The online racing simulator
(47 posts, started )
Awesome :bowdown:
Maybe one of the best videos I've seen, too bad it can't be used for official promoting because of the trademark issues and such. But a great video, thank You
Technically good, fits the purpose very well. The first video suitable for use a promo I've seen.
#28 - Nard
It was nice, but I guess my expectations were boosted by all the comments. I give it 8/10.

Loved the music!
Excellent! Maybe there should be a wider range of cars (if not all) but definitely suitable for a promo video. 10/10
Very well made, but overrated imo... There were too many effects in too short time and the music didn't fit that well for the purpose... Just Racing or Aspirations did that better...
#32 - Jakg
Quote from Boris Lozac :Yes, that's it, thanks.. But now that i look at the picture, it's not detailed, kinda blurred..
Sorry for OT..

in the picture it might be, but in the game it looks like it does in the Video
Quote from K.David :Excellent! Maybe there should be a wider range of cars (if not all) but definitely suitable for a promo video. 10/10

funny, I thought this had amazingly wide range of scenes with different cars. I think it covered almost every car (expect MRT?)
Great video but I think some of those skins will breach copyright of some sort.
Very nice video, enjoyed watching it. It has a repeat watch value, which says it all.
#36 - aoun
62% Done

lol ok, 8/10 Top video though!! .
Just me or does the video not play properly? It stutters and pauses making it impossible to watch. The sound plays fine though.

Ok seems like something is wrong at the start. Skipping the first 10 seconds makes it play fine. Its a good movie although it couldnt be used as a promo because you have a renault skin on the BMW Sauber which will give people the wrong ideas. Well made though.
It works fine here. I like this vid, I'm converting it to iPod format now to show LFS to my mates

edit: 10/10
Quote from sil3ntwar :Just me or does the video not play properly? It stutters and pauses making it impossible to watch. The sound plays fine though.

Might be because of the high resolution. Try VLC Player, it usually plays HD resolution videos smoothly on lower specs computers, e.g. I have usually problems playing HD vids on BSplayer but VLC plays them fine.
oh well.

this is exactly the way i like it, wanna make it - but never reached.

10/10, what else.
Loved it
really first? perfect!
tedanada!(is spelling wrong?) 9.5/10
10/10 awesome =)
that was very well done

im giving you 10/10
Thats a heck of a video, didn't play it with sound as I am at work, but top notch visuals.

As said, couldn't be a "real" promo vid because of some of the skins, but great stuff none-the-less.
Quote from keeper7k :Could you inform us which song is this???

Thanks in advance!!

intro music of sum41's 1st album Smile

Title is "Grab The Devil By The Horns And F***Him Up The a**" Schwitz
Quote from I.Scud :intro music of sum41's 1st album

Title is "Grab The Devil By The Horns And F***Him Up The a**"


(47 posts, started )