k requierement by LFS for upload) and the skin looks so much better, it doesn't look as good as it does when on 2048 of course but it really does look better.
Again, i'm a skinner noob :noob: but i did a search on the forums to find answers about the skin loose quality issue and i didn't find anything, so here you go, if you didn't know about this now you do, and if you already did why didn't you tell me? :chairs:
And for photo shop users i'm sure you have a similar option there on the "save as" window.
Hope that helped
I know this has been discussed before and maybe you skinners out there already know this (but i didn't and i just want to share it).
I use paint shop pro, and i work at 2048, when the skin is done i resize it to 1024 and then save it as JPG.
What i did was, go to "save as" choose JPG and then in "options" set compression factor to "1", by default this was on "20" so the final JPG size was 132k, now with this set to "1" the JPG size is 360k (still under 400k requierement by LFS for upload) and the skin looks so much better, it doesn't look as good as it does when on 2048 of course but it really does look better.
Again, i'm a skinner noob :noob: but i did a search on the forums to find answers about the skin loose quality issue and i didn't find anything, so here you go, if you didn't know about this now you do, and if you already did why didn't you tell me? :chairs:
And for photo shop users i'm sure you have a similar option there on the "save as" window.
Hope that helped