i think this should be implemented into LFS World.
A system that allows other players to comment on other players. Similar to the Xbox Live system. it will show the wreckers from the serious racers. and would help league hosts to choose the right people.
as for ingame reputation. maybe a percentage (%) or Stars to show there Reputation score (As maybe a quick view option for example :/Gizmo - Rep)
Instead of using their actual license name, use their current server name they are connected with (Avoids confusion with finding their LFS Name IMO) and then it could pop up with something like this (Gizmo -
as for reporting or praising players, maybe have this option (/Gizmo - Praise) (/Gizmo - Report). Then the next time you visit LFS world, you can write your report on the player and submit it.
I think this should be implemented, and will promote more fairplay out there.
A system that allows other players to comment on other players. Similar to the Xbox Live system. it will show the wreckers from the serious racers. and would help league hosts to choose the right people.
as for ingame reputation. maybe a percentage (%) or Stars to show there Reputation score (As maybe a quick view option for example :/Gizmo - Rep)
Instead of using their actual license name, use their current server name they are connected with (Avoids confusion with finding their LFS Name IMO) and then it could pop up with something like this (Gizmo -

as for reporting or praising players, maybe have this option (/Gizmo - Praise) (/Gizmo - Report). Then the next time you visit LFS world, you can write your report on the player and submit it.
I think this should be implemented, and will promote more fairplay out there.