The online racing simulator
Dirt Track Skin
(19 posts, started )
Dirt Track Skin
I really want a skin like my dads old race car.

Do this on what ever car you think would look best, but tell which car your using b4 you start.

Attached images
James-Car 001.jpg
I guess the best car for this that i've come up with is the FZR.

Any oppinions?
I'll give it a go.

Do you have any rear end shots of the car?
Any idea what the logo is underneath 'Lite' ? Kinda looks like Fuchs from the shape but theres too much glare on the picture.
#5 - ZORER
xrr or xrt
Decided to use the FZ5 as both cars seem to be rounded and sleak.

Progress so far is attached.

Just need a few more logos and it'll be finished. Pictures of the bonnet and rear of the car would be handy.
Attached images
dirtcar so far.jpg
as for rear end shots, um there really is no back end on it

just make it black
the hood says


in yellow

i have no pics of the hood that i can upload

sorry ill try to find that logo for you
and one other thing

where you have the quaker state logo....

he only had one on the right side, the left was just solid black.
Thats kind of a joke, isn't it? Quaker state and the main sponsor is a beer? LOL! I thought quakers were teetotal...
in a way

i guess
Quote from beefyman666 :Any idea what the logo is underneath 'Lite' ? Kinda looks like Fuchs from the shape but theres too much glare on the picture.

i really dont know

i guess u can leave that out
ok ok

disreggard a few of those posts.

found some more pics

(sorry one is sideways)
Attached images
has anyone gotten any farther on this?

if so i would like to see you progress.
No progress yet as I've been busy celebrating my birthday. I'll finish it off today now I've got some more pics to work off.

Edit: I'm in need of the Horseshoe logo and the Moore's logo. Anyone willing to make any high res versions?
ok thanks

and happy late birthday
It's done to my eyes. The Miller logo isn't the same one (I couldn't find the exact one), the Moore's logo is bodged by me and the Horseshoe logo is cut out from one of the pics, hence its poo qualtiy. Other than that it's pretty good I think.

Attached images

thanks man

thats amazing
No problem, glad to help.

Dirt Track Skin
(19 posts, started )