Poll : Would you pay or not?

I would pay 20€ for Nürburgring Nordschleife
I would pay 5€ or 10€ for Laguna seca
I'm not interested paying for track addons
I would pay 5€ or 10€ for Bathurst
None of the tracks listed interest me, but I'd be willing to pay for some other track(s)
I would pay less for one of these
I would pay 5€ or 10€ for Mosport
I would pay even more for one of these
I'm poor or my mummy wouldn't allow me to buy one
#51 - CSU1
Quote from tristancliffe :New people who like LFS is great. But masses of new people who want to 'drive the nurburgring in mi car innit, wicked, why is LFS go no real cars and why is it that i is spinninz when i press de pedalzs' are something I don't want.

The Sauber caused a bit of that, and is one of the reasons I don't drive it, and the Nurburgring would be worse!

OT: Thats the wrong way to go on about the BF1, thats one very tricky machine to drive and VERY exciting....flam away...flame away, but on KY_Oval with 19 other cars its the clesest thing to Nascar LFS has...and for that reason I love it although as you say the general mass of people who seem to like it are those of the Drifting sort, but I love the BF1
]So stop slaggin it...its lovely
I voted not to pay>not interested in paying "that" kind of money.
#53 - JJ72
even if we have to deal with 10 more demo crackers and noobs a day I don't care, I just have to have the ring.
Brands for me!
I'd love to see Nordschleife in LFS, but i doubt it ll provide us very tight racing - most ppl cant even race prober an KYGP.
The LFS tracks are fantastic, but I would certainly pay a small fortune for a real track like Donnington or any other for that matter!
Nordschleife is the only circuit in that list worth any extra moolah.
Quote from SchneeFee :I'd love to see Nordschleife in LFS, but i doubt it ll provide us very tight racing - most ppl cant even race prober an KYGP.

You are right, Nordschleife would be about the driving and not the racing. Nothing wrong with that though.

It would give the game more value offline.
Big thumbs up for me for Nordschleife. But how about also doing the Sudschleife and of course joining the two together for surely the ultimate racing experience - the 28km long Gesamtstrecke:

Quote :[It] had three different loops: the Nordschleife (the Northern loop), which was by far the largest with a lenght of 22.810 kms, the smaller Südschleife (Southern loop), 7.747 kms, and, in the middle, the Start und Ziel Schleife (start and finish loop) of 2.238 kms. It was also possible to combine these three loops to form one giant track, the Gesamtstrecke, which measured an astonishing 28.265 kilometres. All of the first races on the Nürburg-Ring were held on the latter track. Chiron (Bugatti) drove a lap on the Gesamtstrecke in 15.06,02 minutes (112,31 km/h) in 1929

(emphasis mine) From: http://sudschleife.8200rpm.com/history.htm#1927

Also while we are in crazy fantasy-land-ain't-ever-gonna-happen mode, how about the Stelvio Pass?

But even more extreme than this would be the infamous and deadly Chaloos Highway. This road leads from Tehran to Chaloos over the Alborz Mountains and is a three hour drive of wicked switchbacks, hairpins and breathtaking scenery - embellished with the evidence of recent accidents where drivers have plunged to their doom down the mountain side.

(picture picture picture picture)


I would GLADLY pay for NEW TRACKS.

Either real or fantasy ones.
As longs as they keep the quality that we're used to.
#61 - aoun
With Meanie all the way!!!
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Here are my favourite tracks which obviously I would love to see in LFS. Sure, it'll probably never happen:

Cadwell Park
Oulton Park
Laguna Seca
I'm a bit surprized about the results so far. Especially about that people would actually pay 20£ or even more to get the ring in LFS. I know that I don't really like the 'ring but I would still pay up to 40€ to get it into LFS. Simply for what the track is. Driving XRR around the 'ring, mmmhh...

The 'ring itself is quite interesting question, to have it or not? It's long, hard, hard and long bumpy track. After 50 laps you can barely remember the corners and after 100 you are still guessing. It is hard. It would be almost unusable for pickup races and even for league races it really can't offer anything special than itself, a driver's challenge. 20 cars is just way too little for the monster, even with 40 cars you can have a lonely race. And the track is also expensive. Very. But at the same time it is the track that every racing sim enthusiast wants to drive. Would it sell more copies of LFS? Probably. Would it be worth the immensive work and the risk? I guess no one can tell. Simple math tells that if the rights costs about 35,000€, you would need to sell 1750 licenses for it. It doesn't sound much, but at the same time it delays everything else. And the 35k is not even all the expenses.

And at the same time you could have maybe 2 other real life tracks with the same costs and in shorter time. The 'ring would not be just an addon, it would be a sacrifice.

I disagree with the splitting the community idea because I think that there is no people to split. Those people who don't buy the xxx track wouldn't probably even be interested driving it.
Even if the 'ring was added, nobody would drive on it. It's way longer than anything we have now, and nobody races on the long tracks we have now. Just because it's real doesn't mean anyone will use it.

Also, with any tracks that require an extra payment, we have an even bigger divide in the game than we have now. People who can't afford (or don't want) to pay for it end up feeling like they're missing out and are therefor more likely to stop playing.
Then we end up with less players in general and those of us who wouldn't pay but would continue to play would find it even harder to get a decent race on a full grid.

I think anything that segregates the community is a bad thing. I think it was Becky Rose who suggested more short to medium length courses, and that's what I'd like to see. Included in the license price, or as a free mod. At least that way we'd see people on them.
And an alternative to the endless Aston National / GTR combo servers.
#65 - JJ72
Quote from thisnameistaken :I think paying for add-on tracks, generally, is a bad idea. It would split the community.

Plus, as I think has been said before: What's the point in real tracks when we have fake cars?

for me, the GTT is the GTT, it's a real car for me cos it drives like a proper car, same goes to any other cars in LFS. And I would love to drive the GTT on real tracks because some tracks are indeed really good. I wouldn't be arsed if you make me mickey mouse hockenham, But I will surely bone the ring even if you have to rename it into something like "the very long and famous race track will killed tens of race drivers GP".

historic value is a plus, but not a must.
#66 - mr_x
I wouldn't mind seeing Croft It's the closest track to me, and often produces some of the best racing in the BTCC (apart from Knockhill, which I wouldn't mind in LFS either by the way). Both tracks wouldn't have high licencing costs either, as they aren't too well known by anyone outside the UK :P
Brands Hatch (both layouts)
and a lot of other good tracks....

It would be very nice to have real life tracks.
A track creator should be released + a community website like Rfactorcentral should be setup

Rfactorcentral proves it is possible to work without having 100's of the same tracks.
Quote :tracks that require an extra payment

What I understood as "paying" for a track was factoring it in to the price of the game that everyone would have to pay, not as paid-for additional content. If it was extra content, no, I wouldn't pay.

@Kev: There is a clear difference, for me anyway. Cars will never feel "real" , for me, I can't tell it's that real life car I'm driving unless I'm actually in it. Tracks though, can be made very realistic and because their realism doesn't depend on "physics" the same way as cars, it's IMO possible to feel I'm driving a kick-butt car in this and this location. There's always the chill-factor of being able to drive on "legendary" tracks, it's the history behind them that make them so appealing.
Laguna Seca

please give us these tracks
I understood it neither as "everyone must pay" nor as "pay-for-content". Merely as a "who would chip in money to get track XYZ into S2". Personally I wouldn't mind that at all if other S2 licensed players who haven't paid get the track, too.
also...I would pay for an airport track (good for autocrossing}
and a Gravel (dirt) analog of a skidpad... (also good for autocrossing)
I actually think LFS benefits by not being tied down to 'reality' when it comes to track design so have ticked 'not interested.'

Anyway, GPL has the Nurburgring
Once you introduce 'pay tracks', you start splintering LFS up, which isn't good for the game, or the players.

I suppose once the dev's declare their work done, with S3 final, and release the tools or rights for mods, the game will be free to disintigrate.

In the meantime, the game is great without real tracks, and will continue to be for X years
Of course I'd love the real things, but what I'd like almost as much are more fictional tracks. I bet Eric could do a narrow, hilly, bumpy, long, Nordschleife-alike track real justice, and make it so that there are various shorter configurations also, which would make it more usable by LFS online players on a daily basis (something you couldn't neccessarily do with the real thing).
It might not have the kudos of the real thing, but I'd certainly still enjoy driving it.
I dont know when (and for now I don`t really care), but all I know is that I wont die without driving the Nordschleife/Nürburgring in LFS