Unknown username - possible Bug
(9 posts, started )
Unknown username - possible Bug {SOLVED}
was on citydriving cops and robbers where i am admin and tryed to ban someone, unknown username is what i got as a reply. Kick them, Unknown username. So as a last resort i tryed /find (see screenshots) and it still said, Unknown Username.

If i can get hold of a chat log, i will PM it to Victor

EDIT1- can a mod please change thread title to have (solved) in it
i had that problem also, and i was told the solution.... but i promtly forgot it... i think its something to to with <spaces> but i'm not sure.
hopefully someone with more knowledge will stop by with the answer
His name is "mark skafe" (like the user list shows), but you typed "mark scafe"
#4 - dev
I'd say the space in the username is the problem. The /ban command assumes that "mark" is the username and "scafe" the number of days to ban

LOL @ AndroidXP , I didn't notice that either
nah, still doesnt work. even with proper spelling
My goodness. I just tested it on a private server and the solution is really really complicated.

/ban "mark skafe" 1

Now go stand in a corner and be embarrassed.
ok, it works now, thanks guys

at least it can be here for future people who have the same problem
ah that was it! you have to put a number after the username! :doh:
Err, no, you have to put the user name in quotation marks " ". At least if the name contains a space...

Unknown username - possible Bug
(9 posts, started )