The online racing simulator
#1 - Calum
Ntech starts search for Turbo Mini League drivers ( 2 )

A new LFS Team aiming to mirror the real WTCC Italian Team " Ntechnology " has this afternoon announced it has 2 drives available running their Alfa Romeo 156 ( FXO Turbo ) cars in the Turbo Mini League , that starts this Saturday.

The team have been setting up for just 2 weeks and have already secured a promising driver for their #15 car , Calum MacDonald , to compete in the 2-month long campaign.

This is not the official launch of the team , but with Saturday being the first race of the season in the TML , Ntech have decided the time is perfect to gauge interest and the abilities of potential drivers.

Basically we are about 2 things , a quite high realism factor , which absolutely is not for everyone. LFS is of course only a game and is great fun , so of course we will have a laugh and mess about in other combos , but the point is that when the team enter a League or Championship , we become a little more serious. And the second and final objective for us is a VERY high teamwork factor, even higher than the realism.

Just about every WTCC race re-run / repeat is available on the FIA WTCC website ... When viewing these videos , as I often do , 2 weeks ago , I realised I think EVERY team that had entered 2 or more cars , all had drivers that were consistent yet reasonably fast , that all drivers were comfortable dealing with / being around other drivers ( they didnt panic even slightly ) , and that they often lapped together with their teammates , with no pressure driving , just all working as a TEAM to motivate/"pull" each other round the track.

If you take a look at these videos , I am talking about the Alfa's , the Seat's and the BMW's ... a.k.a ... Ntechnology , the Seat factory team and the BMW factory team's of U.K , Germany , Italy and Spain.

I realised if they can , it should be similarly possible in LFS , if the drivers are capable of it.

I wont go into much more detail as like I said this isnt the official launch , but I should be in and out of LFS servers at some point or another for the rest of the day , practicing at BL GP ( the race this saturday ).

LFS experience is preffered but not essential , and of course any previous experience in leagues / cups / events would be good to have , but ultimately if you are a decent person who is easy to get along with , interested in contesting the Turbo Mini League in the FXO as part of a 3-car team with drivers that have similar experience and motivation , that can train as regular as possible and have good consistency , then please drop by on a server when I am on and we can chat some more.

Please only contact me if you are happy with the high realism and teamwork factors that are kept within this team , if you enjoy changing car combo's , single seaters and being in a good-sized team , then unfortunately this team is not suited for that.

Also the position is available for anyone who is expereinced regarding FXO setups to join the team as a " technician " or someone who can offer their help every few days to talk with the drivers and help tweak the set. In return for doing this a test driver / stand-in driver position will of course be open to you , but you must understand and be able to alter confidently FXO setups for the team.

Thanks everyone for veiwing , anyone interested in driving positions you know what to do ( explained above ) , and anyone who is just looking at the new team please leave comments good or bad !.


As mentioned in the topic title ... the Turbo Mini League drivers list is currently full , so no indepent drivers can now join or will be put on some waiting list I would imagine ... however , 2 of the 20 slots are currently named as " Reserved " , which is of course for this team , so it is a good oppurtunity to gain experience and a drive at such late notice in this ( what looks to be very competitive and exciting ) League. Ntech hope to run a 3-car outfit in this ... what they are treating as their experience-building ... league , but if no 2 drivers can be selected before this saturday morning , then the positions shall be given back to the league admins , and so 2 slots for independant drivers will become available again.


I am interested,but,I am not sure am I fast enough.And I havent driven the FXO in a long time.

I like the idea of teamwork and realism you try ito incorporate in it.Also,I seek for experience in a realistic,closed enviroment,and if I am approved for the team,I am willing to commit all my free time to it.
#3 - Calum
Alrite there m8 ,

firstly and most imporantly is thanks for viewing and commenting and showing interest.

Quote :I am willing to commit all my free time to it.

I am aiming for Ntech to be one of the most realistic teams in LFS at some point in the future but of course I dont want the drivers to commit all free time to it ( even if I do lolol ). All I ask is you are able to come on whenever you can to practice the circuit and car , but it would be even better if the drivers are on at the same time their 2 teammates are on , to allow experience at racing / lapping reasonable times , consistently , and most importantly ... together ! Or to be on at times when the FXO team " technician " is online , so they can work to get a better handling and perfomance car that suits their individual driving style.

Perhaps we can arrange a time over the next 2 days or so ? to get onto BL GP and we go through the paces and put some practice time in.

Dont worry too much about not being exceptionally fast , I cant really explain what exactly is " reasonably fast " as I said in my first post , but I would say consistency is a good start , so if you can do many laps together without going off , then thats just as important.


I went on the SR server and tried the FXO,and I think I need more practice with it-was able to log a 1.25 time after few laps,and I wasn't able to complete almost all races I tried,thanks to some overly agressive drivers and my lack of experience with it.

I'll practice offline tommorow,and I'll come back to SR server around this time tommorow,hopefully with better time and overall performance.

And of course,will you accept me in,its up to you.
#5 - Calum
Quote :I wasn't able to complete almost all races I tried,thanks to some overly agressive drivers

yeah i'll definately second that , I thought the league was going to be like STCC cause it can be used to practice for STCC , but other drivers still think they can use your car as an inside rebound when going round some of the BL corners

I might be interested...I think me and thunderhead are at about the same level knowing how me and him have been going back in forth for the UXRL qualifying lol, I'm in the turbomini league and im from the US but its better because when everyone gets back from there work and usually gets on is when im getting back from school. I practice everday for about 4-5 hours (im crazy) I just got a g25 so i am getting used to using a wheel still because i went from mouse to wheel.

and since im already in the TML you don't hav to give up a spot :P

just PM me, i'll try to find u online heres the rest of my application

name - Nick or skaterboy
Country - USA
email -

i guess thats it
#7 - Calum
Ntech announce provisional driver line-up for TML

The LFS Team Ntechnology revealed their provisional driver line-up for the Turbo Mini League at midday today.

Previously announced driver Calum MacDonald would be taking control of the number #15 Alfa 156 ( FXO Turbo ) as expected , with the hope of one or two podiums throughout the 2 month long League.

Quote :I am very excited about starting under the new Ntech team , it is very realistic here and we have very high standards , with a high quality team in return. The whole team are treating this as their inaugural Championship and so of course everyone wants to prove we are a competitive LFS Team , but also that we must learn alot from day 1 , with many many hours or practice and testing still to go. With aiming to run only 3 cars in the League , we have noticed one or two other teams that have a similar setup , and so that should provide close and exciting viewing , but not too much in the way of rivals ... hopefully.

The new driver , like his #15 counterpart , have not got an abundance of experience in driving the FXO , but both have the motivation and determination to be running competitive times at Blackwood by the end of the week , which is the first track of the season in the TML. Driver Alan Zadro will be operating the #18 car for all races , and Calum added that he doesnt expect the young Croatian to be sitting at the back of the pack either :

Quote :We are both going to push one another to reach better and better times at every track we go too , neither one of us want to be second best at Ntech , this should help us improve our times overall if we constantly battle each other during practice or qualifying. I think its safe to say neither of us will take home any driver trophies for most points out of this League , but if near the end of the season we both have similar points , and perhaps a respectable number of them , then that will be the biggest achievement the team could ask for.

C.MacDonald's car recieving adjustments during Alan Zadro's completion of practice runs at Blackwood yesterday afternoon.

You can expect the new driver to post his comments and thoughts shortly in this topic.

In other news ...

Ntech have just released their driver notes package for their drivers that consists of all the information and procedures the drivers need to know.

There is no set date for the Ntech website launch but when it does arrive it is expected to be an excellent home for the online team.

THERE IS STILL 1 Drive available with Ntech , there has been limited interest in the team which could be expected given the expectations of it all ( too much realism ) but if the position is not filled by friday afternoon the team will resort to running a 2 car package for the TML season , and the remaining place will be given back to the TML Admins to be most probably handed to an independant waiting to join.

Ntech would still like to recruit or even just talk too frequently someone who is expereinced with FXO Setups and knows how to adjust them and work with our drivers in aid of better contesting the TML Championship.

Thanks for viewing of course.

#8 - Davo
Registering insterest in joining up. I'm also in the TML already so if you guys want someone else to pratice with I'm available and also for a trial.

I've applied with another Team however it's still uncertain whether I'll be joining them so I guess this is a provisional application depending on my acceptance into the first team I applied for, so if I'm rejected by the other team I'll be free to join here. If I get accepetd by the other team then my application here will be void. Unless you can be in two teams at once, different teams for different leagues but I don't think so.

I'm a rookie driver even though reg date is 2003, only been playign LFS seriously for a month which isn't much experience and I understand is the main reason for hesitation into letting me into a team. However I can put a lot of time into practice, I don't mind laping by myself to improve and test setups, but I prefer with others on a server just practicing or qualifying to get the times down. So I am 120% dedicated.

Name - Davo
Country - Australia
Email - damnesiac[at]gmail[dot]com
Number - 19
#9 - Calum
Hey ...

I'd certainly be interested in racing a little bit with you , hopefully if we get more people onto that JCB or SR server later today , I think you were on yesterday during the busy races of like 14 or 15 cars ?? but I didnt watch you at all as was with the new teammate hehe.

I would be a little concerned with timezone , in Australia compared to me and Thunderhead being in Europe , also the races being on saturday evening U.K time , is that managable ?

Please also check P.Ms


Hey just spamming away here abit...

Really like the proffessional approach your taking here. Sounds very interestin and with those reports is just adds that "Il be tuned in for more next time" effect

Was fun racing with you all earliar!
lol Hey man thanks for spamming

Thanks , I will indeed update this post with further news each time it comes up , so keep an lookout.

I drove a 1:23:94 by the way !

This season in the Turbo Mini League the Ntech team have indeed decided to withdraw one of the reserved places and hand it back to the event organisers. A suitable candidate for car #16 was not found and so the team will concentrate on running a two car setup for the 2-month long TML , which perhaps suits us better as well because it will be a good testing period for us to see how things go.

Thanks all for viewing and watching , and keep a look-out for more available drives with Ntechnology sometime in the future , or any drivers currently about to start in an event or championsip can approach us regarding a racing seat.

