The Afri-Cola Racing Team, changes their name to dba| and achieves brand new skins. For this time beeing, not all of the skins are ready, so you can still meet dba| members in the Afri-Cola Racing skins.
We are negotiating with Den Blå Avis (The Blue Paper - The Blue Paper makes contacts between people, which have something to sell, or buy, for a small fee). These "negotiations" has not yet ended, but we expect a result before the ending of the year.
Also The Blue Paper (Den Blå Avis) is a leading factor in Danish motorsports.
We will try to bind The Blue Paper, and Live For Speed in Denmark, together.
Also we now drive with adds from on our cars. Shoppit is owned by The Blue Paper and is a Secondhand Megastore. You can visit their site to see, what they have to offer.
Ok Plus+ is our secondary sponsor. We have recently renewed our agreement with them. This is for the rest of 2006 and the whole of 2007.
We hope this will increase the interest for LFS in Denmark. We have a broader consideration, than ourselves, in this deal, and we hope that this can be helpfull for all Danish teams, and increase the popularity of LFS here. LFS in Denmark, is far from the size of the german community, as an example.
We will save our old Afri-Cola skins, for use in the future. We will still have the name Afri-Cola Racing on the LFS World. Maybe a new Danish team, will be offered the old Afri-Cola skin pack.If/when this happens, we hope that these skins will give them a good starting help.
They will not gain access to, but we will help them, in any way, with a new start for Team acr|. All the rigths to the skins will stay with dba|. If/when this happens, this new team will not be a "baby team" for dba|. They will be a team of their own, and we will just help them to a good start.
We are negotiating with Den Blå Avis (The Blue Paper - The Blue Paper makes contacts between people, which have something to sell, or buy, for a small fee). These "negotiations" has not yet ended, but we expect a result before the ending of the year.
Also The Blue Paper (Den Blå Avis) is a leading factor in Danish motorsports.
We will try to bind The Blue Paper, and Live For Speed in Denmark, together.
Also we now drive with adds from on our cars. Shoppit is owned by The Blue Paper and is a Secondhand Megastore. You can visit their site to see, what they have to offer.
Ok Plus+ is our secondary sponsor. We have recently renewed our agreement with them. This is for the rest of 2006 and the whole of 2007.
We hope this will increase the interest for LFS in Denmark. We have a broader consideration, than ourselves, in this deal, and we hope that this can be helpfull for all Danish teams, and increase the popularity of LFS here. LFS in Denmark, is far from the size of the german community, as an example.
We will save our old Afri-Cola skins, for use in the future. We will still have the name Afri-Cola Racing on the LFS World. Maybe a new Danish team, will be offered the old Afri-Cola skin pack.If/when this happens, we hope that these skins will give them a good starting help.
They will not gain access to, but we will help them, in any way, with a new start for Team acr|. All the rigths to the skins will stay with dba|. If/when this happens, this new team will not be a "baby team" for dba|. They will be a team of their own, and we will just help them to a good start.