The online racing simulator
Cleanup : Off topic requests
(92 posts, closed, started )
Quote from RAYfighter :If you mean chat channels known from other online games, then pretty please yes. Private messages and Team messages are quite important things in LFS too, I think. Example: If we wanted to discuss pitstop strategy with teammates, we had to switch to MSN during some league race. Same when my teammate acted like a fool, and I really didn't want to teach him in front of other players.

May I suggest you and your friends to use Xfire. It's a messenger program designed to be used with (online) games. You can open chat window in game without exiting LFS. Also it can be used as VoIP like ventrilo or skype and uses very little computer resources.
Quick questions to dev: I like the player's positions on the map, just wondering if maybe you could put a different color for the players who are laps behind everyone else.
Hello, since U20 patch me and some friends have problem with penalties system.
If we driving up 80KM on pits we dont receive anymore the 2 first penalties (stop&Go and pass through) but directly the 3rd penaltiy (30 sec.).
Are another of you have see this too or are we alone ?
In first i think is maybe lapper convenience but same problem without lapper active.

PS maybe only french version trouble ?
Quote from gwendoline :If we driving up 80KM on pits we dont receive anymore the 2 first penalties (stop&Go and pass through) but directly the 3rd penaltiy (30 sec.).

That is if you are within the last 3 laps of a race, then you don't receive a drive through or stop go, but a time penalty instead.
Ty Scawen
I had think a moment my LFS is "infected"
Have i missed something where is writed ?
Ok i do explain that to lapper dev to detect too 30 sec penalties to remove persistant fast drivers on pitlane.(too much drifters piss off yours penalties system and disrespect this too much easyly....i'll ban them from my hosts)
Question: Has the latest patch changed the turbo modeling of the XRT? I get a little more boost shown on the gauge AKA the needle goes a little off the scale
an expirement's result: i can get through the wall without damage
Attached files
@kukac@_BL1_XRT.spr - 19.8 KB - 369 views
Quote from Live For Kill :an expirement's result: i can get through the wall without damage

It wasn't the "wall", it's barrier - collision detection may overlook such contact, especially since you were running over 200 km/h, and eventhough you got some damage there (I saw the replay), it apparently didn't come up to expectations. I don't think it is such a problem, though. When you "pass through" those Blackwood chicane barriers like that, you always loose control and can't be faster than drivers going the right way.

Maybe the damage system could be more precise (could my computer handle all those computations btw?), but it's good enough for racing, in my oppinion, already now.

Sigh this is so repeating topic.
C'mon Scawen, you know we lov u, but when will u start solving the aero physics? And when will we have new tracks and some better cockpits?

Better sounds... brakes heating... engine waste...

Sorry, can we wait for any christmas gift?
#61 - Don
Quote from Speed Soro :C'mon Scawen, you know we lov u, but when will u start solving the aero physics? And when will we have new tracks and some better cockpits?

Better sounds... brakes heating... engine waste...

Sorry, can we wait for any christmas gift?

you havent really read the rules of posting in this section, did you? People like you will just slow down the process.
Quote from Speed Soro :C'mon Scawen, you know we lov u, but when will u start solving the aero physics? And when will we have new tracks and some better cockpits?

Better sounds... brakes heating... engine waste...

Sorry, can we wait for any christmas gift?

Are you just trying to wind me up?

Is it a joke? I don't really find it funny.

Hmm. I guess I could ask you the same...

Are YOU going to give us a new sim with physics updates, better than LFS, and will it be a Christmas gift? I hope so, that would be fun. I hope it works well online and doesn't have too many bugs, so we can all enjoy it, as a seasonal hobby over this winter. Yeah I'm quite excited actually. Something new, great!
Real productive, Soro *applause*
dont bother him, he is just highly excited to LFS right now. when he calms down, he will think out that 3 ppl cannot work so fast. Cleanup.
Quote from Speed Soro :C'mon Scawen, you know we lov u, but when will u start solving the aero physics?

Then show your love and help everyone pin down any outstanding issues on these test patches so it can all finish sooner and have an official patch released. That would be one step closer to all the nice things you're asking for, and we'd all (I'd imagine Scawen being first) would love to see in LFS.
Scawen, I don't know if that would be possible or if the U-series patches would be a good place for this, but useful request for you:
Would it be possible to have a packet that says when cars pit in or out? Like entering and exiting the pits area/crossing the line. Not actual pitting. It would be useful (believe me) to have a packet that can tell when a car is driving through the pits. And if it is possible, telling us where it is
Or does that already exist?
That is really an off topic request, and I'm not taking requests now.

I suppose you mean an InSim packet? It's one I would not like to provide, because it would be easy to code cheats like instant release of the speed limiter, to save a second here and there.
Ya I meant an insim packet. And the use of it would of been to tell wether the driver is on a flying lap or if he aborted lap, or if he's on an outlap. The purpose of this would of been to limit the number of flying laps to say 12 per driver, on a qualifying server that is run throughout a week. So that the total flying laps possible is the set number, but drivers can drive as many incomplete laps as they wish by driving through the pit lane when they feel their lap was not good enough.
Quote from Nick_ll :Ya I meant an insim packet. And the use of it would of been to tell wether the driver is on a flying lap or if he aborted lap, or if he's on an outlap. The purpose of this would of been to limit the number of flying laps to say 12 per driver, on a qualifying server that is run throughout a week. So that the total flying laps possible is the set number, but drivers can drive as many incomplete laps as they wish by driving through the pit lane when they feel their lap was not good enough.

Hey, Nick - we had a thread about it here. I quoted Scawen's post in there, so perhaps as it's an improvement suggestion we can talk about it there?
Quote from KiDCoDEa :just a side note, audigy cards have since birth been plagued with crackling issues, never to be solved via driver, motivating group protests etc.
i dont own one and followed the controversy at a distance but someone owning one prolly can give a summary of that whole situation.

There WAS a driver for the Audigy card that solved the crackling. But then Creative quickly changed the version and deleted all traces of the version from their site. I used to have that version, but now I cannot get my hands on it. But I haven't searched deep enough
Quote from Tweaker :There WAS a driver for the Audigy card that solved the crackling. But then Creative quickly changed the version and deleted all traces of the version from their site. I used to have that version, but now I cannot get my hands on it. But I haven't searched deep enough

I tested my sounds on an Audigy2 ZS. I have no crackling and I use a regular new driver.
I have a very tiny little request/improvement suggestion which should be able to get implemented very easily. That's why I'm posting it right here.

When connecting to a server by directly typing in the name, there's the name of the last server as a default, which is a nice feature.

However, often I want to change a name just slightly (changing a number for example, since we have many servers with different numbers in the end).

So when I use Backspace to erase and retype some things in the server name, the color automatically changes to default. It would be nice to change the color to the color of the last deleted character. That would mean much less clicking. And I noticed that - if the colors are wrong - the server cannot be found.

But clearly this is not a request with high priority. Sorry, if I bothered anyone.
How about repositioning the exit button under the rest of the buttons in the main menu?

Also, is it possible to get the AA options for the CMX viewer?
Quote :
Known issues :

Russian and Slovenian flags appear to be radioactive

pun intended?

why doesnt LFS team make a rewind button for the replays? im sick to death of spending ages going through replay over and over to edit
This thread is closed

Cleanup : Off topic requests
(92 posts, closed, started )