Hey guys.
Right I'm a bit stuck, I've made a team skin for SBRacing (New team, should have a webby and server up soon) but I just feel something is missing. Granted it's pretty basic but I've only made a handful of liveries since buying S2 so my experience is extremely limited.
Here is the current livery:
(File in attached files)
You can add anything aslong as the three main colours remain red, white and black. Also GTPlanet.net is our main sponsor, anything else can be added, decals, sponsor logos, patterns.
No time limit so no rush.
Thanks to everyone who gives it a shot. 
Right I'm a bit stuck, I've made a team skin for SBRacing (New team, should have a webby and server up soon) but I just feel something is missing. Granted it's pretty basic but I've only made a handful of liveries since buying S2 so my experience is extremely limited.
Here is the current livery:
(File in attached files)
You can add anything aslong as the three main colours remain red, white and black. Also GTPlanet.net is our main sponsor, anything else can be added, decals, sponsor logos, patterns.
No time limit so no rush.