The online racing simulator
paypal and the voucher
(7 posts, started )
paypal and the voucher
First off I tried searching and finding my answer had no luck. ok heres my situation.

I orginally purchased the voucher for a friend through paypal. I don't use a credit card so it took abotu 2 weeks to clear. Now it is cleared and I have not recieved it yet. Of course I know these things sometimes take awhile. so while playing around with my account I noticed something. I had entered my email adress wrong. it was instead of .com at the end. I am just wondering do they send the voucher through the paypal email or the account email. I assume through the paypal email in which case I can just wait patiently. If not what should I do?

thanks for the help in advance.
#2 - Vain
Contact the LFS support here and state your problem.
Normally the voucher code needs 30 seconds to arrive at the destination eMail address.

Quote from Vain :Contact the LFS support here and state your problem.
Normally the voucher code needs 30 seconds to arrive at the destination eMail address.


ok thanks for the quick reply. it has been about an hour so I guess I should be a bit worried now ha ha.
#4 - Vain
You'll get your voucher. All data is stored and they will quickly find the error and send you the voucher. It's all safe and there's nothing to worry about, but it may take a bit more than 30 seconds to get the voucher now.

#5 - Jakg
S2 licensed

seems like it got through!
It was for a friend not me. I have had mine since it basically came out.
Sorry for the double posts but I just want to say I sent the email and after about 2 hours decided to send another just because I had a feeling the first one didn't get through.

After about 15 minutes I got a response. It was saying I already got your first email but here your voucher again just in case you didn't recieve it the first time.

Talk about a weird feeling coming true and thanks so much to the customer service with the quick response and sending my code twice instead of just assuming I got it the first time. Also thanks to the response in this thread . and thanks for.. Ice cream or something


paypal and the voucher
(7 posts, started )