The online racing simulator
Getting to know which setups for the tracks
I'm having a hard time remembering what the short names for the tracks are. For example I downloaded the Team Inferno setup pack but as they're all named something like FE11234, FE21123 etc... I have no idea what they relate to!

Anyone able to help please? Or is there a quick-reference guide for the track names etc?

#2 - Bosse
There is a picture that someone took and wrote which is what but I can't find it now..

But! If you connect to a server, and don't have a setup for that combo. Press F8 (shows your pb if you havn't changed the bind. otherwise you can write "/w pb" (without " ") and press enter) and there it says which number you are on..

For example, Fern Bay Club is FE1. And if you want it reversed, just put a r after. FE1R..

Hope it helped!

Edit: Oh and btw, the setups on Teaminferno's setupfield is named like this: XF GTI_as1_Party1582.set
Where XF GTI is the car, as1 is the first track on Aston (cadet i think), and Party is the first part of his nickname (PartyBoyU). The numbers there I don't know..

Here can you find the numbers and so for the tracks:
Thanks, I'll try F8. I have the key map printed from the official manual but it doesn't list F8...
Just spotted F8 in the destructions, but it is part of the "customisable message shortcuts". Will try it non the less ... just watching latest Battlestar Galactica ep.
#5 - Bosse
Well, you can choose whatever you want on keys; F1-F8 (think it's F8 that's the highest), ctrl + F1-F12, and now with the latest testpatch; alt + F1-F12.

So, if you dont have "/w pb" on F8, then you could just type "/w pb" on that slot. Then I have (standard I think) "/w wr" (think thats the right command) on ctrl + F8. And /w wr shows the current wr on that combo.

Sorry for my english btw, but you should understand.