The online racing simulator
Big Shift Light [Mod Request]
(37 posts, started )
Big Shift Light [Mod Request]
I have a request for a mod if anyone has the time and energy.

Basically all I want is a much bigger shift light, like the red one on the dash, or virtual clocks.

Never really noticed it being an issue before, but on WEI at the limit, i could do with something noticable in the corner of my eye, instead of having to look for it for the perfect shift point.

Shouldn't have thought it would be tooooo hard to do, but more advanced than I, says I!

If you race a MOMO just get MomoLED mod, very useful!
Probably is, unfortunately i don't. Also think this would help everyone, wheelers, KBers and mousers.
I find my ears are far more important for judging revs than any visual indicator. On a different matter, I WOULD like a clear red FUEL LOW indicator.
I don't personally like the idea, not too difficult to listen for the rev changes and pick the time to change

But it could be a extra feature like the virtual mirror

Deaf people can't hear the rev's, so I suppose a rev light has to be made visible while racing, but I think they are OK as they are, can see them fine, but that might just be a matter of getting used to where they are!
#6 - CSU1
would the windoze "magnify" function work? Afik you can resize the mafnify window an just leave it hovering uver the red light?
I would like,

1) Too be able to configure the size and position of the redlight
2) Too be able to configure what rpm the light comes on at (my bike can do it, why can't a GTR car )
3) For the redlight to be a PROPER redlight, none of this "the light comes on when its the right time to shift" BS, the light should come on a a certain set rpm, nothing more, nothing less.

#8 - CSU1
Quote from danowat :I would like,

1) Too be able to configure the size and position of the redlight
2) Too be able to configure what rpm the light comes on at (my bike can do it, why can't a GTR car )
3) For the redlight to be a PROPER redlight, none of this "the light comes on when its the right time to shift" BS, the light should come on a a certain set rpm, nothing more, nothing less.


+1, and does that light take into account when going up hill when the torque needed to go up hill must be greater?
Should probably go in the suggestions forum really, but the way the redlight works at the moment really erks me, I mean the redlight coming on at 8000rpm in 1st, then 7000rpm in 5th?, that BS, it should be a certain rpm.

Just are actually a few threads floating about with shift light and rev limit suggestions, I REALLY hope that some modifications to this aspect of LFS happens soon.

#11 - CSU1
Quote from danowat :Should probably go in the suggestions forum really, but the way the redlight works at the moment really erks me, I mean the redlight coming on at 8000rpm in 1st, then 7000rpm in 5th?, that BS, it should be a certain rpm.


I'd say a quick look at Bobs gear ration spankulator would answer our questions here
No question about why it does, just the fact that it doing it is wrong IMO.

While we are on the subject, the shift light should be taken out for (most) road cars too.
#13 - CSU1
You know when ,say your in fifth and the light comes on at say 8k and you shift aiming at the start of the power band say 6.5k but you miss it and land on 5k.
Does "double clutching" or lightly depressing the clutch to bring you back up to the optimum power range loose you time or gain time?
What I'd like is a list of all the different cars power bands...
Now there's another idea. A dyno type system, so you can strap your car to a virtual rolling road, and get a Torque Curve output, with a power curve, so u can work out gear change points, power bands etc.

--I'm putting this one in suggestions!
Quote from al heeley :I find my ears are far more important for judging revs than any visual indicator. On a different matter, I WOULD like a clear red FUEL LOW indicator.

Why dont you stop and shake the car a bit, you can hear the gas floating around, it theres any xD (just joking).

But, yeah, that red light thingy would be cool, cause sometimes i play with music, and its hard to tell the exact rev.
What about removing the shift light from the road cars and making the shiftlight more realistic on the racing ones. Realistic = bigger, configurable and maybe even rev-limit related
#18 - Tick
Theres actually a light to tell you when to shift?

How about that. I always used my hearing to do that.

I have to disagree with the people who think the shift light (as it functions at the moment) is useless and that we should use our hearing instead. Without simulated G forces or a dyno type of torque curve display, theres no way of knowing when is the optimum point to shift just by hearing.
Sure, once you know say 6000rpm is the peak power in a certain gear in a certain car, you CAN listen out for that rev tone from then on, but without that initial indicator the first few times you race the car (be it the shift light as it is at present, a torque curve graph or real G forces) you just don't know when is the peak torque point to shift.

I understand what Danowat is saying, it is more realistic to have to set an amount of revs required to light the shift light (i too would like this), but in my opinion it would ATM be silly to have to do this without first knowing the torque curves or having real G forces.
In conclusion, when we get torque graphs (more likely than real G forces IMO ), we get a proper manual-set shift light.

Anyways, back onto topic, i too find it hard to see the shift light on the screen, so i use outguage to drive a real shift light cluster, and now i have to race round with a big dot in my FOV because its too bright
Quote from danowat :Should probably go in the suggestions forum really, but the way the redlight works at the moment really erks me, I mean the redlight coming on at 8000rpm in 1st, then 7000rpm in 5th?, that BS, it should be a certain rpm.


it may irk you, but the way it works in lfs is actually superior to a standard shift light which comes on at a certain rpm level.

in lfs, the shift light comes on when there is more usable power available in the next gear. so the closeness of the gearing on your setups will determine how early/late in the rpm range it comes on
#21 - lyd
I'm not sure why several of you are saying that there should not be a shift light in the road cars.

My last several RL cars have had a shift light. Given, it seemed to be calibrated to the most fuel-efficient shift point rather than the optimum point for using all the available power, but it was there none the less.

So it's not terribly unrealistic to have one in the sim, is it?

I have to listen to my engine in real life because I have no rev gauge or shift light. So I'm not really bothered.
But I'm sure it will be useful to new racers.
Quote from matt_green84 :I have a request for a mod if anyone has the time and energy.

Basically all I want is a much bigger shift light, like the red one on the dash, or virtual clocks.

Never really noticed it being an issue before, but on WEI at the limit, i could do with something noticable in the corner of my eye, instead of having to look for it for the perfect shift point.

Shouldn't have thought it would be tooooo hard to do, but more advanced than I, says I!


Back to the original question.
I use an external gear indicator with a shift light.
Yes, the shift light is very much more visible
Quote from matt_green84 :I have a request for a mod if anyone has the time and energy.

Basically all I want is a much bigger shift light, like the red one on the dash, or virtual clocks.

Never really noticed it being an issue before, but on WEI at the limit, i could do with something noticable in the corner of my eye, instead of having to look for it for the perfect shift point.

Shouldn't have thought it would be tooooo hard to do, but more advanced than I, says I!


Though i tried to make it so that LED of keyboard shines, but hard to see it.:biggrinfl

if you want to test it...

OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 35556
OutGauge ID 0

modify the last few lines of your cfg.txt file.
Attached files - 42.3 KB - 772 views
Any preview ? I wanna see how it look because i want this mod too

Big Shift Light [Mod Request]
(37 posts, started )