The online racing simulator
Richard Burns... passes away
(57 posts, started )
A bit off topic but I read that Markko Märtin is coming back next season, driving some private Mitsubishi WRC. Surprisingly soon after the accident but good news.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Boredom?? Once you start to go quickly but still not knowing each dent in the road, like I did when RBR was just out, 6:12 at East-West surely isn't boring
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Oh My... I didn't know! How?
May him Rest In Peace
#56 - Mc21
Does not feel like a year, did not know about LFS at the time, but remember seeing it on TV and becoming very sad
R.I.P, driving genius!

I love the game also , only thing is, I have to fire up my PS2 to play!

Richard Burns... passes away
(57 posts, started )