The online racing simulator
Live For Stats and LFS-report
(67 posts, started )
Oh I was to stupid and saw the problem so late, but now I got the dedi to work .

If you want to use or test this version before I finished what I want (it works good) you can send me a short note with an email address.
I uploaded a new version today / yesterday with the new ftp automatic uploading feature and a log (for the final links to the LFS-Report and xml file).
Also a new settings dialog, details will follow
Now I hope the program will work with a dedicated server, but I think there is still something wrong...

Currently Version is now 1.21
Quote from CLRS530 :I uploaded a new version today / yesterday with the new ftp automatic uploading feature and a log (for the final links to the LFS-Report and xml file).
Also a new settings dialog, details will follow
Now I hope the program will work with a dedicated server, but I think there is still something wrong...

Currently Version is now 1.21

I'm testing your new version, this release don't work with dedicated server too. (dedicated server runs with /cfg=file.cfg parameter and command "/insim=35743" presents in the cfg file). When i try to use a command "/mso=!save" i have a message "InSim is not open". Seemed like your program can't connect to dedicated server.

But when i run the lfs as a game it works (after install microsoft package, using default ports of lfstats and insim port 35743 in lfs).
Add: sometimes i have a "InSim: packet received before ISI packet" message in the lfs main screen. And I don't understand what i did wrong.
That happens if you closed LFS and open it again in only a few seconds, then maybe Live for Stats don´t see that LFS was restarted.

EDIT: Fixed that now if you start LFS from Live for Stats (for next version)

And yes dedicated server is still a problem
But you should be able to start it with [INSIM] /dedicated=nogfx (offline) but then I have insim
Now the dedi works for me. I only made one stupid mistake

Live for Stats Config (lfss.ini)

lfs = F:\LFS-Dedi
systemstart = 0
outputname = stats_[DATE]_[TIME]_[TRACK]_[MODE+].xml
lfsparameters = /cfg=config.cfg

serverport = 35743
clientport = 35742
adminpw = xxxx

ftpaddr = ""
httpaddr = ""
ftpuser = ""
ftppw = ""

LFS Config (config.cfg)


This should work for everyone.

1. use one port in Live for Stats for Serverport
2. use the same port for /insim=SERVERPORT
3. use one Clientport in Live for Stats ONLY THERE
4. use another serverport in LFS config for "port"

Or try my ports

I´m nearly sure it will work, but please give me a note if it does or not
Hi all !!

I've been tryind to use liveforstats with my dedi for a few days but with no succes. So I tryed your config files and i may have found something...

If I have as server IP and no connection to smaster server it sees to work...

If i have 192.168.0.x as server IP and still no connection to master server it does not work..

If i have ans conenction to master srv it does not connect to master server...

So I think the solution is to add in live fort stats cfg the srv IP parameter..

Hope that is understandable
Within the next two days there will be released a new version with an updated Settings Dialog

You see now LFS is selectable here too, not only on the first start (if you want to select another LFS version)

Also you can now select the folder for outputfiles.
If the field is empty or you type in a not existing folder -> Default one .\xmlstats will be used.
cool , but does it work with dedicated ? xD

Great job !!
It works with a dedicated server, you didn´t get it to work?
I didn´t really understand your post and thought you get it, because I read you exactly what I did and what your problem was.
what I meant was that I have to lauch my server with /ip= to get LFStats working.. But if I do so , then i can't reach my srv from internet ( becouse my NAT redirection goes to the 192.168.0.x adress ) ..

Is it clear enough?

Quote from donzeze :.. I have to lauch my server with /ip= to get LFStats working ... then i can't reach my srv from internet ( becouse my NAT redirection goes to the 192.168.0.x adress )

If you skip the /ip setting the server should run on both (all) ip's.
Oh sure, that was clear and thanks to filur

Btw the newest version is 1.30 since yesterday, there is no news yet, but you can find it in the download section or here:

There is a new browsable output folder (as I wrote some days ago and several small bugfixes)

But yes you are right I only send and get messages from there are so many things I don´t thought for... but if filur says it should work I don´t know if I include a changeable IP.
On the other hand it isn´t really hard to do.
Quote from CLRS530 :I only send and get messages from

Bind your sockets to all devices by default and let users set a fixed ip if they need it, just like lfs dedi.
Hi, I have to look if I can do this
But I don´t know if it´s the best way either (for my application maybe for LFS it is)

I now made a beta in it you can change the IP. It worked for me by using the IP my computer has in the local network

EDIT: 1.33b can change the IP also in the settings dialog.
Attached files - 125.1 KB - 235 views
thanks a lot for your great work !! I'll try that as soon as possible and tell you if it works !!
Cool !!! It works fine !! I can even keep my /ip=192.168.0.x setting !!

Thanks a lot ...
Nice thanks for your feedback
Back from holiday and very pleased to see that the dedi problem has been solved and is working for me too

But the bad news is that the exe is crashing after a few races.

From Event Viewer ...

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Application Error
Event Category: (100)
Event ID: 1000
Date: 25/11/2006
Time: 20:50:57
User: N/A
Computer: XXXXXXX
Faulting application liveforstats.exe, version, faulting module liveforstats.exe, version, fault address 0x0000a2a0.

The last XML file is incomplete and can be viewed here ...

If you need any extra info just let me know.
Hi, I know one bug but don´t know what it cause yet.
(Maybe its the same)

It would be very helpfull for me if you have the replay with the crash or if you could save it next time you maybe get it again.
Also helpfull would be, when it crashes: in race/by saving the file...
Quote from CLRS530 :Hi, I know one bug but don´t know what it cause yet.
(Maybe its the same)

It would be very helpfull for me if you have the replay with the crash or if you could save it next time you maybe get it again.
Also helpfull would be, when it crashes: in race/by saving the file...

The problem is I dont know when it's crashed without accessing the server.
Hmm, that helps me not really, I try to do a release now, wich creates an error log file
I linked version 1.35 now.
Didn´t fix the bug you posted (OldBloke) and the one I found too.
Also I don´t made a workaround cause that wouldn´t fix the main bug.

New in this official version is the working dedicated with server address....

And I integrated a minidump, so you should find everytime, if Live for Stats crashes a minidump called "liveforstats.exe-error.dmp".
This file will be overwritten everytime a new crash comes (I think and hope not often :P)
If you have a bug and no replay please send this dump to me.
Also the dump wouldn´t be wrong if you have a replay

Here the download link
Here is Release 1.42

News from
After a while, here is a new release. It provides many fixes and should work on a server over races and shouldn´t crash for some reason like the releases before that case was tested much.
Also the program runs on dedicated server with full support of an ip not and parameters to start the server
The third part of the update is one of the biggest changes in the program I implemented but it don´t changes the normal way the program works. You can now change the value "noplayerreset" in the ini- file (only there not in settings) this affects that all players won´t be resetted for dissconnects (if they come back in game) or for flying to pit. It´s interesting mainly for longer races where the rules allowing dissconnecting and continue there.
Until now it wasn´t possible to get a good result, but with this release you get it. Critical things like the total time, lap count and positions (also the positions in lap and split) will be fixed. I tested it with a 25h race in germany some time ago 25h race There were many disconnects and the result is mainly how it should be.
For default noplayerreset is surely 0, you can set it to 1 (player won´t be reseted) and 2 is the same like 1, but if one player dissconnects and someone else connected for him with the same clanttag the result will be continued The detection of clan players is very basic because it is hard to do it and nearly unpossible to detect all. If you have problems there give me the names and I try to fix it (it was used also for the 25h race).
At least I added a command: you can test the connection of Live for Stats at any time with "/mso !test" if you get a reaction Live for Stats is active.
The new version is 1.42 you can get it in the download section.

The download is here

Live For Stats and LFS-report
(67 posts, started )