Data of gauge values (rpm, fuel) from temp MPR/SPR files
I have posted an 'Improvement Request' in order to get data of gauge values (rpm, fuel) via OutSim: .

Only speed is output at this moment.

I wonder if is possible to get that values from temp MPR/SPR files. Only headers of these files are documented, and I have read that the rest of the files is not documented and never will be.

I don’t know if mess with temp MPR files or better wait and pray for my request.

There is another way?

Thank you
Rafael Hernandez
Unfortunately I dont think its possible without recreating a graphics-less LFS from scratch to simulate the physics, in order to get the speeds

Edit: (unless, ofc, scawen updates the OutSim api)
RAF files have speed, rpm and gear data.

May be that MPR files have same data, and you can access these real time data in MPR temp file.

Of course OutSim will be the solution. I am waiting…for one year...

Rafael Hernandez
Nah, RAF data is generated by the physics engine from MPR/SPR data. And I believe that MPR/SPR data is made up mainly of the control inputs. So the only way to generate it realtime would be to replicate the phyics engine. Which is impossible, natch.

I would love to see the outsim packet expanded to include real-time telemetry, but I'm not sure if it would be a good idea because it potentially opens the door to outsim based cheats like traction control and anti-lock braking.