So why advertise it? By publicly complaining about it you're only making more people aware that it is possible to crack LFS in the first place, you've even told them the name of the file. Delete harmful thread.
people who crack have no other point in life to destory assets of companies that put hard earned time in, its their way of being a kid and having a childhood outside of real life. sometimes they grow up, mostly 90% don't and continue to do so. it's only a matter of time when you get caught, because that is every crackers goal, to be famous and be seen as a hero, but deep down, they want to get caught so they can grow up; and the only way for them to grown up is with big burtha in prison break.
I haved payed for this game, and I usually do, but look at people that uses cracks on games. Not everyone are hackers that only tries to destroy things, many people are just as you and me, but they can`t effort a lisence, or they got a other reason. I know many of those maybe are just ****s, but you canot judge all people the same way, that one use crack is not the same that he is A OMG CRACKER AND HACKER KILL HIM OMFG!!!!!!..
Hes just like you and me.. only want to play, would you really deny him that? And most people here have their lisence the normal way, that some people still choose to do it otherway can`t harm that much..
But that is only my point of veiw, I respect others veiws of things
As much as cracking is bad, I'm sure there are quite a few people here who bought S2 because they had tried a cracked copy and liked LFS enough to buy their licence.
If everybody would think this way, we would be still stuck in S1 without any prospect to get any further at anytime. If you really want to have the full version then you will find a way to pay for it. Just like thousands+ of people allready did. And btw, its just a matter of time a person with a cracked version gets caught (in case he is able to play online which i dont think is possible) so youre back where you have started. illepall And playing this game only offline is so boring, it has been made to be a multiplayer game primary, LFSW is a indicator for this.
I had the crack too, and tried lfs with it. Eventually I bought it because I wanted to play online, but I also wanted to try if the rest of the cars were worth it. At the moment I'm trying to get NFS carbon, if I download it, would anybody really care I ripped EA off?
well... shit happens, every company has to deal with it so it really shouldn't have any effect on the devs since im sure they realised that once they started selling private content, it would be broken into anyways so
here's a better idea; send out a "crack" for the newest patches (which is what everyone wants of course), which screws up people's registry, so everytime they start up LFS it will crash down and will never run; and if this is possible, the reason as to why i say the registry, is because then they could uninstall and install LFS as many times as they want, and it wont matter because it would be in the registry of the computer (which not many people know what it is, much less know how to fix it without screwing up their computer in the first place)
then we might get alot of "my LFS crashes at startup" threads from a ton of demo races but.. then we can point and laugh then, rather than get pissed off later finding out they have a crack
This is why we need a section for S2 people only...
Should I start a poll for the "people that paid for s2" only section? This would help as we could talk about things without worrying about demo users seeing it.
:jawdrop:...really?....he was pretending to be you in the future's msn chat???:jawdrop:
LFSnooB haha! are you sure you where not talking to yourself?illepall
Ot: Does'nt this belong in the Why we don't like driters in LFS thread?
@ LFSnoob: I like Finnish rock giz some new music???
: btw: cream Crackers is slang for traveling folk in na hEireann
Edit: Lmao!! Thread Title: Nackers(no, not those nackers) rofl!!!
Yes you are right, there are many small clusters of 'cracked accounts' in existance.
LFS is aware of the silly little existance these "nackers" have, dont stop dancing, because its fun.
yeah, great idea.... build up a big wall and make a tiny whole in it with a big angry looking man standing in front of it who keeps the demo drivers outside illepall
so people use the crack to play offline, so what? The point is, at the moment the Single Player is worthless, just for driving around a bit with a stupid AI.
As long as there is no crack that enables you to play online we shouldn't kill anyone. Do you really think that always telling them "this is bad and you gonna burn in hell for this" is really going to change anyones mind?
at some point people have to realize for their own that if it would be their work, they would want to be paid for it...
I think people develop cracks mainly because(in no order):
a) you get free stuff (software, notoriety)
b) it's a challenge, solving problems is fun!
I can count the number of crackers(software protection crackers) who have been caught on one hand:
Dmitry Skylaraov and DVD-Jon. I'm pretty sure neither of those guys wanted to get caught, since they both plead not guilty and were acquitted.
I don't forsee the online part of LFS being cracked since it uses an authentication system, even if it were cracked it wouldn't go unnoticed very long.
Problem now is that they're able to play online, of course not on our main lfs servers, but they can somehow bypass it and get connected to their own private hosts through LAN.
Like I said, "that" community is huge, and they're able to get connected with each other and hang out in one server, and they have S2 content, they're basically having the same fun as us do, except for LFSWorld stats and not paying anything.
Back in my college days I was a cracker, not a hacker, a cracker. I took out security protection from computer games and passed them on to contacts who spread the file. I was, then, part of an organised group who in their day released 5 out of every 8 cracked software titles. So I do have a little insight to the mind of crackers.
For me, sure I was never the popular kid, I wanted to be like the pretty girls and took up smoking like they did, I wanted to be good at dancing, but i'm a lanky bint with no natural talent, I didn't even get asked to the prom, what came easy to me was computing, so that's what I did - but playing games was dull as by then I was already getting cynicle about rehashes of old titles. I did write the odd game, but I wasn't yet complete enough in my skills to make good games that I wanted to play.
So I had this trivial attitude toward games software, but it was my only interest that I was any good at ... Motor racing of course was something of a family tradition, but I never got to drive for myself until I could afford to pay my own way, so I stuck to computing.
Firstly i'll say that software crackers have nothing to do with organised crime, although sure organised gangs surely downloaded the pirated software and made profit selling it at bootsales and markets, but that's their deal. Cackers do it for a few reasons, money or guns aren't any of them:
A) Prestige & Community - It's a bit stupid really, but I could go to any BBS (internet? We didn't have that back in my day) and be instantly recognised by my handle. My handle was widely known, and my presence on a bulletin board was normally spotted by admins (sysops) where due worship commenced. I loved that Oh did I love that . However it's not all about recognition, but community too - I was a significant member of an international scene/movement, I knew a lot of people, and at heart i'm a social beast ... but my social appetite was never satisfied at school/college where I was unpopular.
B) For the Challenge - Cracking is quite easy most of the time. I wont claim to have been a very good cracker, but anti-cracking techniques where in their infancy back then so I had a pretty easy time of anything I looked at. Due to my own ineptness I still took great joy in actually succeeding, because every crack was an accomplishment. There was never any contempt or disrespect of the people who actually wrote it, if anything, admiration of some of the stuff they had done with their code - but to be frank, and without wanting to sound communist, I didn't give a blind hoot about whether it effected their business or not as the brutal reality was for every commercial release there was a race to be the first pirate group to crack it.
I grew out of that phase of my life and turned my skills to more constructive uses by writing games myself. A hobby I still pursue from time to time even to this day. These days I write some pretty complicated stuff, sure i'm not Scawen, but at least i'm not ripping him off .
It wasn't actually the police raids that woke me up either, it was a conscious decision to turn these skills I had learned into something that would be positive instead of negative.
Almost every piece of software I have written I have given away for free, a tip of the hat to the old scene in many ways, but maybe subcontiously it's because I dont feel I should earn anything out of software sales.
For all my crimes, of which there where over 500, the statute of limitations has expired.
I hope this gives some insight into pirated software and the reasons why it happens, what you chose to believe and whether you judge me on it is up to you.
For my part, i'm still unpopular out in the real world, but my free software team at their height grew larger and more sucessful than any pirate group has ever achieved, if it's prestige I was after then by going legit my team achieved at our peek achieving in excess of 1m game downloads per month, for nearly two years.