Major crashes:
-His Fulvia 1600
-My brother Lancia Delta
Then he managed to scratch while parking, or hitting animals ALL the cars we had, he even managed to rear bump my mother car with his at a stop, she was a little angry after...

Funny part it's that Italy airforce let him pilot expensive fighter jets for living...
It's just that pilot dont watch ahead while driving, you know there is autopilot for that

Still remembering him taking me back form school and while driving he was speaking to me and watching me instead of road.
Me: "Dad, the truck".
He continue speaking.
Me: "Dad, the truck".
Still continue speaking while wathcing me.
Me: "Dad, brake!".
Him: "OMG!".
Me and my brother NEVER let him drive when we go somewhere more far than 1 km...
ZORER: Good that he is ok!