The online racing simulator
What's happend ? [Pubstats v1.3 related]
(40 posts, closed, started )
Perhaps he'll understand better in french:
La chose qui a changé peut être inclus dans le code php (ou n'importe lequel code) en quelques secondes. Ce n'est pas la peine de faire un numéro de ça!
@ All English native guys.
i hope all of you know 70% of us dues using translator to can follow your messages and because any translator is perfect non English guys can understand only 70/80% of your messages.
Its really hard for many of us to explain clear our whishes and our waits for the future of LFS.
I really not have enough time to translate all posts from here...sry.

Maudite barriere linguistique.

Je préfère continuer en français afin de bien me faire comprendre, il m'est impossible de m'exprimer clairement en anglais.
Si vous Messieurs les Anglais êtes fans de reality show, je n'ai nulle envie que chaque forumeur puisse savoir a tout moment ce que je suis en train de faire : etre en train de jouer, etre aux toilettes ou etre hors ligne.
C'est une atteinte a ma vie privé et je ne vois pas pourquoi je suis obligé d'accepter ça de force.
De plus si je peux me permettre cela fait pratiquement 1 an 1/2 (la BF1) que vous ne nous avez rien donné de significatif et d'attractif (pour moi) nous démontrant que ce jeu continue toujours a évoluer, nous proposer ce gadget n'apporte rien a l'interet du jeu et fini par décourager ceux qui attendent une réelle nouveauté dans le jeu. Tous les derniers patches ne sont que des correctifs de bugs.
J'ai plutot maintenant l'impression que vous etes bloqués actuellement par une grosse difficulté insurmontable qui vous empeche d'évoluer.
Je connais personnellement quelques developpeurs et je sais a quelle cadence un projet de la taille du votre devrait évoluer.
C'est vraiment domage, j'ai adoré votre travail jusqu'a maintenant mais je trouve que la vitesse du developement a atteint une limite, on veut bien etre patients mais honnetement avez vous de réelles nouveautés a nous proposer a cours termes car là je dois avouer que malgré toute la passion que j'ai pu avoir pour LFS ma patience a ses sait bien je ne serai ni le premier ni le dernier déçu a quitter LFS, mais sincèrement si vous respectez autant vos fans que eux vous respectent, donnez leur de réelles nouveauté améliorant le jeu.
....pour mémoire on est toujours en attente de :
-dégats plus réalistes.
-plus de choix de météo (pluie neige etc).
-plus de voitures.
-plus de circuits.
C'est ce genre de chose que j'attend depuis maintenant trop longtemps et je doute sérieusement je que vive assez longtemps pour voir l'aboutissement de ce jeu vu la vitesse qu'a pris le commence a vous trouver un peu fénéant sur ce coup...le rythme va 't'il revenir a la normale vraiment ? Vous compter vous réveiller un peu plus ou doit on s'accepter maintenant votre allure de croisère tourisque qu'a pris a mon gout la progression de votre travail?
Je trouve que maintenant que chacun d'entre vous a pu s'offrir les moyens d'avoir une maison plus confortable (ce n'est pas un reproche vous le méritez) votre "rendement" n'en soit vraiment trop affecté...en clair vous vous endormez sur le travail déja accompli et n'etes plus aussi généreux qu'avant en patches vraiment "attractifs"...on commence a désesperer d'attendre.
It might be babelfish, but you still don't make much sense. Now the whining about a minor change has shifted to whining about the speed of progress? What the Christ.

Scawen has explained in sufficient detail what is going on and why it is being done that way. If you run out of patience, well, how about you go and do/play something different? I don't fully understand why, but my god does that whining piss me off. :mad:
ok ok i stop bother you.
You lost a real fan from first hours of LFS.
I promess i stop to post here.
lol i still dont know whats that all bout
something wierd going on.
Gwendoline, I guess you have just missed some things recently.

So, here are some relevant posts.

A post by me about LFS progress in 2006 :

Threads by Victor explaining the small change to the pubstats (it's still free) :

A thread started by someone concerned like you - it contains a lot of explanations about the way LFS works :
i know all of this one
I know too devs'life is not always paradise way.
I know you need time to work.
I know your stuf is a big work you have start...and i'm not able to made same.
but.... You understand some of us can be very tired to wait for nothing amazing coming still BF1 ?...You give this 1 year 1/2 past this date.
You understand to can maintain passion around your game u do be more generous with yours real fans ?
Can you promess me you give something realy interesting for game before christmass on futur patch ?
I'm really sorry Scawen but i think i'm not alone to have motivation falling down by anoying long waiting.
Please give us quick something really attractive to re-improove my passion for your game.
Quote from gwendoline :You understand some of us can be very tired to wait for nothing amazing coming still BF1 ?...You give this 1 year 1/2 past this date.

Are you saying that it's been 1,5 year since the BF1 was released or that it was 1,5 year to get from patch Q to T? Because in both cases that assumption is false. Patch T didn't just add the BF1 mind you...

Patch Q - November 27th 2005
5 months later:
Patch T - April 21st 2006
and 7 months later we're at test patch U30 (3rd of November 2006)

In the meantime there have also been all the updates to LFSW...

So, we're talking about months here, not years and there has been visible activity - both Scawen and Victor have been around talking about developments and changes and what is being worked on and the test patch thread has obviously been busy since patch U has gone up to revision 30 with a whole lot of things - go check the list.
Gwendoline, I can't explain any more. I already went too far in that thread that took up my day on Saturday (the last link I posted in my previous post). It was too personal and emotional in fact, and I will avoid that in future. Anyway, there is no way I can give any better or more detailed answers that I did there.
Quote from gwendoline :ok ok i stop bother you.
You lost a real fan from first hours of LFS.
I promess i stop to post here.

What a shame ...

It can be difficult enough trying to resolve issues in a forum environment even when people speak the same language.

Even more difficult when you can't really communicate properly.
I understand all of patience is not same of yours...that all.

Plz can you close this topic now, i will not destroy more feeling here. I dont will read more attaks against me just because i've said my despair.

i have explain what i have on my heart now.

If you think i do be banned from here for this.. that your right.
Hey hey, there's no reason for banning. Like I said before, why don't you try something else instead? Just find a different hobby than LFS, and check back in half a year or so to see what has happened. There's no need to sit around and be bored but there's even less need to whine about it, especially since you know exactly that this whining will not change a thing (other than make some people annoyed). Leaving LFS doesn't mean you have to leave forever - I wonder why all decisions are taken so absolute all the time.

Oh the drama...
Quote from Scawen :Gwendoline, I can't explain any more. I already went too far in that thread that took up my day on Saturday (the last link I posted in my previous post). It was too personal and emotional in fact, and I will avoid that in future.

Very wise decision! Being close to the community is a good thing and that's one thing that makes LFS really special. But like in every growing community, there are always some odd people ...

The dev's have a really strong support from the major part of us, giving bug reports and constructive criticism and improvement suggestions. But there are (and ever will be) of course people who are impatient and let it out.

And who of us isn't impatient? But we cannot change the way it is, and that's good. Because if the devs changed their way of doing what they do, LFS wouldn't just be what it is! Maybe all the unhappy and impatient folks should just take a timeout from LFS and play some Simbin stuff in the meantime.
Quote from gwendoline :I understand all of patience is not same of yours...that all.

Plz can you close this topic now...

OK. I'm closing it now on your request.
This thread is closed

What's happend ? [Pubstats v1.3 related]
(40 posts, closed, started )