The online racing simulator
Advanced Config.............
(14 posts, started )
Advanced Config.............
It's late/I'm tired so I haven't searched for hours trying to figure this one out....But here's my question....I just found out a way to change the force feedback sensitivity in the config file, so I was wondering what other settings in the config file that don't seem so obvious are worth changing, or atleast checking out, as in things you cant do in the game if you know what i mean....example- I changed the Car Shine, and the FF Steps-just found out how to do that :0) there anywhere that says what every option does in the config file, I looked a bit and couldn't find that
Car Shine and FF Steps are pretty much the only worth changing, afaik. You can also modify the camera angle of the chase cam, if you use that for whatever reason.
#3 - Jakg
What SHOULD you change car shine too then? Mines at .7 to make it look more realistic - what should it be at?
^ I think that's okay. I have mine at 0.75, but that was a completely arbitrary chosen value.
whats the diff between "FF steps" and FF strenght (in game option)?
FF strength is... well how strong the effects are, ranging from 0 to 200%.
FF steps defines how fine and nuanced the FF is. Sensible values are from 64 to 256, with the latter being the "best". The technical explanation is, that LFS doesn't send new FF forces all the time, but only when the force differs a certain amount from the previously calculated force. The higher the FF steps setting, the smaller the needed difference. Though it's not quite sure if the FF wheel can even generate so many different forces.
But My next question is and I looked and now I'm really too tired after over 500 miles of this game, and it's 10:30 am no sleep....sorry.....i was just wondering if there is something where you could edit any option you wanted in the cfg file while playing Part of me thinks not, but I have to ask.
Well, not *any* option, but have you tried the options menu yet? :insane:
If you mean some extra program that just modifies the cfg.txt, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work, as I believe the config options are just read from that file on LFS startup (or while modifying something in the options menu, maybe).
Yeah I'm good with computers and that Jazz so I figured as much.....Just wanted a second opinion...........

okay im going to list some config settings in cfg that maybe somebody can help me with understanding better.........

Thr Brk Rate 4.00

Steer Look Reduce 0.10

Flip 1
Config 2
Combined Non Linear 0.25

thats about it....i have ideas on what they mean, just needed to make sure after this I'm good
Quote from theblackrabbi :if there is something where you could edit any option you wanted in the cfg file while playing

While playing? Config editing is pretty usual in games but in which games that is possible while you're playing? :O Even if you use console commands most of the GFX/hardware related commands requires game restart.

BTW, why LFS doesn't have a special console (not like other sims had)? Though not much need for it because you can already edit nearly every possible setting from the menus...
Thr Brk Rate - [Options > Controls > mouse/kb > Button control rate] This is how fast throttle and brake move when using digital inputs (like keyboard). Ranges from 2.0 to 6.0.

Steer Look Reduce - [Options > View > Look centre reduction] Sets how much the look movement is slowed down around the "center" (= looking ahead). Only visible if "look function" is set to "ms X" or "ms XY".

Config - Number of the last used track configuration. Aston Cadet would be 1, Aston Historic 4, etc.

Flip - Direction of the last used track configuration (0 = normal, 1 = reverse).

Combined Non Linear - [Options > Controls > wheel/js > Thr / brk centre reduction] Sets how (non)linear the throttle and brake inputs correspond to the physical pedal travel. On a fully linear setting (0.0), the throttle/brake input is taken 1:1 from your pedal's position. At a fully non-linear setting (1.0), pushing the pedal till about 75% has very little throttle/brake input at first, but the remaining 25% of travel make the bar rise/fall very quickly. Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
Quote from AndroidXP :FF strength is... well how strong the effects are, ranging from 0 to 200%.
FF steps defines how fine and nuanced the FF is. Sensible values are from 64 to 256, with the latter being the "best". The technical explanation is, that LFS doesn't send new FF forces all the time, but only when the force differs a certain amount from the previously calculated force. The higher the FF steps setting, the smaller the needed difference. Though it's not quite sure if the FF wheel can even generate so many different forces.

Cool, I had no idea about this, will have to give it a go...

One question... should it take any more CPU to update the FF more often, perhaps affecting frame rates? Has anyone had any bad experiences such as this from changing the number from 64 to 256?


Edit: While we're talking about FF, does anyone know if it's possible to set it so that < and > change FF by 1% instead of the default of 5%?
Yes, a higher number could potentially reduce your frame rates or something. Try it, and if it's okay, then leave it. If not, go down to 200, then 160... that sort of thing.

The < > shortcut is only 5% in game, but if you halve the value in Windows Control Panel then you end up with a net adjustment of 2.5% in LFS. I use 50% in Windows so that I have more accuracy adjusting it in game. I could probably get away with 25% in Windows and use more like 120% in LFS, in which case < > would give me steps of 1.25% compared to 100% in Windows.
Quote from tristancliffe :Yes, a higher number could potentially reduce your frame rates or something. Try it, and if it's okay, then leave it. If not, go down to 200, then 160... that sort of thing.


Quote from tristancliffe :The < > shortcut is only 5% in game, but if you halve the value in Windows Control Panel then you end up with a net adjustment of 2.5% in LFS. I use 50% in Windows so that I have more accuracy adjusting it in game. I could probably get away with 25% in Windows and use more like 120% in LFS, in which case < > would give me steps of 1.25% compared to 100% in Windows.

....and thanks again. I had thought of changing the value in Windoze but I figured I'd check in case there was a way to change the in-game shortcut (only because I know what value I like in game and I'm lazy really...).

Advanced Config.............
(14 posts, started )