Digital mouth to mouth - Calling of LFS troops (S2)
Okay so we have 900 players simultaneously online. Cool. But lets make it 10.000 ?
Yes you've read correctly, 10.000. As an aim, not with a specific date, but the sooner the better.
This sim deserves a lot more from us users, than regular games, because the devs and their feedback aint normal either (in a good way)
Much of what has been already achieved with lfs, stands on one thing, belief in "we can do it". Against all odds, against all corps, against installed interests. But yes, we can put quality back into gaming.
Digital mouth to mouth played a big part in the initial boom. Hundreds of mails to gaming/news websites (from big to small), emails to friends, irc pasting, irc "evangelization", foreign forum posting, etc etc, anything that's worthwhile to make lfs more known than it already is.
Please share the fun and excitement this sim provides with everyone you know and dont know
and that may bring many new gamers into this.
Besides this more "general effort" in your own language or english, maybe in future, the devs can support an "expansion program", to incentivate even further your efforts (thats yet to be discussed).
Special attention to areas like Asia region and Americas is needed to have a more constant number of players online. LFS is a 24h thing. Efforts in these regions are welcomed.
Please post (once, and edit your updates), all that you have been doing to propagate the word and helping us build a stronger community.
Share your sucesses and insucesses, from branding cows in swiss mountains with lfs logo, to dropping millions of flyers over a raging crowd of religeous fanatics, or even wearing lfs url in your naughty parts (yes the longer url).
Please don’t give up. Please don’t keep LFS as your little secret pleasure . Help it develop. It can only get better and better as the constant effort in perfecting it shows.
ps: if you notice other sims cloning your own efforts, here and there, don’t be surprised. As long as we are leaders and they are followers it’s because we still have the innovation edge. Besides the more sims are stronger the better so if they benefit from this LFS effort, there is no harm, coz in the end, overtime, only quality prevails.
this is fanbased, written by a fan for fans
Okay so we have 900 players simultaneously online. Cool. But lets make it 10.000 ?
Yes you've read correctly, 10.000. As an aim, not with a specific date, but the sooner the better.
This sim deserves a lot more from us users, than regular games, because the devs and their feedback aint normal either (in a good way)
Much of what has been already achieved with lfs, stands on one thing, belief in "we can do it". Against all odds, against all corps, against installed interests. But yes, we can put quality back into gaming.
Digital mouth to mouth played a big part in the initial boom. Hundreds of mails to gaming/news websites (from big to small), emails to friends, irc pasting, irc "evangelization", foreign forum posting, etc etc, anything that's worthwhile to make lfs more known than it already is.
Please share the fun and excitement this sim provides with everyone you know and dont know

Besides this more "general effort" in your own language or english, maybe in future, the devs can support an "expansion program", to incentivate even further your efforts (thats yet to be discussed).
Special attention to areas like Asia region and Americas is needed to have a more constant number of players online. LFS is a 24h thing. Efforts in these regions are welcomed.
Please post (once, and edit your updates), all that you have been doing to propagate the word and helping us build a stronger community.
Share your sucesses and insucesses, from branding cows in swiss mountains with lfs logo, to dropping millions of flyers over a raging crowd of religeous fanatics, or even wearing lfs url in your naughty parts (yes the longer url).
Please don’t give up. Please don’t keep LFS as your little secret pleasure . Help it develop. It can only get better and better as the constant effort in perfecting it shows.
ps: if you notice other sims cloning your own efforts, here and there, don’t be surprised. As long as we are leaders and they are followers it’s because we still have the innovation edge. Besides the more sims are stronger the better so if they benefit from this LFS effort, there is no harm, coz in the end, overtime, only quality prevails.
this is fanbased, written by a fan for fans