The online racing simulator
Which patch to download? [solved]
ive been away for awhile and i noticed in-game it said there was a new patch to download. but im not sure which to download..

P to U or S to U?

how do i find out if i have a P or S version of the game? i am a paid S2 member if that makes any difference.
when you boot up lfs , on the main page at the bottom it shows a version number
Makes no difference whether you are licensed or not. Get the one available at

If you prefer to help the community by testing patches before they become official, feel free to grab the latest test patch. In case you do, it might be better to have a separate installation for test patches, because they may not be stable.

I think one of the test patches did however introduce some anti-cheating related stuff that's not available in the generally available version, but AFAIK they affect servers, not clients.
for some reason i am confused.. baddly

at the bottom of my game it says "LFS S2 Alpha 0.5Q"

now when i goto downloads it says "Full Version" which i already have, and "P to U" and "S to U". which one should i get? which one the the beta test patch? id rather not get that one as i am not good with computers so i'd rather just stick to whats offical..

actully. i belive i just solved all my questions.. "Upgrade from P or Q to version U"

thats the one i need... sorry guys!

my brain hurts now........

oh, and thank you guys ALOT for the quick resonse!