I don't think Scawen's plan is to introduce chargeable content, but to smooth the process of introducing patches, publicizing them and getting folks to update their LFS install (with all the headaches that involves being managed by the software - overwriting existing scripts etc for example). Many S1 users probably have never reinstalled LFS since S2 was released, firmly under the mistaken impression that being S1 users, they naturally wouldn't be able to reap the benefits of S2 physics etc (they're S1.. what's in it for them, right?).
If I understand the mission correctly, it's really to get the S1 members back into LFS by correcting an unforeseen cultural consequence of S2's release. Of course, if that leads to some S2 licence sales, smashing.. but they'll not be forced or obligated in that regard. The plan offers nothing but good things for S1 users, and I applaud it.