The online racing simulator
Spinoff : Internet connection issues
Quote from DanneDA :A bug I've seen in the recent test patches:
At race starts, all cars appears to lag at the moment the lights become green. Remember a similar thing beeing fixed in an earlier testpatch (where every car got the lag message). I'll see if I can save a replay of this later today.

Image of a lag related bug/glitch?

(watch Subon VW at start of replay too)

Note bug #1: Watch car placed 2nd on the grid, lag at the start from him.
Attached images
Attached files
lag start.mpr - 112.2 KB - 349 views
I haven't changed anything in any of the multiplayer systems, and as U30 has been out for a few weeks now, I guess this isn't a new bug affecting many people.

I think it looks like a temporary problem with your internet connection, or you have been connecting to hosts with more people racing there... I don't know. It's very unlikely to be related to a test patch though.
I've been getting lots of disappearing track lately but that's due to internet issues and subsequent lag. I'd imagine it's the same for you DanneDA.
I'm not sure if this is related to the internet connection. I have still the alpha installed and I get this a lot. sometimes it takes up to a minute or two till the whole surrounding is there ( cars and skins are there).
#5 - ORION
which exact version tomylee?
LFS Alpha patch U

PS: maybe u know me from here
Well, why are you posting in the U30 test patch thread then? I mean, without actually using U30?
Because somebody did relate the problem to the patch and I was saying that it was before already
now something U30 related:

all the time I did run the U (standard) version. I do have internet connection problems, I know this. But I race a lot on the Conedoders server's and have often huge problems (disconnects). Tonight it was terrible, was not able to stay 5min on it. I did see that on the server was patch U30, so I changed my LFS to U30 and it went much better.

Yesterday I was racing on the Fusion server (U20) for 2 hours without any problem (almost every time a full server). So it looks like that there aren't big problems with the U20.

Also do I get a lot of "No connection" errors (the little triangle with exclamation mark) while I run LFS. I dont get then when I use the internet for something else or watch a TV stream over it (or very rare). So something is making trubble.

Quote from tomylee :now something U30 related:

all the time I did run the U (standard) version. I do have internet connection problems, I know this. But I race a lot on the Conedoders server's and have often huge problems (disconnects). Tonight it was terrible, was not able to stay 5min on it. I did see that on the server was patch U30, so I changed my LFS to U30 and it went much better.

That has to be a problem on your end, not with LFS. Im also using the original Patch U still and I only get a disconnect once every two months or even less.
Quote from zeugnimod :That has to be a problem on your end, not with LFS. Im also using the original Patch U still and I only get a disconnect once every two months or even less.

No sorry, can't be. It's to obvious. There is something with my computer and the LFS what is making trubble.
Quote from tomylee :No sorry, can't be. It's to obvious. There is something with my computer and the LFS what is making trubble.

I get disconnected quite easily when msn is on and someone starts to talk to me. Didn't have it that much earlier, because when somebody started talking to me before, I just had a bit of lag and continued.

Note: Don't know if this has to do with the patch, or with the fact I'm on wireless (always been), but now I'm further away from the access point (which will hopefully be positioned closer again soon). Thought to put this down, might be of use if it is the patch and not the distance to my access point.
Quote from tomylee :No sorry, can't be. It's to obvious. There is something with my computer and the LFS what is making trubble.

I have watched the ConeDodgers servers for weeks now, trying to get to the bottom of the disconnects. We have moved servers, buildings, computers and U, U20 and now U30 and notice its normally the same people who get disconnected all the time and cause the server problems.

Of the six regular "disconnectors" i am sorry you are one of them.

I have said to you before that you have problems with your ISP and i still think you have. Give your ISP the IP number of the server and ask them to look into it.

Quote :Tomylee : ISP's do restrict some ports to relieve the P2P bandwith strain maybe this is prob

this I dont understand in german pls

birder I know that I have onternet connection problems, but when I join the CD server it's worse like yesterday I was not able to stay on the server 5min. then I went to a RR server and had no problems. Then I changed back to the CD server and right away again the disconnect.
I don't wanna say it's your server and I'm thankful for everythink you triedm, rather I think there is something in the code what is causing in some combinations a communication problem. Like when I used the U20 patch it was the same like yesterday on CD2 all the time. Then I changed back to U and it was gone.
I watch TV streams with a puffer from 5sec and I do have there very rare problems and almost never "connectivity problems" (little yellow triangel on internet symbol) which I get a lot when running LFS

I called my internet provider but they going on my nerves, looks like they have no idea. Anyway, in 4 weeks I'm going to cancel the contract, so the new one will be better I hope.

Scawen, is there no tool to log the traffic or communication for you guys?
Hi Tomylee

You may know this already but as I understand it when you connect to a server the actual route the data takes will probably pass though 10+ nodes on its way to the target. Two different servers may not share any common nodes although there are likely to be at least a couple near to your location that they share in common.. Maybe you could try using an free IP tracker like http://www.freedownloadscenter ... er_Freeware_Download.html
If you can get the ip addresses of the servers you could then test each one and see if there are any problems on the route to any of the servers you can get the ip address for.
I don't have any recommendations on which ip tracker to use, the one above is just a free one I found by quickly googling for one.

I hope you get it sorted.

I am having the same connectivity issues as tommylee is. If I go onto a server that is full I will ping out within a few minutes, guaranteed . I can stay connected to an empty server for awhile but then again I will eventually be disconnected.

This all started when I switched to U30. I am still seeing if any of the programs I am running are causing any problems, but I never had an issue before U30.
#17 - axus
Quote from Viper93 :I am having the same connectivity issues as tommylee is. If I go onto a server that is full I will ping out within a few minutes, guaranteed . I can stay connected to an empty server for awhile but then again I will eventually be disconnected.

This all started when I switched to U30. I am still seeing if any of the programs I am running are causing any problems, but I never had an issue before U30.

You should try this with an older version to confirm that it is an U30 issue. Connectivity problems can be caused by so many things.
Yes, connection problems are not a LFS bug, at least with these test patches, where there are no real changes to the multiplayer code. Every patch that is released, thousands of people will download it, and about 5 of them will coincidentally get internet problems at the same time, so they assume it's the patch even though nothing changed in the multiplayer code.

The first thing to do if you have internet problems, is restart your computer. The next thing is to restart your router. Pull the plug and put it back in again. That is a very important step! Routers have software with bugs in it and after a long time they begin to get funny. I've experienced this with routers from two different manufacturers.
I have to say though Scawen, connectivity really seems to be a more general problem lately. Never before have I heard of so many player disconnects, even server crashes and much lag on the servers. At first I thought it was just me, but both here on the forum and on various irc channels I hear I'm definitely not the only one who experiences these problems.

Maybe it's because there are a lot of leagues going on, that people complain more about disconnects (disco is always more annoying in an important race). Maybe it's because a lot more servers run InSim applications lately. But maybe it really is a more general (and LFS related) problem.

I don't know for sure either of course, but I thought I'd just ventilate my thoughts... because of my recent experiences I'm starting to think that maybe there's something that you haven't thought of yet, that causes more connectivity problems (no offense, just trying to help solving what seems to be a problem).
Quote from traxxion :I have to say though Scawen, connectivity really seems to be a more general problem lately. Never before have I heard of so many player disconnects, even server crashes and much lag on the servers. At first I thought it was just me, but both here on the forum and on various irc channels I hear I'm definitely not the only one who experiences these problems.

If you read up on networking news sites, etc you'll find that lately ALOT of changes have been happening in many major ISPs all over the world to deal with the increased p2p and streaming content traffic. It's the price to pay as more and more high overhead services are becoming increasingly popular. Many of the traffic shaping policies applied can result in increased overall throughput by sacrificing elements that help in reduced latency.

What needs to be done by hosts, imo, general is learn if their ISPs have specific rules (origin and destination ports for starters) for gaming traffic and change them on servers. I have a hunch that using port ranges that are close (or exact) to what popular FPS games (half life, counterstrike, etc) use might help.
Yeah, xaotik, I just came back here to add the option of a "general internet problem"... might be that too.
All should really try it with the U version. When I installed the first patch (U20) I got those disconnects. Later on I thought about changing back to the U and the disconnects were gone. Two coincident's exact at this time, that would be something crazy
#23 - axus
This is probably not the place for this discussion but anyway.

Quote from tomylee :All should really try it with the U version. When I installed the first patch (U20) I got those disconnects. Later on I thought about changing back to the U and the disconnects were gone. Two coincident's exact at this time, that would be something crazy

Not as crazy as you might think. Its basically impossible that the connection existed in the first place if netcode was any different I should think. Unless you got lots of OOS errors which would probably imply that what the server is recieving as packets from you and what's actually happening don't appear coherent (as I understand it). You can't magically increase pings with a suttle netcode change anyway (or a change of any other part of the code for that matter).

Quote from traxxion :I have to say though Scawen, connectivity really seems to be a more general problem lately. Never before have I heard of so many player disconnects, even server crashes and much lag on the servers. At first I thought it was just me, but both here on the forum and on various irc channels I hear I'm definitely not the only one who experiences these problems.

Maybe it's because there are a lot of leagues going on, that people complain more about disconnects (disco is always more annoying in an important race). Maybe it's because a lot more servers run InSim applications lately. But maybe it really is a more general (and LFS related) problem.

I don't know for sure either of course, but I thought I'd just ventilate my thoughts... because of my recent experiences I'm starting to think that maybe there's something that you haven't thought of yet, that causes more connectivity problems (no offense, just trying to help solving what seems to be a problem).

Back in the S1 days I could race lag-free on a 56k modem. Those days are long over thanks to the increasing number of packets that have to be sent with S2 - damage etc.

Also bear in mind that if your country has some kind of general capping policy, people will normally save bandwidth at the start of the month and towards the end of the month, pings will go up and up because everyone thinks "oh look, I have 2gb to spare!" (2gb doesn't sound like much but here 3gb is all you get). This tendency is a real problem here. Pings during the day tend to be much higher than at night etc. There's so many things that affect it.
I normally try not to post in the test patch forum but I feel I need to add to this. Most ISP's do not provide a "proper" internet service, what they are actually doing is giving you a service to browse and receive email. Other things obviously work but to give "normal" traffic priority they employ traffic shaping. This is what you get when you go for £14.99 "unlimited" packages.

My ISP is Zen Internet (not cheap at £24.99 a month) and they have NO traffic shaping and I very rarely get disconnected from a server. In fact the few times it has happened it was a server problem because when I rejoined everyone had been kicked. Personally I have noticed no rise in disconnects when using U30.

This however was also true before U30 and I am not saying it is the reason here but Im just trying to explain to people who come racing in here blaming U30.

Like Xoatik said - If there is major network overhaul then people are going to notice some difference.
Using Zen Internet as well..... no problems here with patch U30 or any other U patch I've installed

The only connection issues I've ever had were with my old router that decided it was going to play up after 2 years use. Disconnects, bad throughput etc.... This was a netgear router/modem and if you look in their forums theres quite a lot of problems like this.

Factory Reset, firware upgrade etc made no difference...

So I bought a 'proper' named router...CISCO and never looked back. Had 0 problems since!

Make sure you check the support forums of your modem manufacturer... it just might solve some of these issues