The online racing simulator
Ping! Pong!
(8 posts, started )
#1 - DjeMz
Ping! Pong!
Hey all

What ping is considered acceptable when racing without any lag/miss-ramming problems? <350?
#2 - axus
<200 should be fine... 300+ is already pushing it for racing but you won't time out.
#3 - mr_x
I've always joined servers that have a ping of <100. unless there's a combination that i love (UF1/FE Club :P ) on a server with a ping of over 100 then I'll join that
I'm currently connected via dialup (isnd) and most servers ussualy have below 100 ping. But when i'm in the game it seems higher probably somwhere around 200.
Too bad LFS hasn't got a ping info displayed when you enable names above car, just like F1C or rF (i think).
hmm, as long u arent on dialup up to 300 its np.
thats my own limit ive set, but i think even with 400 it shoudlnt make much problems.
When you pres SHIFT+F8 for network debug mode, that will show a number next to drivers' names above the car.

I think that's their ping to the server?
Looks like, yes. Without Shift + F8 this number gets only displayed when a player really lags (> 1).
#8 - Goop
you can get away with higher pings as long as you're wary of it... start from last, and try like hell not to make contact

Ping! Pong!
(8 posts, started )