The online racing simulator
Realism/Realistic or Enjoyment?
(52 posts, started )

Poll : Realistic/Realism or Enjoyment

Quote from cmckowen :Yeah i wish there was a both choice in there.

I play because i thouroughly enjoy it and because its realistic.

I raced, no rather the term played or fooled around with Carbon at a friends house. He was ranting and raving about it and after i did a few corners i got off his machine.

His response is, "it's just too real,how the physics, dont you feel like your driving the car, its brilliant hey?". I almost sacrificed a bottle over his head but it was too full of beer so i held back.

you really should smack that friend of yours.. noone should be allowed to utter such bullshit!

ontopic though, i chose realism, because i wouldn't be playing this game if it wasn't for the realism!
I'm answering this without reading the rest of the thread, and i believe other racers may already have said the same as I... for me, in a race driving game at least, realism is enjoyment... i used to like other kinds of car games... outrun and stuff.. but since i started playing.. no, racing in LFS, it's just not the same. So... realism!