The online racing simulator
3D rendered movie
(66 posts, started )
I have tried to put 3d animation on to an existing real background image. The 'test 01.avi' is F1 over still image background.

The 'test 03.avi' is using camera map on objects which create an illusion the car is actually on the track when the camera moves.

The 'test 02.avi' is another camera map example, but unfortunately the background image I used was not high resolution enough...

The 'test 05.avi' is everything in 3d. I only constructed a section of a track which is viewable to the camera by using sweep in 3ds max.

The animation of the car is using Path and Path Constraint with noise movements to simulate vibrations of car body/wheels/steering wheels etc. (can't afford car simulation plug in, and the toy car doesn't work well at all on twisty bends)
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test - 818 KB - 299 views
test - 1.8 MB - 281 views
test - 1 MB - 279 views
test - 1.3 MB - 294 views
Here is a F1 driver I modeled, textured and animated a little sequence (motions from 3ds max CStudio) to test the bone riggings.
Attached files - 1.5 MB - 344 views
lol the toy car is good for nothing but screwing around lol

as for test 5; the rear sweeps around, you may want to make the center point further back.. or something, something doesn't look right at all when its turning, it may even be that your FOV goes so low it just looks weird (also the head turns like mad lol)

as for the driver, i like the mime running into the wall sequence
The toy car is only good for going straight or slight bend only, the only thing good about it is that it rig the suspension automatically for you, so it gives you a realistic bounce, but you have no control of it, they should improve it by giving steering control.

On test 05, I think I have made the bend of the path too sharp, should ease it a bit so the car will look more natural on the bend, also because the camera is zooming close up to the car which will give an impression of the car sweep round the bend too.

Thanks for your comment
Hey, can you help me on this? I've been trying to make a normal mouth for my A-class, but I don't know what to do, it keeps ing up! The vid I'm attaching is not new, current version is different, but it has the same problem

Uploaded in 2(!) parts.
Attached files
video.part1.rar - 1.4 MB - 273 views
video.part2.rar - 1.1 MB - 249 views
Without seeing your working file it is difficult to say. There could be a few things. What do you use to rig the mouth movement? using path for the mouth shape and then apply Skin modifier? If you do it this way, you will have to make sure the area of vertices selected are exactly what you wanted, e.g. lower jaw will only include vertices in the lower part, if some of the upper lips area are selected, when you move the lower jaw up, some upper lips will move up too. Also make good use of soft selections. This will help the skin deform smoother (it also depends on how many polys you have in the bending area. more polys will look smoother). From watching the AVI, I can see some of the upper mouth corner vertices were not selected as soft selection.

Another way to do is create morph targets. create clones of the object, bend the mouth shape manually by using edit poly/mesh with soft selection swithed on. Create clones of some basic gestures such as open mouth, closed mouth, smile, 'O' shape etc. once you have created them, you can apply morph modifier to your original object, then include the clones as morph targets, now you can blend between each targets to animate the mouth movement. (remember when creating morph targets, do not increase or delete any polys, the morph target has to have the same amount of polys as its original)

I personally perfer using Morph tartgets, because I get more control of what I want, and I can always create more new morph targets.
Quote from samyip :Without seeing your working file it is difficult to say.

In attachment for my prev post!

Oh, I use bones+skin modifier, but what I'm speaking about is compressing.

That morph technique looks interesting! I used it (kinda ) when i made clay mpovies a while ago I mighta try it...
Also, the car's "jaw" has about 5K polys, do you know how to simplify it's transformation?

P.S. The link in the 1st post doesn't work for me
Quote from Funnycat :In attachment for my prev post!

Oh, I use bones+skin modifier, but what I'm speaking about is compressing.

That morph technique looks interesting! I used it (kinda ) when i made clay mpovies a while ago I mighta try it...
Also, the car's "jaw" has about 5K polys, do you know how to simplify it's transformation?

P.S. The link in the 1st post doesn't work for me

I haven't use bones that much, so I can't help you on that.

The link in the 1st post is back on working now.
if it has that many polys funnycat, thats your problem right there, they are being overlapped causing them to turn black and mess up, show a wireframe of that area and i'll see what i can do to clean it up so that doesn't happen
I think i messed the meshsmooth, and i got it collapsed for easier animating illepall
Attached images
what on earth... well theres your problem, your mesh isn't clean at all!
simply brillant, well done !
Quote from XCNuse :what on earth... well theres your problem, your mesh isn't clean at all!

I guess he doesnt know that a highpoly mesh (for use with mesh smooth) should have polygones with 4 edges each.
Quote from ORION :I guess he doesnt know that a highpoly mesh (for use with mesh smooth) should have polygones with 4 edges each.

illepallillepallillepall (attachment) Oh yeah, your pics @ZT are cool

Quote from XCNuse :what on earth... well theres your problem, your mesh isn't clean at all!

I'm a n00b in 3dsmax. I've only had it for a month
Attached images
lol its nice to see they are quads, but that doesn't have any effect anymore due to their position and how they flow; take about a 3/4 front end shot, and i'll show you how your polys should flow on it
Attached images
oh no what have i gotten myself into!....

obviously your going to have to restart completely, what you want, is a mesh.. like this: ... %20Boxster/f6596224-2.jpg

you want them equal squares, and flowing

i really can't help you on that picture, 1 because its already been smoothed out, 2 since its been smoothed out you really can't do anything on your own to it or you'd just mess it up even more

i tell you what, you rework it so you have nice equal looking squares, post it, and i'll help you then

(and as far as taking screenshots goes, all i need is a 3/4 view to work with, and whatever major part im looking at, in this case i'd use a front view since we're working on the front)
5 perspective views are... 4 to many
i promise you funnycat, once you understand how poly flow works, it'll stick with you; its just now that im starting to get my polys to flow more evenly, but it'll deffinetly stick with you for the rest of your modeling career

look around for wireframes of models to see how polys should be placed and spaced and how they should flow so you can get a better understanding
Quote from XCNuse : how polys should be placed and spaced and how they should flow

I don't get what you mean by flow illepall... like their alignment to each other, smooth lines and all?
they should be rectangles (i say rectangles and not squares, because.. well.. do i really need to say why?)

for example, shaddix, an extremely good modeler (who i believe might be working for Rockstar games sometime soon, gave my polyflow on my Z4 a somewhat good rating; he said it looks fairly good everywhere except the hood ... 20Z4%20Coupe/01fdde76.jpg

you should check out some forums to get some help though; specifically:
SMCars, CGCars, and Sektor41
The Z4 looks really good, even a noob like me can see that
gj nuse

3D rendered movie
(66 posts, started )