The online racing simulator
Auto Messages on Dedicated servers.
As some of you know, I host and run the cnr server CNRUK.CO.NR Cops & Robbers UK. I would like to be able add another welcome message, which is IN GAME. So when people have joined the server, it just says ''Welcome! Please read the rules at and check our forums at '' ? How can this be done, becuase as far as Im aware LFS:AM from cr4zyice isnt available for dedicated servers?
#2 - Jakg
i think it can be done with LFS Lapper
yeah can be done with LFS Lapper.

If you just want it the once for those after entering to appear in the chat. Could also use the Insim relay on LFS World.
#4 - Davo
There's an easy way that's in the actual host without running any other program..

Quote from U30 commands :To display a welcome message on a host :
Create a text file named "X.txt" in your LFS folder.
Type up to 200 characters into the text file.

Use the command /welcome=X.txt in your startup command line

Quote from Davo :There's an easy way that's in the actual host without running any other program..

Hi Davo, This will only show the message BEFORE you are actually loaded in the server. whereas the LFS Lapper ect option will show it in the Text area or as a Sky message once you are actually loaded in the server and spectating the race ect.
#6 - Davo
Ahh right, I thought it was a new feature implemented in the server.