based on the fact that the domains cost that much alone, i wouldnt say that input means an aweful lot really would you?
Not that most of the similar comments actually mean anything, someone's trying to offer hosing to interested people, i dont quite get why the 'ive got' posts are really needed for this specific thread topic.
Asside from the impossible to match setup sil3ntwar says he got (we wont ask what services were 'performed' for this
) the others i've seen far cheaper for far better, double specs for half the price, but when you pay peanuts you get monkeys.
I gave Leifde a shout on Friday letting him know i was in the middle of something similar, im about to put that live for testing purposes in the next day or 2 for the Mercury guys to do some damage to it for a couple of weeks, should have it properly up and running for xmas/new year.
Anyway, to chip in with the original topic...
For hosting, i know when i was with Memphis-Bleek i did a little scouting and asked around for someone able to offer free hosting in exchange for us advertising on either the site or on our skins, by chance a N2003 racer read the message and offered us exactly what we were looking for and wasnt bothered about the adverts, though we still put there name on our skins and site, even now with Mercury when i swapped things around, we still have PrimalWebServices on our skins and site despite me moving them to my own server ages ago. Just our way of saying thanks for helping us out.
So if i could find a free option, then we'd definetly take that route, otherwise we would have had to chip in for paid hosting.
Hopefully that makes sense, that was where we were at 4 and 2 years ago, but as i now have hosting on a couple of servers myself its no longer an issue, so hopefully what we did a while back helps give you some insight.