The online racing simulator
Use of chat clients and LFS
(6 posts, started )
Use of chat clients and LFS
since my friends dont have a mouse with more than two buttons, what can they use to press that doesnt make that anoying boop.....boopboopboopboopboopboopboopboop noise.


EDIT: I mean over Ventrilo or Teamspeak, we like to use push to talk and need a non-annoying button, that when pressed, does not make that wierd noise.
I use vent every day, I know what you mean, you press say CAPS as ur pres to talk and it goes "BOOP"

For ventrillo, delete the sound "MicKeyUp". That is the "BOOP" noise.

EDIT : On TS i dont hear a "Boop" and on vent every key you press for P2T makes "BOOP" unless u delet the file I said
hmm, never had these problems. using teamspeak, PTTK is ALT (im mouse driver so it works ok for me ).
you shouldn't have to delete anything with ventrilo, theres an option called "play key clicks", simply turn that off and it should end.
#5 - SamH
I use teamspeak, and if I'm going PTT I assign the right control key. The left and right control keys are treated separately as different keys in teamspeak. The shift, ctrl and alt keys don't repeat. Actually it would be nice to be able to assign a controller button for this. hmmmm
Could he mean the sould LFS plays when you press an unassigned button?

Use of chat clients and LFS
(6 posts, started )