The online racing simulator
Master Server Down (20 mins)
(47 posts, started )
So, is there a fix yet? most servers are empty because people can't join them unless they use join specific game.
#27 - OPK
There are some ppl in the german forum also with a similar proble (both S2 licensed and demo racers)

The host list will load, but then the "could not find host" message appears and they can´t join a single host
same problem here in demo too. Could not join host as message, and serverlist doesnt stop refreshing.
Quote from BLooDMaN :So, is there a fix yet? most servers are empty because people can't join them unless they use join specific game.

Well... no, there is no fix, because i wasn't looking into it.

I've now been able to reproduce this fault, intermittently, so now i'm looking into it.

This mysterious "Could not find host" is not connected with yesterday's 20 minute power down. I think one of the hosts in the list has gone wrong. Anyway i'll find out what's wrong and if it can be fixed on the master server or if a patch is needed.
#30 - OPK
Okay, seems as if only demo racers are affected in german forum too.
Thx for looking at it
I can't reproduce this any more.

I have updated a line of code in LFS, which i think will fix this if it happens again.

But it looks like the offending hosts have been restarted - because it's not reproducable any more.

Please post here if it happens again, so i can try to catch in in the debugger, or maybe i'll need to rush the patch out if the problem persists - something i'd prefer not to do as there are a couple of other bug fixes i'd like to do for Friday's version and a bit more of my own testing of the language support.
Strange thing, the same problem still persists for me. I get at least 15 "could not find host" messages (only the last 15 are shown on screen like in chat history, i think). LFS never finishes checking for hosts.

I tried to join a few servers by entering their names in "join specific host" and it works there, so the servers must be there.

Maybe it would help, if the name of the host, that LFS can´t find, is displayed in the message too.
Ok, i just checked the Demo-servers another time :

LFS says that it is checking 91 servers, can join 88 servers, noreply 2 wrong version 0

LFS-World says there are 101 servers online, should the number not be the same ? (I checked directly after closing LFS).

I dont know how the serverlist is ordered while checking the list, but the flooding of the "could not find host messages" begins after just checking a few of the 91 displayes hosts.

The main problem is, that LFS never finishes checking the hosts. Otherwise we simply could join existing servers on the list (As said before "join a specific host" is still working)

Edit: i know where the difference between LFS-World and LFS comes from. I looked for the number of all servers in LFS-World and not only for 0.5P / 0.5P2 servers. So the number of 0.5P / 0.5P2 matches the number displayed in LFS.
Quote from Octane :Strange thing, the same problem still persists for me. I get at least 15 "could not find host" messages (only the last 15 are shown on screen like in chat history, i think). LFS never finishes checking for hosts.

I tried to join a few servers by entering their names in "join specific host" and it works there, so the servers must be there.

Maybe it would help, if the name of the host, that LFS can´t find, is displayed in the message too.

Yeah, i reproduced it again as well, just can't reproduce it when i use the debug version.

Never mind, i think i will get this patch out quickly to solve / identify the problem. My aim is to upload test patch P3 within one hour.

BTW - i don't think LFS could display the name of the host - as it's really a strange bug, some kind of packet error. LFS doesn't actually know the name of the host, until it has had a successful communication with it.
I checked the deb.log now, and it is filled with ~1500 "could not find host messages", thats about 17 times for each host.

i attach my last deb.log here.
Attached files
deb.txt - 31 KB - 246 views
Quote from drapin :I can only speak for the demo...I think it must be one of the passworded servers, because if you manage to uncheck the Private option ( not to display Private server ) than eveything is fine. If Private is on Yes, you end up with a freeze and need to ctrl+alt+del out (or at least have to wait way too long).

Thanks for this info - i can now reproduce it reliably.

Forget about that patch that was coming soon - it doesn't solve the bug. I'll give you more info when i know more - it could take some time...
If you want to disable checking the private hosts and you can't do it in the game because of this problem, you can open the cfg.txt file and towards the end of it change the Search Flags to 4. Then launch LFS.

First i managed to catch it in the debugger and i've done a fix which means LFS doesn't get stuck in that way again.

Also i managed to find out which host it was and restart it - now you won't see the bug any more.

I'll think a bit more about when to release the patch. Please let me know if you see that same bug again.

Thanks for the help!

Quote :I can only speak for the demo...I think it must be one of the passworded servers, because if you manage to uncheck the Private option ( not to display Private server ) than eveything is fine. If Private is on Yes, you end up with a freeze and need to ctrl+alt+del out (or at least have to wait way too long). Today 12:56

True, error only occurs when private servers are shown. I remember when first encountered this bug yesterday evening, i set the filter to show empty servers too (which i usually dont show) and as many private servers are empty the bug occured.

#41 - robt
im an S2 racer and im gettin this problem, during daytime i can solve the problem by joinign a specific game then going back to the list of servers. or just restarting LFS.
but from 9pm onwards that doesnt solve the problem and i can only use join specific host or find user to get onto servers.
its hapening at this very moment.
Quote from robt :...its hapening at this very moment.

It should be ok if you use the new Test Patch P3 - on the other thread. It has a fix for this problem.
#43 - robt
ok thanks scawen. now i just gotta find the thread lol
#44 - robt
nup cant find it lol.

EDIT: found it now, :s
It's working now, thanks.
Bit off topic...
What sort of the computer do you run LFS server on it ?
Its very reilable system i must say.

windows 3.11, on DOS 5.5
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Master Server Down (20 mins)
(47 posts, started )