Im poor but I think I could got 5-10 Euros for a real track, but the problem is that not one of these are I am not interested in
SPA would be great to see, Long Nutburgring is too long and hmmmm to narrow, Bathurst is Autstralian track and Im not so much in to Australiand motosport, but stell I whatched Highlits from V8 Australia Bathurst. It realy nice track. Im never, ever whatched anything from Laguna Seca and Motosport park!!! Laguna S. is USA track, but where the hell is Motosport park?
SPA is best track on the Earth saes F1 drivers and I belive them. I was driving on it in GTR and GTR 2 and its totaly fun (Our ruse) firs corner, that you must know how to pass FLAT OUT and got superb top speed
So please add SPA!!!

Oh new version whit new bus stop chicane