Logitech G25 reviews
(85 posts, started )
Davo, I'm pretty certain it isn't any stiffer than it should be - I just tightened it up enough to stop it moving side to side, didn't want to overtighten it and cause the bushing to bind and prematurely wear out. The spring tension feels fine anyway, the throttle feels just like the C4 I drive.

If I had to name a single improvement for Logi's next wheel I would say give it more pedal travel. I was much more precise on the throttle with the Act Labs. I love the construction of these pedals though, very shiny inside

Encountered another minor prob as well - after a few hours use it produces more vibration turning left than right. Doesn't effect the FF feel, but it does make keys rattle if they're on the desk.
#77 - Davo
Quote from Rtsbasic :Davo, I'm pretty certain it isn't any stiffer than it should be - I just tightened it up enough to stop it moving side to side, didn't want to overtighten it and cause the bushing to bind and prematurely wear out. The spring tension feels fine anyway, the throttle feels just like the C4 I drive.

If I had to name a single improvement for Logi's next wheel I would say give it more pedal travel. I was much more precise on the throttle with the Act Labs. I love the construction of these pedals though, very shiny inside

Encountered another minor prob as well - after a few hours use it produces more vibration turning left than right. Doesn't effect the FF feel, but it does make keys rattle if they're on the desk.

Damn, I was hoping to make it a bit stiffer because I'm fidning it hard to control and also wishthere was more travel. It just seems so soft compared to the others and I haven't driven a car with such a soft go pedal. I might have to look into some mods of my own.
The spring looks like you could switch one out a 1/5 scale radio controlled buggy or truck perhaps. Or you could try not being so heavy footed
Quote from Rtsbasic :Davo, I'm pretty certain it isn't any stiffer than it should be - I just tightened it up enough to stop it moving side to side, didn't want to overtighten it and cause the bushing to bind and prematurely wear out. The spring tension feels fine anyway, the throttle feels just like the C4 I drive.

G25 pedals use "Shoulder bolts" and therefore cannot cause the bushing to bind. That is, a shoulder bolt has a lip/stop at the end of the threads so when the nut (in this case a self locking nylock nut) is tightened down the side of the pedal frame is squeezed, but the bolt does not "pull through" squeezing all of the parts in between. This is a much more expensive bolt/nut to use, but it really improves overall manufacturing consistency.
thanks for those reviews/ previews, i have ordered the wheel yesterday and its gone take 1- 2 weeks untill i can plug it in. I have got a question to the (ex)-momo (black) users. Since the DFP and the G25 has got 900° compared to the 240° i would like to know the differences. Is it now harder/ easier to drive? It may be offer more precision in fast corners but also makes it harder at slow speed corners. But thats what i want to make sure. Any Experiences?
Yes, it is a bit harder if you use lots of lock - catching slides is a bit harder because you have to spin the wheel a bit more, but the extra precision sort of makes driving without sliding in the first place a bit easier. Rather than going from 270 degrees to 720 in one go, it might be best to go up a bit at a time. 360, then 540, then 720, and get used to each for a day or two.

I've got used to the additional steering lock quite quickly really, so don't let that concern you much. It's not SO different to make you have to forget how to drive in LFS and start again.
allright i think ill have to find that out soon Thanks for that
i have to agree with tristan's comments on the additional rotation...except my old DF only had 180deg, but i've still adjusted pretty nicely. the only area that is still a bit of a problem is catching slides.

to be more precise, i can catch the slide just fine, it's coming out of the slide that i have a problem with...i can't get the wheel turned back in time and end up with a snap oversteer in the other direction. but i'm sort of getting better at correcting that problem, and he's right, the extra precision does help in avoiding that situation in the first place.
Ok, spent an hour or two with the G25 and here are my impressions.

I've had an 2,5 month break from steering wheels, only occasionally had a lap or two with mouse/kb. My previous wheel was a DFP with a clutch pedal from another DFP and a Act-Labs shifter, so I got immediately used to the G25 clutch and shifter.

I'll start with the bad things of this wheel:

The shifter is tiny and very flimsy. Almost feels like a little toy in your palm. The G25 shifter has it's good sides and bad sides compared to the Act-Labs shifter. Good sides are that it has incredibly short throws which allow ultra quick shifts, bad sides are the toyness and the feel that it's going to crumble to bits when you really slam those gears in fast. I also felt an very odd shift pattern inside the G25 shifter, I was drifting the FZ5 around and changed in to sixth and the gearstick stayed in sixth for a second and then dropped to neutral. But, the shifter is better than nothing for sure. I wish Logitech could have combined the sturdiness of the AL shifter and the quick shifting capability of the G25 shifter.

The clutch is too stiff, atleast when I used the pedals with only socks in my feet. It might be better with shoes on, which I'm going to try tomorrow. Also the wheel diameter itself could still be bigger. My old Act-Labs wheel still beats the G25 wheel in diameter.

Ok, that's it. Bad points over, now to the good points:

I love this wheel. I really really really really really really really love it. This is like from another world compared to the DFP. The wheel countersteers by itself just like it should. Amazing. The FFB feeling itself is great too. All pedals operate without any spiking that I could notice. The real leather slides nicely in your grip when you want it to slide and catch that slide. The quality and finish of this wheel is simply put STUNNING!

So, do I think it's worth the 300 euros? Oh hell yes. If you've had an DFP you're going to be amazed how much better this wheel is. If you've only had 200 or 270 degree wheels, you're going to be amazed how much fun 720/900 degrees is to drive with. I'm going to enjoy eating my beans and tuna for the rest of this month knowing that I made the right choice of purchasing this wheel. It made LFS feel like a whole new game for me again. I love G25. I love LFS.

Vid as promised. Forgive the couple f**k ups I made, I blame those on the 2,5 month pause. :P
Thanks for the vid! (First good vid that shows the wheels speed when in 900 degrees mode!)

Makes me want to dump my DFP with 35cm wheel

Logitech G25 reviews
(85 posts, started )