Impresssive result for not using brazil! Its the only thing holding me back from using max9

One thing i noticed is the reflection ont he frontbumper looks liek matt paint and not high gloss like the relections.
Quote from Davo :Impresssive result for not using brazil! Its the only thing holding me back from using max9

One thing i noticed is the reflection ont he frontbumper looks liek matt paint and not high gloss like the relections.


Yeah, I need to work on the textures more , I just copied the specular parameters from the brazil texture.

One nice thing is that mental ray renders are quite a bit faster than brazil.
Quote from noise_is_life :Here is my first attempt at a render
(besides the standard car on a plane renders of course)...

I like the lightning, but not textures - wall texture is to big and road
texture don't have any depth at all...just a plane without bump etc.
Quote from MorroW :I like the lightning, but not textures - wall texture is to big and road
texture don't have any depth at all...just a plane without bump etc.

Thanks for the input.

Both are 3ds supplied textures, I was wondering if the flat appearance of the road is a limitiation of the texture or a result of the angle that I am using it at.
its the angle: that is if your using a bumpmap

keep in mind, bumpmaps dont do anything but change the lighting a little bit; unlick displacement texturing which actually changes the shape of a poly

scene is a bit dark though imo, and maybe to orangish.. i dontk now, somethings weird looking about it
Quote from XCNuse :its the angle: that is if your using a bumpmap

keep in mind, bumpmaps dont do anything but change the lighting a little bit; unlick displacement texturing which actually changes the shape of a poly

Cool, I'll have to work on that some more.

Quote :
scene is a bit dark though imo, and maybe to orangish.. i dontk now, somethings weird looking about it

It's supposed to be approaching sunset, low light angle, slight yellow tint to the light and a sunsetish environment map. It's not entirely successful I know.
I have done a quick model of a driver for a job I am doing at the moment, and created all the textures for it, it is not the most realistic model, which I don't have time to refine it.
I know you would say to use a poser model, but some how I couldn't see a poser model that can correctly adopted as a F1 driver...conviencingly. Here is a render of it and a little animation for testing the bone rigs in the following thread
Attached images
driver and car.jpg
i did some bodywork to the RAC,no i think it´s really a GTR
rollcage,bodywork, better rims and so on

hope you like it
Attached images
Wow the RA just got sexier.
Scene Evolution
Here is the latest version of my scene (with a different skin).

I figured out displacement mapping for the cobbles, changed the lighting and tweaked a couple other things.

I'm pretty happy with the displacement map on left side of the image, but on the right side I'm getting some unwanted bumpiness. I just grayscaled and gaussian blurred the diffuse map to get the displacement map.

Any tips on improving the displacement mapping?
Attached images
if you aren't using vray or mental ray, chances are thats not actually a displacement map; yes it says displacement.. but it just screws it over its not actually a true displacement map; you'd be better off modeling it if you dont have mental ray displacement or vray displacement mods

also, get rid of the chrome wheels its really messing it up imo (no race cars have chrome wheels anyway)

for me the scene is just way to plain looking; no reflections outside of the wall and the floor.. its just not very lively..
Quote from XCNuse :if you aren't using vray or mental ray, chances are thats not actually a displacement map; yes it says displacement.. but it just screws it over its not actually a true displacement map; you'd be better off modeling it if you dont have mental ray displacement or vray displacement mods

Not exactly following you here, I am using mental ray. Are you saying mental ray does do actual displacement maps or that it doesn't.

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also, get rid of the chrome wheels its really messing it up imo (no race cars have chrome wheels anyway)

Really they don't?? Gosh I've never heard that. Anyway, it's on my list of things to sort out, didn't figure it was really a dealbreaker since I've got a slammed track car on slicks sitting on cobbles 11 K from the nearest track.

Quote :
for me the scene is just way to plain looking; no reflections outside of the wall and the floor.. its just not very lively..

I'll give you that, the environment map I did have got blown out when I switched to a mentralray Sun lightsource.

Good input though, gives me some goals.
well.. i have heard mental ray has a displacement map modifier, but i dont know where/how to get it

as for chrome wheels; you find me a race car with chrome wheels and i'll say im wrong
Quote from noise_is_life :Not exactly following you here, I am using mental ray. Are you saying mental ray does do actual displacement maps or that it doesn't.

Really they don't?? Gosh I've never heard that. Anyway, it's on my list of things to sort out, didn't figure it was really a dealbreaker since I've got a slammed track car on slicks sitting on cobbles 11 K from the nearest track.

I'll give you that, the environment map I did have got blown out when I switched to a mentralray Sun lightsource.

Good input though, gives me some goals.

Mental Ray has displacement settings, it is in render, under renderer tab, you will see Shadow & Displacement, it should be on by default anyway. The default setting should be OK, but you can play around with them if you like. I think you already know how to apply displacement effect.

Try not to use Sun light, it usually too bright, try put a small amount of sky light for overall lighting, then put a mental ray area spot for your main light. Remember to use Final Gathering for better rendering result.

Also put a fall off to your car's reflection, so the reflection strength will fade in distance, which is more natural.
Quote from XCNuse :
as for chrome wheels; you find me a race car with chrome wheels and i'll say im wrong

It didn't really take much effort you know...

Anyway, I'm not defending the chrome wheels, it was just an easy cop out on my part, I've been mostly focused on the scene.
Quote from samyip :I think you already know how to apply displacement effect.

Right, I just need to figure out how to improve my map, or find the settings to reduce the aspects I don't like.

Quote :
Try not to use Sun light, it usually too bright, try put a small amount of sky light for overall lighting, then put a mental ray area spot for your main light. Remember to use Final Gathering for better rendering result.

That's good info, I'll work with it. The number of lighting options in 3ds is a little bewildering.

Quote :
Also put a fall off to your car's reflection, so the reflection strength will fade in distance, which is more natural.

Yeah, I have a falloff reflection map on there, but thanks for explaining why it's there (I just blindly copied it over from the Morrow scene when I converted to mentral ray).
Quote from noise_is_life :It didn't really take much effort you know...

Anyway, I'm not defending the chrome wheels, it was just an easy cop out on my part, I've been mostly focused on the scene.

The wheel you are using is not refined enough to render like a chrome wheel convincingly. edges are too sharp, need to be smoother for the reflection to work well (blend in better). Model your own wheel will be better. You can search in the internet for tutorial of how to create one. It is not that difficult.
Quote from samyip :The wheel you are using is not refined enough to render like a chrome wheel convincingly. edges are too sharp, need to be smoother for the reflection to work well (blend in better). Model your own wheel will be better. You can search in the internet for tutorial of how to create one. It is not that difficult.

Yeah, I've been looking at that, there's a really good video tute that I found someplace. Creating a wheel object from the picture of a wheel or some such thing.
Quote from noise_is_life :Right, I just need to figure out how to improve my map, or find the settings to reduce the aspects I don't like.

The resolution of your bitmap will affect the displacement result too, if the image is low res, you may get ragged edges due to the pixelation of the image. Higher res will give a smoother edge.

Also, apply a small amount of bump map using the same map you used for displacement, this should enhance some small texture details that displacement map may not pick up.
lol.. those aren't real race car wheels that happen to be chrome; note what it says "for dirt or asphalt" asphalt just happens to be there; more or less asphalt; i can assure you that anyone in a car like a GTi with a roll cage and all was never thinking about having the wheels chrome plated to increase weight

i assure you; there are no real* race cars that have chrome wheels

*real: as in professional or media casted races
i think the car shouldn't be that close to the camera because it is a low-poly object.I'd use vray or mentalray with global illumination/indirect illumination to render.And maybe depth of field would do good.
Here's another simple "white backdrop" scene that I'm playing with some lighting on. I'm getting the strange reflection artifacts that you can see on the headlights and the windshield.

Anybody have any clues how to get rid of them? I've been RTFM, but haven't figured it out yet.

I'm using the mental ray renderer. The lighting is a combo of skylight and mr Area Spotllight. I have the final gather preset at Medium or High (I forget) and the noise filtering set to High.
Attached images
well its obvious its not just those regions, its also under the car; so it leads you to one specific thing; your skylight
check out the quality of its shadow settings; an easy way to see if they are low or not, is how fast it renders, if it renders fairly quickly, then you can say for a fact that thats what it is

i dont know anything about MR, so you'll have to just.. increase some values or search google
Quote from noise_is_life :Here's another simple "white backdrop" scene that I'm playing with some lighting on. I'm getting the strange reflection artifacts that you can see on the headlights and the windshield.

Anybody have any clues how to get rid of them? I've been RTFM, but haven't figured it out yet.

I'm using the mental ray renderer. The lighting is a combo of skylight and mr Area Spotllight. I have the final gather preset at Medium or High (I forget) and the noise filtering set to High.

I think it could be your MR area light setting. Are you using Shadow map shadow? if yes, try use the Ray Traced shadow instead.
Quote from noise_is_life :Here is the latest version of my scene (with a different skin).

I figured out displacement mapping for the cobbles, changed the lighting and tweaked a couple other things.

I'm pretty happy with the displacement map on left side of the image, but on the right side I'm getting some unwanted bumpiness. I just grayscaled and gaussian blurred the diffuse map to get the displacement map.

Any tips on improving the displacement mapping?

*CLAP, CLAP* That and the Duracell bf1 render are the two sexiest one's i've seen yet absolutaly stunning render noise_is_life! Are there any others by you here? I want to use them for my LFS menu b-grounds???

3D LFS renders
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