697:10923=0.06 posts per km
10923:679=16,08 km per post
697:5111=0,13 posts per litre
5111:679=7,527 litre per post
679:1649=0,041 posts per lap
1649:679=2,43 laps per post
679:409=1,705 posts per host entered
409:679=0,602 hosts entered per post
679:8= 84,875 posts per win :S
8:679 =0,0118 wins per post :S
679:4= 196,75 posts per being second at the end of a race
679:12= 56,58334 posts per race ending third
679:153= 4,438 posts per finished race
679:10= 67,9 posts per qualification
679:0= NOT POSSIBLE (per pole position)
"Super ratio"? You geeks. I've created a monster! Muahahaha! Something to use in our sigs perhaps
Looks like there aren't many of us -5s so far. Quite an exclusive little club there
Like I said, in my case it's a combo of not enough to do at work (which means way too much time to talk crap, which for me is dangerous), too much nice weather, too little time for too many games! But still - anyway you slice it that's a whole lotta bullshit Better hush up and start getting my 24 pounds' worth - I may even get a bit quicker