Saitek R440 - Not Enough Feeling!
Righto chaps,

I've got an R440 wheel, which does the job, tis not the best but it works. Only problem I have with it is that the FF does not 'do' much.

I can feel the resistance when cornering, but can't feel shakes over kerbs, or when i hit something.

Settings are CP about 60%, in game about 35% - any more than that i get major speed wobbles down the straights!

Anyone got any suggestions?
I don't know if you're maybe comparing the FFB in LFS to other games, many others (e.g. GTR) are known to wildly overdo the effects to make them obvious, it makes the FFB in LFS appear subtler than it really is. You should be able to feel the corner forces, the rear end sliding, it should also auto-countersteer for you.
Kerbs shake the wheel up and down, only side-to-side shaking is going to be felt through movement of the steering wheel, so that's right you can't feel them. IRL going over kerbs shakes the whole car vertically, including the steering wheel, but it's not a force being transmitted through the steering column.
Likewise crashing isn't going to create a FFB effect unless you hit the wheels, in which case I can assure you it will.
i have the same wheel and i think its fine altho never used anything different
#4 - ZORER
well, i played GTL demo with my Momo.I must say GTL is two steps ahead of LFS when it comes to FF ability. Because on LFS, Momo it is exactly the same with your wheel you told here. Only feel of kerbs, wheel resistance, crash power and basıc things... in GLT you even get the vibration of the engine.

i think This should be a suggestion. Maybe already on the suggestions post.
Well if its not a problem, then there's nowt more to say on the matter! Cheers guys.
Quote from ZORER :in GTL you even get the vibration of the engine.

i think This should be a suggestion. Maybe already on the suggestions post.

So, go on then, explain how the turning of the engine will apply a rotational force to the steering column, since FFB cannot realistically come from anywhere else.
#7 - ZORER
what do you mean? what's wrong with it? and it is not the turning engine causing vibration, it is the pistons moving up and down...
#8 - kompa
It should shake your race frame - the whole setup you sit on, including the wheel. To do that requires a force dynamics set or something similar.

GTL just has that effect to please your senses, it REALLY shouldn't even be there...
#9 - ZORER
I don't have a force dynamics, i only have a wheel ,and it's vibrating the wheel. It should be there. Nothing wrong.
Yeah, nothing wrong about GTL having it. Almost nothing wrong with the flat spot effect netkar pro had, but it seems Scawen has chosen not to implement these things, for a good reason. And I like it.
there is (excuse the lanuage) sod all wrong with the R440 i'v been running the R440 for around 6 months now off and on and its better (in my opinion) than any of the logitech (except the momo which i havent tryed)which from my experience (ONLY) in them has developed dead spots in the first 5 degrees of left or right turn..

i have my ffb set to 100% in the 440 settings and about 25% ingame and i feel literally every bump in the road.
#12 - lyd
Quote from kompa :And I like it.

I like it too. I think the FF model in LFS is excellent.

There is a reason that the hardcore guys who use other sims tend to favor non-FF wheels.
