The online racing simulator
#1 - aoun
Pissed off (G25) [not pissed off anymore]
Ok, i know this is prob a 1 in 10000 thing.. but when i first got it, the g25 stuck perfect to the table perfect.. now when i tighten it, i turn the wheel and it slipps off... also with the gear shifter too.. im taking it back might not get another one..

also, sometimes when i turn the wheel.. the game doesnt turn (lfs and gtr2).. really annoying.. 500$AUD for this crap?? is it worth going for another one?? has anyone had anyproblems like this?
The clamping system is pretty much identical to the Momo and DFP systems, and the wheel/shifter both use the same technique. I suspect the problem lies with your desk, because mine only ever falls off if I forget to tighten it or if I get VERY excited.

As for the in-game not turning, I've not had this problem either. When that happens does Windows recognise it? You are plugging the wheel in BEFORE loading LFS? Sorry to make it sound like it's your fault, but it almost certainly is.
If it uses the same form of claming as the dfp then it should be fine. My dfp's never fallen off and its been through norml driving, crashes, exciting races even flailing arms of death and still not moved.
#4 - Gunn
The shifter will not clamp down quite as far as the wheel can (the rear clamping mechanism just doesn't do up that far). On those popular modular furniture desks that you build yourself you may find the shifter loose. A small square of bike tube rubber between desk and clamp does the trick. Maybe try the same stuff for your wheel clamps?
Quote from tristancliffe :You are plugging the wheel in BEFORE loading LFS?

I thought this is the "proper" way to go.

Although with my wheel it doesn't matter what and how I do it, it always works
#6 - aoun
Ok, update.. Live For Speed works fine now.. i guess it is just GTR2.. :S..


"I suspect the problem lies with your desk".. Your right! My mate was thinking about it, and he felt the desk, he told me wayy to slippery.. we got some towels, clamped it between and i cant even rip it off if i used all my strength.. i guess a "false alarm" but who wouldnt be annoyeed after events from an expensive wheel..

Thanks for all the help anyways people. much appriciated!!
oh so you're not pissed now? :P
#8 - SatCP
It depends on the surface of your desk. The clamping mechanism is simple, yet effective. However, since the claw as well as the G25's bottom is made from hard plastic it has the tendency to have very little grip on plastified or hard and very flat surfaces. I experience that too on my desk. No matter how tight you screw it, it always slides off after a while. It would have been better if Logitech had put rubber feet on the clamps and base.

Btw, don't try to screw it too tight... The clamp isn't that strong. I broke one of my DFP's clamps (which are identical to the ones of the G25) by overtightening it.

Anyway, seems like you already fixed it with a towel. Good idea
#9 - _Rob_
I have the same problem usually, partly because the shape of the clamp heads is so round - it's hard to tighten them up enough. Desk here at uni is quite smooth+slippy, so need to find something to put between wheel and desk to stop the sliding.
Quote from tristancliffe :The clamping system is pretty much identical to the Momo and DFP systems.

HAH!!! I proved that wrong the day I got it. The momo clamps open up a full 10mm more than the G25. The momo's third clamp actually fit under my desk with perfect clearance, The shifter's third clamp I have to loosen the 4 screws to get it to clear (tighten them after I have it on).
The G25 does not have that third clamp at all on the wheel so it is ATTEMPTING to hang onto a 11mm lip.
I never used the third clamp on my Momo. In fact I famously hacksawed it off at Fordman's house. Then I discovered it unscrews...

The shifter fits my desk nicely at home, and JUST fits on my desk at work (which is thick, at about 2" deep).

Have you tried a thinner desk
It's true there are subtle differences, I have the spacers on with the momo but my desk is about 1mm too thick to use them on the G25 - so off they came.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#13 - JJ72
The height is pretty reasonable. actually it's quicker to reach compare to traditional layout as in most automobile.
Yeah it's not bad, although I wouldn't mind it a touch lower and a little more forward (i.e. towards the body).
Didn't much like it on the desk. Always used my Act Labs one next to the wheel as it was angled (bit like the shifter in a lot of people carriers), but the Logi one works better lower down. Not pratical for everyone to do but does feel nicer.
#16 - aoun
hahaha lmao who the hell changed my title.. im real pissed off now :P.