The online racing simulator
#76 - Vain
Quote from LFSn00b :Imo drifting is a driving style, that isn't just driving sideways. No, drifting is an art. Drifting is getting the car slide, and control it perfectly. Sliding sideways isn't that.

So you're saying that drifting is sliding sideways well?
(I'm just trying to rephrase what you said to see wether I understood it correctly.)

im racing and drifting sometimes together (not in race )...
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I agree with words "ART" U can drift just sideways or u can take it like art, everything after looks different. But racing is better for me
Quote from spankmeyer :And I'd personally purchase a gun and administer five gunshots to the back of the head of every dumb spunk who thinks irresponsible driving on public road is cool or supports such behaviour.

Qft... I see enough dangerous situations on the road, even without those dumb *sses...

I've tried drifting myself in the rtdc, but I didn't got the hang of it... For me, it's just not thrilling/entertaining enough or as good as racing door to door with an opponent over several turns...
Quote from bbman : door to door with an opponent over several turns...

Its same as twins.... or twins battles
#81 - Woz
Quote from al heeley :Nothing said here will ever convince a non-drifter to gain a new respect for the sport, and vice-versa. I simply do not understand the depth of feeling, ofpolarisation within the community about this issue. it raises its head at regular intervals and sparks off fierce debate which always ends up in personal inslts being traded, then the thread is closed and binned. The 2 factions seem incapable of having a constructive debate on these issues because basically it is about personal taste. As such, i find the whole thing a boring waste of forum time, it's all been covered so many times before and seldom in a constructive manner. I can't get worked up about people's preferences about the way they play lfs as long as it doesn't encroach on other people's enjoyment of the game.

Al, the reason for the polarisation is very simple. The cause is the Fast and Furious mentality that follows drifting and appears to be a majority of the fan base.

Its all a matter of how they deal with others. You also find that racers that act like a dick and in the LFS community they get treated the same , its just we call them wreckers instead.

The causes of the friction are things like....

They way they call it racing when you can win but not cross the line first and there is the possibility of a win even if you dont finish if the other driver is much wosre.

The way they think its fine to drag race and also drift on public roads without thought for others on the road.

The way they treat the public and police after they have taken over an area and spend the evening giving crap to anyone that will question them while they cause chaos.

The way they think its OK to turn up on a race server in the middle of a race and try and turn it into a drift session and kick off when they don't get their way.

In the end its the lack of respect for others they show and if you don't show people respect you find it does not come back in your direction. Very simple really.
Drifting isnt racing, just look at the definition of racing:

B]1. [/B]Racing a. A competition of speed, as in running or riding.
b. races A series of such competitions held at a specified time on a regular course: a fan of the dog races.

So ask yourself the question, is drifting a competition of speed? No it isn't because in drifting it is more important with what angle you have etc. Races refers to racing so if you are in a drifting competition you are not in a Race either.


Glad that cleared up,
For me the thing I hate about drifters is that they often have names such as l33tdRiFt3R or S15 dRiFter, ofcourse these are stereotypes but if you ask me: Waaaaay tooo much stereotypes, anyway I have nothing against drifting as I tend to do it myself too , but racing is IMO way more exiciting(Ever won a 50 or more lap race???) and way more rewarding, My hands or my body never sweats from the adrenaline when im drifting , it does when I am in a serious race though.

But I quess that is a preference

Quote from Becky Rose :It's not impossible to write an automated drift scoring system, but "It could never be done", is not the same as, "Im not interested in doing it". The amount of data that needs to be processed is actually quite minimal (car position, mommentum and heading stored over time).

No it is Not.

Drifting is much more than that whit all respect miss Becky...Drift is not an specific science,it has many variables,its very relative too,and the Twin can be considered the main part of the sport today (much more complex to judge because one is relative to another).

Im sorry to say but i really believe that to have it correctly judged it must be by an Human being!
Quote from Woz :
The cause is the Fast and Furious mentality that follows drifting and appears to be a majority of the fan base. .

no the cause is ignorance not a movie. i enjoyed all 3 ot the fat and the furiest movies and i do not have this mentallity(i hope). i find that if you try to catagorise something into a genre that you feel will help you explain your side of the discussion, then the insults start to fly.

Quote from Woz :
They way they call it racing when you can win but not cross the line first and there is the possibility of a win even if you dont finish if the other driver is much wosre.

i enjoy drifting and have never called it racing because it isn't, a race is when one person is competing against another to cross the finish line before the other drivers (as said so many times in this thread)

Quote from Woz :
The way they think its fine to drag race and also drift on public roads without thought for others on the road.

The way they treat the public and police after they have taken over an area and spend the evening giving crap to anyone that will question them while they cause chaos. .

i don't own a car so i don't do that either lol but i have whitnessed so called "meets" or "cruises"

Quote from Woz :
In the end its the lack of respect for others they show and if you don't show people respect you find it does not come back in your direction. Very simple really.

now your painting everyone with the same brush. come on man show some respect

to be honest, i felt a bit offended with this thread. i find it funny that people can just dissmiss one form of driving as "punk-ish" just because it's different. imo drifting is a great tool for learning throttle control (it's not just yank up the hand brake and floor it sideways through a corner) and how to find an apex (but that's easy when not drifting imo). have you ever tried to do a 360° slide on a straight and drive out of it without over rotating? i would say you haven't but i think you should try it, although it is not as fun as racing flat out "balls to the wall" but it does put a smile on your face.

wouldn't it be great if people just accepted that we are all not the same and so we will all have different interests
Quote from col :or because you are doing an in fast out slow overtake/block manouver a la Senna in that AMAZING clip.

actually thats piquet overtaking senna not the aother way round

Quote from thisnameistaken :Only a very small proportion of the surfers in my area were there purely for the surf (the ones you meet at 6am on January mornings when the water is 3C and the beach is deserted)

dont mistake nutters for normal sport enthusiasts

Quote from Woz :Al, the reason for the polarisation is very simple. The cause is the Fast and Furious mentality that follows drifting and appears to be a majority of the fan base.


and you dont confuse a few idiots with the 'real' lfs drift community

Quote from Becky Rose :It's not impossible to write an automated drift scoring system, but "It could never be done", is not the same as, "Im not interested in doing it". The amount of data that needs to be processed is actually quite minimal (car position, mommentum and heading stored over time).

you see drifting is by its very nature a sport that needs to be judged ... if you take the human element out of that judging process you kill the sport and especially its progress
with a fixed system of how drifts are rated everbody will jsut adjust his way of drifting to get the highest scores under those strict rules the code imposes

take any judged sport with strict judging criteria and compare it to one where they are very loose ... heck take high diving for an example where everybody does more or less the same routine and the winner is the one who messes up the least and then compare it so skateboarding where even if youre run isnt all that great you can get high scores by doing something new and creative

personally id much rather see drifters that take different lines than a bunch of lemmings
Quote from AndroidXP :drifters got a pretty bad name from all those wannabe dorifto kings with their general "2 Fast 2 Furious" attitude. It's really not the drifting itself, but the typical mindset of the not-so-good drifters.

Bang, just in the middle

Not all of them, but a lot.
I don't see drifting helped to improve anything in racing though, but one thing for sure is that racers that has drifting background rarely spun as they're too comfortable with catching slides.

But thing is, catching slides is what makes you slow, my problem is that I'm too used to pushing the car over its limit, and having a hard time finding the right limit or zone for the car, and I always get frustrated as I tend to oversteer at corner exits, while the other racers just passed me by and say bye, hehe
since the original question was essentially "why don't racers like drifters", but a big pile of the responses have been essentially "drifting r00lz! don't disrespect our mad skillz!", i would have to say that i don't like drifters because they can't follow the plot.
Well, I don't dislike drifters and I have no problem with drifting (except when people call it "racing", because it isn't. Racing means fast, drifting means points). It's great to watch and quite skillful. In some games, especially ones featuring old, low-grip cars like GPL and GTL, being able to four-wheel-drift through a turn is a necessary skill (quite different to tail-out show-drifting and they often get confused).

OK granted, there are some wankers among the drift community but there are some wankers amongst us racers as well. Hell, there are a pack of wankers in my office, right at this second! The point is you can't avoid people who piss you off, but don't make the mistake of thinking everyone who has the same hobby or favourite sport is the same type of person.

I can catch a slide pretty well and I don't mind some sideways action for fun, but apart from rally-X I don't drift on purpose - I'm rubbish at it! I'm a racer and racers need grip. Drifting is what a racer does when he fcuks up
I quite like high speed drifting , 100+ kmh that sort of thing
but i cant stand fishtailing all over the place on the straights, i like to think of the higher speed drifting more of a Tarmac Rally type of deal rather than the "Fully sick and Hecktic" element...
Quote from Greboth :Why did someone have to ask this?

Racing is going round a corner on the limit as fast as you can.
Drifting is going sideways round a corner as fast as you can.

There are more factors to it than that i know, but thats generalised to it must be the sideways part that racers dont like
Ive been into racing as long as i can remember and i love it but i do have a passion for drifting also. To me racing is about speed and enjoyment where drifting is purely just for fun. I sit in the middle as i seem to one of the few people who like both and i really dont see why people have such dislike or the other.

Just my $0.02

what he said

and my view on drift racing = normal racing with the occasional slide for that occasional corner shaving and or adding a few seconds :P im not in it to win. I just Live For Speed .
Drifting is FUN but racing is racing you can drift while I pass ya.
#94 - Woz
Quote from dadge :...

At no point do I say every drifter is like that. I just pointed out WHY drifters get a bad name and that there is a huge friction against them.

No, Not all drifters are the same and I like to drift in LFS from time to time BUT it is not a small minority that appear to act like morions.

Take some posts in this thread....

Quote from DjeMz :What are you blabbing on about becky, drifting isnt only an 'art', its a style of RACING that is growing so fast thats taken the world by storm.

No its NOTHING to do with racing, more like a halfpipe comp or skateboard comp etc.


Quote from DjeMz :In Australia driftin is growing so huge the local police have frantikly launched numours counter mesures to prevent/punish 'street drifters'. And its not just Australia, its more the whole Asia-Pasific region and even around USA and Canada.

NZ is the same as Aussie. A huge majority of roads are covered in burnout marks. Drag racing in town is common and people not involved die because of this F&F mentality that street racing, drifting or acting a twat in a car is fine.

I have seen people in a queue at traffic lights spinning up the rears while they wait for the lights to change while cars are infront and behind them. When you look at the cars on the road its the "road warrior" cars that are missing body parts and dented through crashes etc.

I agree that you can enjoy drifting and I do see the art in a good drift but that does not change the fact that it does not appear to be the minority of drifters that are involved in street racing/drifting. Drifters get through loads of tires and they can afford this and the cost of modding a car etc so why not the $60 for an hour on the local track so they don't put others at risk?
that i can agree with, it just seemed your previous post was very "anti-drifter" if ya get me.
but thanks for explaining better, maybe some time we can drift and act out a few scenes of tokyo drift :eclipseeh you can be DK hehehe
I've not been here half as long as some, yet it's obvious that these threads all go the same way. Here's another analogy that might help.

It's like science and art. Racing is your science - you can clearly define a winner by experimenting (running a race) with variables (the cars, setups, racetracks) and given assumptions and restrictions (the rules).

Drifing is the art - it's not as easy to define the best, yet arguably the majority of people can spot the good from the bad.

The purebred scientist can't see the attraction of art as the rules are subjective, not rigid. The purebred artist may be able to understand the rules of the science, but won't have the same drive and enjoyment to perfect the experiment.

Science may be artform (in that some slip may be used in certain circumstances), but can art be science? I'd say it's much harder to go the other way, and in this case there will never be agreement.

Don't mix drifters and racers on a server, and leave it at that.
Quote from Christofire :Lots of text.

That was a refreshing point of view on this matter. You speak wisely my friend.
That was almost poetic, sir! Very well put, some intelligent insight makes a welcome change
#99 - Gunn
Quote from evilgeek :since the original question was essentially "why don't racers like drifters"

No that was not the original question, but as usual that is what the conversation has degraded to.
he might of cured us hehehehe
This thread is closed

Why people dont like drifting in LFS ??
(318 posts, closed, started )