The online racing simulator
Aura and Woody named and shamed - also potential hackers.
I bring with regret, that 2 LFS members of the community are named and shamed, for their hacking outside the LFS community, and for Ramming.

Normally I'd put this into the wreckers barricade and cd league forum due to where the event took place, but this situation exceeds their expectations.

I have lost my msn account, due to password change, so I can't get in. They threated to change my "sucking" password, and succeded.

These two replays will indicate their behaviour on LFS. They are also hackers. As explained from above. As of now, I am trying back my e-mail account. Which is becoming a struggle, as they keep changing the password themselves. This link represents what they are going to do to my account, and how poor their ramming driving is.
Attached files
Aura deliberate blocking.mpr - 1.7 MB - 333 views
#2 - troy
did you try lost password already on msn? didnt see the replay so far
but looks like you had bad luck next time take a secure password
then such stuff shouldnt happen
Quote from troy :did you try lost password already on msn? didnt see the replay so far
but looks like you had bad luck next time take a secure password
then such stuff shouldnt happen

Yeah, and as of now my account is temporary unavailiable.

It's not a big loss anyway , but it can affect other members if not dealt with.
Shame about this, i was racing with these guys on the CD server, and they seemed cool. I hate it when you think someones nice, but really they are scum.
Aura, if it is the driver with flames on his fxr skin, completely speared me last night at the chicane (aston nat= condodgers server)

i was following him for a good lap right up behind him, never touched him, but was constantly backing off the throttle to stay away from him, i knew he would make a mistake, and he did, so i passed him before the chicane, to which he drives straight for me and did a pretty good javelin attempt at my back quarter, protests from other drivers who were following did not seam to be noticed by any admin at the time.

might not be the same bloke, but I'm sure the name was the same, bit of a tool TBH

there was numerous times on the lap i could have easy nudged him out the way, but i never, i would rather they make a mistake themselves, and he did LOL just not expected to be such a bellend about it and then blatently wreck the faster driver :rolleyes:
#6 - ZORER
i got flames on both sides of my black fxr that i'll drive in the league.But i haven't been online for about a week. i'll check the replay to see if they'r usin my skin.

Edit : No they got blue-black estonian skin.
it was not you, i have raced you before and you are fine

the name was aura, that i am sure, if others have had problems on CD server with him/them, it must be the same person/s

last nights racing was like a bloodbath half the time :eek:

i dont normaly complain when i am punted off, it happens, that is life, but i did think last night was over the top, and was suprised to see a thread about the same person LOL
#8 - ZORER
What a shame. I love playing LFS due to the respect on the track. I can play on the Redline servers for hours with nothing but clean racing and respect on the track(maybe turn one gets a litte hairy but thats part of racing). thsees toolboxes should stick with Mario Cart where the belong.
if you go to the msn website you can get the forgot my password, they email it to you, you log in and change it ASAP
Even if there is a name&shame no-no on this forums, these two have goddamn deserved to be mentioned. They are really bad crashers - worst I've ever seen I'd say.

Does anyone remember a post that took place here about a month ago? It was mentioned there that a clan named "myg()t - the harassment authority" had put lfs on their harassment list. maybe two members of them finally decided to buy a license to go harrassing on lfs servers because they could not crack the licensing system of lfs

Disclaimer: the above paragraph was a joke - don't take it too serious
Quote from S14 DRIFT :if you go to the msn website you can get the forgot my password, they email it to you, you log in and change it ASAP

That was the case, but unfortunately I have to wait, as the "sign in" failed as someone else is trying to log in, or I tried to log in too many times.
#13 - Jakg
what about the secret question thingy?
Quote from Jakg :what about the secret question thingy?

What secret question?
#15 - Davo
Have your password reset and sent to your primary account that you nominated. That way even if they cnanged the secret question they won't be able to get the password again. The secret questions is usually something like what is your dogs name or mums maiden name.
#16 - Jakg
if you do forget your password they can reset it for you, eiter send it to the alternate email adress you set up, or by you providing the answer to the "special" question you made when you signed up (ie "What is your mothers maiden name?")
Yes you should be able to do that, If you cant try to contact MSN and tell them about the hackers, they can check the logs for you account and prove that your case is genuined to them

Good Luck
wonderfull. a possible hacker added me on msn. i thought it was strange when he "couldnt remember" why he added me. blocked him though.
dont block, DELETE.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :dont block, DELETE.

i did both, delete and block. i find it wierd when strange people add me for no reason. if they have reason i keep them (like ultimateracedriver, hes cool)

actually iv taken my address of the forum now just because i dont like peple adding me who i dont know
If anyone adds me whom I dont know, I just dont accept the invitation thing . My MSN Was hijacked a while ago, I am much more careful now
finally got round to buying s2 the other day

well ive been playing on the big servers with 20+ people races with gtr cars. seen that aura geezer yesterday. seemed alright when he was in front of me; but what a derkhead! as soon as i get past him the c*nt rams me off the track! everytime he kept doing this - i just had to stay ahead of him. never saw the other guy though.

i think devs should take a look at this and ban them from lfs for life.
I agree. accidents in race happens, and he goes mad and starts crying about it .... nab ...
some poeple dont deserve internet connection
Well, give him AOL and watch him suffer!
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